Content: Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Background: Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Pattern: Blank Waves Notes Sharp Wood Rockface Leather Honey Vertical Triangles
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Posts posted by Terex

  1. I like it as long as it doesn't add more grind than TFC already has. Any handicap should be "upgradable" to a method that is easier to get things done. Building requires huge amount of resources so i would like to see building still being viable. Building will always be an end-game scenario.


  2. I seem to have noticed these long range cave ins, outside a supported area i'm mining. I'd imagine a simple rule that says "i'm mining a supported block, don't cause a cave in", sounds simple to implement. I'm more of a "going for the ore where i see it, than systematically building supported tunnels" kinda guy... 


  3. I'll probably keeps these running in parallel as there may be some mods unable to be used past 1448 and it really isn't hard to do so.


    Just found out that the shaders mod will work with the new Forge version (included in your build 4), IF the latest Optifine mod (ultra version) is installed alongside it. 


  4. I found a nice seed if you like tall mountains, rivers and forests around a lake.





    There is also an ocean nearby. I just started playing so no buildings yet.


    When you spawn, you want to walk to these coordinates for a good spot on the lake: 700,-13730






    There are tons of ores (so far i've seen bismuthinite, copper, gold, limonite, magnetite, coal, and kaolinite) around the mountains and forest. It's a very northern location, so prepare for winter! Winter is coming.


    Important: to get rivers and some other things, you should use the AT launcher TFC modpack by Bunsan (see other forum).


  5. The current intent is to make sure that, at least for the first few islands, there will be some required resources present so that no bottlenecks occur. As for the rock layers, each island is its own single rock layer at this time. Fear not, there are plans for deeper rock layers on each island, but nothing that I want to reveal quite yet..


    Oh that's not what i had hoped. Anyway, too early to make judgment.


  6. This isn't true. If you allocate too much RAM you'll get just as much lag if not worse spikes than not having enough allocated.


    I have not experienced this personally but I wont argue against you on this.


    EDIT: I meant to say having enough ram allocated would not mean your maximum fps goes up magically. If you really do not have enough ram allocated, TFC would run like garbage, meaning crippling fps of 5 or less. That i know from personal experience. As soon as sufficient ram is allocated, adding a bit more wont make much difference compared to other options i suggested earlier. 


  7. I would vote for Stephen Colbert :P But i'm no American.


    Incidentally, senator Elisabeth Warren had a lot to say, convincingly on the topic of Treyflix above.


  8. Allocating more ram helps reduce lag issues (when you notice all ram is used in F3), but i'm not sure it actually improves your maximum frame rates per se...


  9. Best way to increase frame rate is to reduce chunk render distance (i.e. visibility range). Also, you can play at lower resolution by first changing your desktop resolution to something less. Of course, play on fast graphics in the MC menu.


  10. The typical response would be that TFC is made for multiplayer. But I think it's still enjoyable enough for single player and would hope the mod never becomes unfeasible for single player. TFC is a lot of fun because things take longer, in my opinion, especially since vanilla minecraft objectives (ending with the battle with the dragon) can be "completed" in a single play session. 


    I'm now playing 7 days to die and i think it shares a lot of the same grind as TFC. Still, that does not deter me from playing it alone.


  11. Eww, so many lines of code for mc1.8 to do the same thing (visually). Maybe in vanilla minecraft it's not that bad and gives a performance boost, but in TFC2 i can't imagine so much code will still speed things up. 


    EDIT: I also remember now those 3d resourcepacks are indeed terrible for MC performance... 


  12. Why still argue about his original post? Balthizarlucien is clearly not pissed off anymore :D


    We can still discuss the merits and downsides of borrowing ideas into a new project, though.


    One can ask what the motivation is for a different implementation of a game. I think usually the motivation is purely from the developer him/herself, not specifically targeted for an audience. However, as a community grows around the idea, the audience becomes more important. Anyway, because TFC was the first total conversion mod for minecraft with survival focus, metallurgy and geology, to me it can't be beat. I look for originality in mods/modpacks which is what Vintagecraft mostly lacks at the moment. That's just my opinion.
