Content: Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Background: Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Pattern: Blank Waves Notes Sharp Wood Rockface Leather Honey Vertical Triangles
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Everything posted by flamewolf393

  1. How to make this mod work?

    So no matter what I do, this mod never activates. I followed the instructions on the installation page, and I even made sure to run minecraft as the 1.6 version since thats the latest version this mod is compatable with. And yet nothing changes from normal minecraft. How do I make this mod actually work?
  2. How to make this mod work?

    So then how is it that I had the most recent version of forge without ever having installed it before or running mods before?
  3. How to make this mod work?

    Yeah... its working now. I feel like a dunce XD Though I seem to be unable to properly use fullscreen with this mod enabled. In fullscreen mode it only takes up about 2/3 of the screen and the rest is black or show menu glitches.
  4. How to make this mod work?

    Oh so not only do we have to run the older version of minecraft we have to specifically install an older version of forge over the current version that is built in to the client? I guess that makes a bit more sense XD Sorry I got confused and thought maybe the intructions just hadnt gotten updated since the the mod itself hadnt been updated... I was wondering why the video still showed having to manually install forge.
  5. How to make this mod work?

    What installer? Minecraft doesnt need an installer for forge anymore. The 1.7 versions come with forge built into the client now.
  6. How to make this mod work?

    Why would I change back to a different profile? Im trying to run forge so of course Im starting with the forge profile. Is there maybe some kind of bug that would cause forge to just not load even if you tell it to run?
  7. How to make this mod work?

    Yes I do that.
  8. How to make this mod work?

    No, bottom left corner just says Minecraft 1.6.4, and there is no mods button anywhere.
  9. How to make this mod work?

    yes to both.
  10. Insane lag

    I installed this mod today, and its basically unplayable with all the constant lag. My machine spec's are fine, I play normal minecraft with no lag at all. I have optifine, and no other mods. I have no other programs running. The game with the mod is using almost triple the ram as vanilla minecraft (vanilla uses about 500mb and this is using 1.4gb), but still not anywhere near my ram capacity. The only time I dont have significant lag is when I am on fully loaded chunks with no trees, mobs, or structures.
  11. How to survive the first night??

    I have yet to survive a single night without peacefull mode. The mobs are too tough to fight with stone tools (which makes no sense, a stone axe should be just fine for a couple zombie), and with how long it takes to get blocks you can actually build with you have no shelter. You cant just run from the mobs since at least zombies always home onto your position. How the **** do you survive this???
  12. Build 77 Starting Shelters

    I thought you had to have metal tools to mine stone?
  13. Insane lag

    Reinstalled optifine.... back to lag only near trees and mobs. @ ranadiel: I dont have any options about performance or chunk loading. Edit: Apparently I never actually had optifine working right in the first place. Edit2: I did a full fresh install of minecraft from the ground up, got forge, got optifine. Everything works. I load TMC and suddenly forge gives me the error: "you have mod sources that are duplicate within your system"..etc. I only installed it in one place, I know there are not duplicates of it... What did I do wrong now?
  14. Insane lag

    So I got optifine removed, and now it lags just as much as ever if not worse. Is by far the worst when near trees. @ranadiel: What is mulitcore analyzing? @deviator: no disappearing blocks here.
  15. Build 77 Starting Shelters

    You can actually get enough materials to make a shelter by the 1st sunset?? I cant seem to.
  16. Insane lag

    That is going to suck if that is the case. Optifine is basically a requirement for vanilla play these days. And its not something you can just switch on and off... In fact I dont even know *how* to remove it...
  17. Insane lag

    ...Optifine is specifically designed for decreasing lag.
  18. How to survive the first night??

    What is spawn protection? I rarely move more than a chunk or two from my spawn to make my base and I still get plenty of mobs.