Content: Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Background: Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Pattern: Blank Waves Notes Sharp Wood Rockface Leather Honey Vertical Triangles
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Everything posted by Deez

  1. Hemp

    I would very much like to see someone smoke hemp, or try to extract a medicinal use from it. Hemp as I know it, is the male portion of the Cannabis plant that has been used Industrially, while the female is the one with the psychoactive properties. It's difficult enough to even breed Cannabis from a seed because like animals, you need to sex them and either destroy the males or keep them completely separate. If a male were to pollinate a female it would being to produce seeds and create a transgender plant, rendering the "medicinal" properties useless. Therefore, Hemp is the male version and wouldn't get you high even if it were to have the extraction procedures done to it to produce oil, hash or alcohol (for tinctures). Good day. Oh and to stay on topic; I like the idea of adding a loom and whatever else you would need to turn raw wool/hemp into string then into cloth.
  2. You are Added! tl;dr Added!
  3. Wooden Arrows

    Since flint is so valuable in a multiplayer environment, I propose that an alternative recipe for arrows to be added. They should only really require a stick and a feather, and possibly a knife or something to widdle one end into a point.
  4. Wooden Arrows

    Yeah the wooden ones are just the first tier really. Wooden arrows will be replaced by stone, replaced by metals, and yeah.
  5. Denied because of your history on another TFC server. Please contact me through a PM if you wish to discuss this further.
  6. Markings availability

    This is a good idea, I agree that charcoal can be used to make markings like it was in the real world at one point.
  7. These videos were made by direwolf20 a while ago, and they're kind of outdated now but I used them as a starting point when I first started and I figured some others might enjoy watching them.
  8. Stairs, slabs etc.

    You need a hammer and nails to make stairs from wooden planks cut by a saw blade. :|
  9. I'm not a fan of the current torches... because they're Kerosene garden lamps.
  10. Monster squids

    The Kraken!
  11. Thanks for this wonderful Mod.

    Seriously dude, thank you so much. My community has grown and the server I'm hosting has so many nice and amazing people that I've gathered a bunch of new friends from it. I really can only thank you and your awesome talent for it!
  12. Yeah looks like we need another update, hopefully I won't have to remake the world though.
  13. Why bother?!

    The OP was trying to recruit for a faction/guild/group, he had copypasta'd his thread from the Minecraft forums. Apparently people had a problem with him claiming to be disabled as an excuse for poor spelling and grammar.
  14. Added! P.S. The server is up and running PRE20 now.
  15. Added! But the server is down for maintenance, hopefully not long.
  16. The server has been updated to Pre 17 and because of the lava fix I decided to reset the world once again. You'll notice the spawn area looks the same and that's because we're using a seed now... so all of your stuff is still technically there. Edit: Here's some more information if you didn't know; http://www.terrafirm...oad/change-log/ Edit 2: Pre 18 now to fix the bugs of 17.
  17. Dual Weilding

    A few mods have been capable of pulling off dual wielding, and I feel that this is something we should definitely have for TFCraft as a basic system. I'd really love if holding a torch cast off light as well, to make dual wielding that much more meaningful.
  18. Armor not adding protection?

    Just sayin'
  19. The Unofficial TerraFirmaCraft Wiki

  20. Automatic World Backups on a server?

    This. I actually had to disable my automatic backups because we were updating so frequently, with new world generation as well.