Content: Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Background: Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Pattern: Blank Waves Notes Sharp Wood Rockface Leather Honey Vertical Triangles
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Posts posted by Deez

  1. All our shit was stolen even though we hid it all, welcome to cheating pvp land, ciao Oddworld.

    Also wanted to add we were averaging around 5-10 players nightly, pvp was enabled and now theres 0 logged in, good game.

    I'm not sure what you guys expected me to do about stealing before PVP was enabled... but now at least you have the option to defend yourselves.

    It's convenient that this happened right after I made the "controversial" change that you and others were opposed to isn't it?

    Just had all my valuables stolen (while I was offline) because I built my base in the assumption that no stealing was allowed. And no PvP. Not really feeling like starting over either with how you treat your players.

    Well, but you have made yourself quite clear. Have fun playing on your empty server then... or searching for the few other players that are going to hide themselves now I guess.

    btw. the few people that voted were probably the handful that was still playing.

    Who are you?


  2. Would the results have made any difference in the decision out of curiousity

    No, as I said before it was just to get a feel for the idea. Not enough people voted, and the ones who did, I didn't recognize.

    You'll have to message me when you're back for your OP status again. See you on the 15th.

    Edit: Also the server is getting a ram upgrade today so it might be offline for about an hour.


  3. Got busy in here quick. I should make a big point that I won't be doing any of this until Beta 2 is done i.e. not any time soon.

    If that's the case then I take back my last comment about it being too soon.


  4. I have plans to use the Factions plugin because of its simplicity and user control. No admin should ever have to fix issues with a group.

    But I have to agree with Holy_Shield, this is too soon to release another aspect of the game when there is still a lot to finish with Metallurgy, Agriculture and Construction.


  5. perhaps there could be some rules. Like no griefing, but stealing and such would be allowed

    That rule is pretty much in effect. You're free to treat others as you would have them treat you but griefing/harassment without purpose is not allowed.

    So you can raid villages and castles and shit already technically.

    This is why I want to enable PVP, so people will understand, be cautious, and hopefully play accordingly.


  6. Wouldn't that lead to more isolation of the players as is already the case?

    Yes, correct. Hide well and often or play with your friends. Making friends might not be too easy yet but I believe in you.

    if pvp is enabled will that mean the stealing form other player's chest will be allowed now that the player can defend there chest by kill the opposing player?



  7. If you enable PvP, what rules would there be? Certainly some safeguards against attacking players that are still trying to make their first ingot from a sluice should be considered, but I can't imagine how to implement it.

    None whatsoever. If we do this then you're on your own and encountering other players will most likely be a life or death situation.
