Content: Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Background: Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Pattern: Blank Waves Notes Sharp Wood Rockface Leather Honey Vertical Triangles
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Everything posted by digger1213

  1. Hotfix: 77.22 Name: generator.FLAT in world generation types and does nothing Category: Minor Description: I was about to generate my first world on this new computer, and happened to click More World Options... and clicked the world type. It changed to something called generator.FLAT. I used this for my world, and it didn't really look any different to a regular world. Have you deleted your config files and are still able to reproduce this bug: Dont think its required as I only just downloaded TerraFirma on this computer.
  2. Stay real

    TerraFirma is about believability. Monsters are there for some challenge from my point of view, so you actually have to be careful. Magic would go too far, and remove the "Believability" aspect of this mod. You already can get some good armor from monsters anyway, that's a simple reason to go and "Fight rather than sleep". If you like magic, then this probably isn't the right mod for you. Edit: I thought I was replying to someone... cant see their post anymore? uhhh... Edit2: Thought I was replying to Pwnlord. First page, that's why I didn't see...
  3. ??? Bloom acting wierd

    Hotfix: ? (I am on the latest version if that's what this is) Name: Bloomery giving 0% bloom when finished Category: Severe (To me it is ) Description: I started my bloom, took me a while to get it working due to me not understanding the charcoal amounts, and waited several days as I had forgotten about it. When I remembered it had finished, I climbed up the ladder, broke the glitched "molten" block (reported in the "Read before posting" area) and broke the bloom. I then used that minecraft "magic" glitch to suck it through the walls and into my inventory. I checked how much percent It was, and I was shocked to find it said "Raw Iron Bloom" "0%". It was a waste of 16 limonite ore, and I would like to know why this happened. It is not a server side glitch, I tried working it and got like no wrought iron at all..Thank you for your time. Have you deleted your config files and able to reproduce this bug:Don't think it matters, this is on my private server.
  4. Ceramic Vessel says liquid when there is no liquid in it Minor Description: I am not sure how I did it,but I think I logged out when a vessel with liquid copper was in my inventory. When I logged back in, I forgot about it. After realizing I had It in my inventory for about 5 minutes, I used it, and drained all the copper out of it into ingot casts. However, the vessel still said "Liquid" in it. When I right clicked it, I could put items in it. I have a screenshot, here it is I am on the latest version, it usually says what liquid is in it.
  5. Brass as a tool metal

    I never got copper tools, i went straight to bronze from surface cassiterite and native copper/tetrahedrite found all 3 types from rocks on the surface in the hills like 50 blocks from my house. Anyways, on topic, brass should have more uses other than red steel (or was it blue?). If you made brass, you wont be able to use it until the end of the game.
  6. List of new monsters

    I agree with the others, this mod does need some realism. Adding these mobs would go too much into the fantasy side of things. Im not saying creepers and giant spiders are realistic though... xD
  7. Ceramic Vessel says "Liquid" when no liquid is in it

    My vessel still says "Liquid" (after several days irl), and now ive got two vessels thatsaythey have liquidthat are empty.Also, when it still had the liquid copper, it never cooled down, Ican stilluse it even after half an hour irl.
  8. 2x2 Tree Bug

    I never crash, but I get a HUGE lag spike when I cut down a large 2x2 tree. After collecting all the logs the lag goes away.