Content: Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Background: Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Pattern: Blank Waves Notes Sharp Wood Rockface Leather Honey Vertical Triangles
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About H4XX0R

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    Freshly Spawned
  1. Stay real

    Technically not true. This article herecould explain it rather well. What we could find there, however, could be considered whatever you want.
  2. List of new monsters

    I figured that would be the case. Didn't really want to emphasize them much, with this in mind.
  3. List of new monsters

    Sorry, double-posted. Computer error.
  4. List of new monsters

    Ah,now I'm starting to understand. Alright, in this case, we want more "wild animal" mobs, which would include the things like wolverines, hyenas, badgers, etc. Also, if unopposed, bandits, thieves, bounty-hunters, and other human entities. Save the more fantasy-like creatures for dungeon threats. In this case, we can scrap the chameleon-like thing and goblin (unless you want to include goblins amongst the bandits and other human enemies), allow the hellhounds to be deep,deep dungeon creatures, and the demons could be one-time-only boss creatures in specific dungeon rooms. The ghost and shadow might be an addition to the norm (skeleton, zombies, etc.) as is, since they are mere steps up from the already present mobs.
  5. The Real Life or Just Fantasy

    As I stated above, I understand there would be a problem there. Which is why I said they could make new developers. Heck, once I familiarize myself with the mod-making material, I'd be willing to become a developer. What exactly do you mean by "single player friendly"? As far as I can see, the mod works great, as it should, and as envisioned. I find nothing wrong with the "single player friendliness".
  6. After lurking moar on this forum, I've found there to be a large divide in how this mod should be run: The extreme realists who believe this mod should be an exact reflection of real life, and the "Believable" not "Realistic" group who want it to be Minecraft, but with tweeks to make it better and, truly, make sense. Let's go ahead and say we want to please them both. Split the mod into two. Make one Realistic Terrafirma, the other Fantasy Terrafirma. Let the players decide how they think Minecraft should have been made, and go with it. Not only will this please everyone, but it will also open the door for much more possibility. For the Fantasy Terrafirma, more of anadventure feel could be given, while in Realistic, it would be more of asurvival game. Both would have the important aspects that drove everyone to it (Enhanced Health, Hunger, and thirst, more metals, more... well, stuff in general), but one would be more based on, not necessarilymagical,but fantasy-like elements, while the other drives more toward surviving on wild terrain, advancing into industry and machinery (I don't think that's actually in the current build, but it could be in Realistic Terrafirma). I understand there may be some difficulty with the staff and building the mod a second time differently, and this may be the one thing that causes this to not happen. Unfortunately, I've yet to find a solution to that particular problem myself. Fortunately, I could probably speak for a few of the fans out there in saying we would be willing to join a team to redevelop this mod"as it should have been" Who all agrees?
  7. List of new monsters

    Ah, well then, perhaps the "Suggestion Thread Directory" should either be updated or unpinned, seeing that it is using outdated material, making itself outdated. Though, remaining on the topic, I could at least see the ghost maintaining relevance in a world of skeleton and zombies. Truthfully, if we want believable, we would want to scrap the undead and enderman and make the threats things you would normally see, and that would normally be threatening, like wild bears (which I know are already implemented), rabid wolverines, etc., and, if you aren't apposed to not being the only human entity in Terrafirmacraft, bandits, robbers, and the like. Those would be the only truly believable enemies you would find. I understand, though, you are seeking a fine line between "realistic" and "believable." I, however, am having trouble seeing where that line is drawn, in this instance.
  8. List of new monsters

    *Ahem* If my suggestion goes too far into fantasy, then what are these?
  9. List of new monsters

    Hey, this is my first time on this forum. I found myself getting rather bored with all the generic mobs in Vanilla Minecraft, so I started thinking up a few that I'd like to see in Minecraft. Since the suggestion thread was here, I thought I'd give small list of them with my thoughts on each one. If you like some of them, then you could try to implement the. (Sorry if I do something wrong here. It's very easy to do on your first post on a forum.)DemonBasic suggestion, broad description of it, take it as you will.May include lesser demons, or dungeon-specific boss demons.Could find some way to insert it into this mod for whatever reason possible, but if the argument is too long, then can be forgotten.HellhoundBasically, a reskinned wolf with fire-touch.Should be simple to build, and not difficult to implement.Could be added for same reason as the demon.Could also be dungeon-specific, but to make it a boss would be unreasonable.GoblinsIf a description is necessary, you might need to play more RPGsThere can always be more life in Minecraft. The addition of goblins could only be part of it.May also include Goblin settlements, but that's a different suggestion altogether. Not asking that of you.ShadowSimilar in shape to player, but pitch-black.Instantly catches fire when on a block with a light level higher than {insert variable here; probably 8}(Optional features) capable of moving up walls unless properly lit; likewise, may be able to movethrough walls if blocks have a light level of 1 or lower.Chameleon (-like creature)​Only takes up one blockAble to camouflage itself to make it look like another block.Shows real form when hit; can only deal damage in true form, but can still push you around.GhostTranslucent, white-tinted Steve with no legs.Capable ofclimbing floating up walls and moving through walls.Stops moving if in the player's vision.Cannot go near blocks with light level {insert variable here; probably 8} or higher.As I said, I have quite a few suggestions, and these are only a few of them that might make sense, and add some variety to the hostile mobs so you don't get bored fighting the same zombies, skeleton, and creepers over and over again like I have. If you like them, feel free to use them. If not, feel free to voice your reason, and perhaps find a way to make it work if possible.