Content: Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Background: Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Pattern: Blank Waves Notes Sharp Wood Rockface Leather Honey Vertical Triangles
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abandoned mines

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Everything posted by abandoned mines

  1. if we were to add the bioluminessant algea / fungi how bright would they be? also what if they only slightly glowed until you walked over or near them? it would be neat to walk into an altra dep cave and suddenly small lights begain to dance all around you with many different colours and paterns. for aglea in water they would only begin to glow if you or something entered the water (as this is what the actual life form does to allert its buddies about predaters). just thoughts
  2. what if the mushrooms got there food from natural minerals around them? i personally know of serveral forms of algea and fungi that ingest minerals around them, there found in local mines all the time
  3. i use my machine for a terrain generator program that my school uses we are given underground drilling results and hav to map out what the mineral structures would look like under ground. the programs simple and doesn't use alot of RAM, the rendering part to acully veiw the 3D image is what made me get 20gb on my new computer.
  4. crap sorry i was really tired >.<
  5. heres an idea when the regional temp goes down below freezing you can see your breath infrount of yonu and on surfaces like glass
  6. your machine sounds alot like my new one mines got 20gb ram 2tb hdd and same graphics card as you dells do seem to work really well if you know how to take care of them mine cost me about $1160
  7. i agree with Just_Another_Guy_ the world is nice and deep already. all we need to do is get the geology correct (ie ores spawn in veins in mountains, veins spawn in long thin layers that end off at large nodes, caves feel more natural and less random with large open areas) i believe my idea for better fitting ore gen would greatly effect beginning players (making ore visible on the surface).
  8. i agree that cave gen needs an over hall and i also like the idea of simulated techtonic forces. for cave gen i think that theree should be water involved (water from a river flowed underground creating drainage lakes). for the techtonics, what if we implamented flaults and buckling into the terrain gen code. this would give the impression of active geology and also wouldd allow for very interesting caves and natural structuring underground. on a side note, i think ore veins should spawn only near areas of faulting or fracturing as this would make vein systems more correct. veins would follow faulted layers of rock and would "fill" in spaces left by fracturing. in this way ores could be found at the surface and followed at differing directions, following the fault structure.
  9. i d love to stumble apon a mushroom forest
  10. The "you won't believe what happened to me today" thread

    while playing on a LAN server with my friend Ty we found a ravine that was exposed in the side of a large dark over hang. we began our decent into the dark passage way and found a large cave in blocking our path. as we had some tnt with us we desided to unblock the tunnel the quickest way we knew how. the explosion left a large crator behind and we thought all was safe. as ty walked forward he vanished! i looked down to find a vertical shaft that after counting went 90 blocks down into the earth. ty seid he couldn't see anything and was trying to figure out why he was not dead after the solid free fall. i jumped after him and crashed into a large water filled ravine. ty had missed the ravine and yet he was still alive with full health ??! we followed the river for around 1000 blocks and found a massive silver gold vein !!!! as we began to mine anouther friend appeared in the world. he was extatic at what we had found and was about to follow us to the new mine when the biggest cave in i have ever seen occourd. ty died instantly and i was almost killed with only one half heart remaining. i put tys and my items in a chest and commited suicide. my group of 12 ran back to the spot where the cave had been and tried to reenter the massive cave network but to no avail later i went into mcedit and examined the area where the cave had been only to find that almost the hole cave length had collaped.
  11. I just got the worst TFcraft spawn imagable

    found an even worse seed last night while generating worlds "coldsnap" spawns you inside a dark cavern near the surface (sometimes 10 - 25 blocks below the surface)
  12. bee hives (for food and crop polination)

    hi guys how does this sound what if bee hives randomly generated in large trees these rare structures when broken would give several chunks of honey comb placing honey comb in a crafting bench with a jar will give you a jar of honey of course going near a bee hive can be dangerous and after you have broken the nest you may want to start running perhaps we could have some form of particle effect around bee hives to act as bees (when the nest is destroyed you take a small amount of damage) if the bee hive is near or attached to a branch on a tree the nest can be collected in a jar and placed near crops having a bee hive near a field could help increase crop yield for flowering plants. honey has several other uses other than in food. if spread on a newly opened wound, honeys antibacterial properties will stop infection and speed up the healing process. in game this could give you faster health regen (by a small amount) wax from honey could be used to make candles (all ready suggested before) any other ideas ?
  13. bee hives (for food and crop polination)

    good to see all the neat new ideas on my thread
  14. IRL ores from real mines

    its part of our heritage that has sort of stuck in our minds as a useful skill its also a good way to get out and explore our land scape (especially in british columbia) we have the illegal miners as well though most of them are first nations. i my self do alot of prospecting as it makes alot of money if you know where to look
  15. IRL ores from real mines

    its funnyin my home town there are about 350 geologists and maybe 250 prospectors its something rural Canadians (and Americans) teach their children. i don't know one kid in my area that has not gold panned at least once.
  16. IRL ores from real mines

    man i wish i had gotten of my butt andposted sooner heres a tetrahedrite crystal in white calcite chalcopyrite gold barring arsenopyrite any of these good? i have tons of pics of ore thats come directly from the ground at my mine site near Smithers BC
  17. Oil! [not petroleum]

    It would be interesting to see mineral oils within the mod as well, though i am totally in support of rendering oils from animal products for lighting and other uses. on a side note if you do use build craft with this mod, the build craft oil spawns at the old ground lvl any ideas as to how to change that ?
  18. odd inventory glitch can anyone help?

    i tryed installing NEI and i still get the same problem i have no idea whats going on but for now TFcraft is unplayable on my end
  19. odd inventory glitch can anyone help?

    this is what happens when i try to use the Anvil GUI this happens on every anvil and it makes the anvil useless as i can't place the hammer in its correct spot is this a known glitch? if so can you guys help me ? i am useing Beta v2 Build 52e
  20. ancient wonders (reconstruction project)

    hello everyone after spending some time doing nothing but watching epicodes of lost worlds on the history channel i decided to start building some of the ancient worlds greatest structures and cities. my challenge is for the people of the forums to construct your favorite ancient monuments and than show case them here for display. i ll soon have pictures of some of my attempt at the great city of Troy, which the Greeks infamously annihilated. anyone got ideas for other cities or super structures? later on i ll be trying Hadrians Wall and than Carthage (though that might take a while lol) lets see yours.
  21. A little romantic suggestion about hostile mobs spawning.

    just thought this might be of interest to some of you guys this is the mutant creeper mod have a gander at that thing
  22. A little romantic suggestion about hostile mobs spawning.

    i am with bsb23 on this one. i like creepers as they are part of the game, i actually like having them around because they give the player to stay on there toes about. to give the creepers somewhere to live, why don't we give them some form of underground flat land, with a materials similar to a mushroom biome with large dimly glowing mushrooms and different colored green water. i always thought of creepers as a form of fungus, that explodes to procreate. these flat lands would be fairly large, perhaps interconnected with caves and tunnels. every so often creepers could make there way to the surface, but would prefer to stay in the shadows, not because they would burn but because the caves are there home. its my opinion that we just leave creepers alone, or at least give them some actual purpose instead of simply canning them, as that's just lazy.
  23. ancient wonders (reconstruction project)

    i shall when i have figured out why minecraft hates my new computer i am playing at the mo on my fathers machine. i will get the full specs of my new computer in the morning if anyone can help me
  24. Your chisel creations!!

    now thats awesome i think i ll have to try and build a stamp mill when my new computers figured out
  25. ancient wonders (reconstruction project)

    if someone offered up a server for these sort of projects i would join in