Content: Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Background: Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Pattern: Blank Waves Notes Sharp Wood Rockface Leather Honey Vertical Triangles
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Everything posted by KJGinger

  1. [Offline] TFC Vanilla server v78.17 [Dynmap, LWC]

    Hey there, I'm applying for my friend who doesn't have a Forums account, hope you don't mind! IGN: KJGinger Age: 17 Province/State you live in: VA What kind of experience do you have with TFC?: I've played up to iron age in the last version, but haven't played around much with the newest build. IGN: dacilo Age: 16 Province/State you live in: PA What kind of experience do you have with TFC?: Played a bit with former build, completely new to the most recent update.
  2. Alright, I've come up with a possible solution. I'm not certain on the difficulties coding this in would provide, but ideas are fun, right? Perhaps rather than limiting items themselves based on amount of sizes possible, theres a total possible weight a character can carry. Now, this system doesn't include shapes of objects, and thus the inconvenience of carrying them (IE, it's much more difficult to carry an oddly shaped object of a lighter weight than a heavier object of cubic shape), because I believe that would just be excessive. This could be implemented in a variety of ways, but some of the ones most apparent to me include: Basic Cap: There's a maximum weight a player can carry, and once they reach this weight, they cannot move or move with a debilitating slowness. Similar to the system instituted in theElder Scrolls games. Tiered Punishments: Players have several levels, or tiers of punishments inflicted by weight carried. This system has flat plateaus of limits, like this. For example, once a player carries 45Kg, they move 10% slower, Once up to 90Kg, 20% slower. (Example values completely off the top of my head and hold no actual reference, just for understanding of idea) Scaling Punishments: Similar to Tiered Punishments, but every Kg (Or whatever measurement of weight chosen) adds increased punishment to the player. IE: You have 45Kg moving 10% slower, and adding one Kg increases that speed punishment whatever ratio the devs feel to be balanced. Now, I believe the way items are to be weighed would have to be either individually assigned to each object, based entirely on the current 'weight' (light, heavy, very heavy) of each object, or based on a spreadsheet combining the weight and size of each object. In this way, size could be used as a placeholder for inconvenience of carrying each object. IE: It's harder to hold a large wooden door than a pickaxe, even though they may weight the same amount. Realistically, the average soldier is able to safely carry about 50lbs (Source), though soldiers frequently carry 70-90lbs (Source). so perhaps some sort of system could be devised keeping this in mind. Personally, I am of the opinion that a combination of the Basic Cap system, and the Size/Weight value would be the system that causes the least frustration while still reforming the inventory system in a positive manner. Though it's not a 100% realistic solution, I am of the opinion that it is believable. I'd love to hear the opinions and additions anyone else has to make.
  3. [0.79.15] Rhodance's "HugBox" Server [Closing May 22]

    Hey, me and a couple friends were looking to join, but I'm the only one with a Forum Account, so they asked me to apply for them. KJGinger (Me) dacilo tylan8 notaspy0_0 RJGinger Reason: We're looking for a nice server active server to play on and set up a small settlement Thanks in advance
  4. [*]In-game name: KJGinger [*]Age: 17 [*]Where do you come from: USA [*]Native Language (must be able to speak english): Native Language - English, also speak Welsh and German [*]Read all server rules?: Of course. [*]Where did you hear about our Server(s)?: This thread.
  5. While I believe Hyena Grin raises many excellent points about the benefits of an inventory system rehaul (The necessitating of small settlements with workshops and whatnot within range of the harvesting point being something I very much enjoy the idea of). I don't believe a realisticoption is available, nor one that is both enjoyable and believable. I want to preface this rebuttal by saying that I really like your idea; and I'd love to see some sort of realism/believability instituted into the inventory system. Realistically, one must ask where the inventory is actually stored. Pockets? A backpack? Some sort of magic sack? Nothing feasible would really be able to hold the vast array of products the Minecraft Character is able to. To be honest, all people were able to transport in Neolithic is what they could carry in their own two hands. Early humans had many inventions that eased their ability to carry products, such as Clay Vessels and pottery; but nothing that could allow them to carry three tools, as well as food, lumber, and stone. The reason the Egyptians were so successful is that they had very many hands (thanks to slave labour) with which to put to work, a feat not as feasible in minecraft.One of the earliest examples of a bag being used as transport is Twyford woven bagfound in the Early Bronze age. If the game stayed true from the technological-development stance up to this point, thats still a major part of ingame time where the player has very little inventory usage. Believably, the system originally suggested would pose difficulties simply due to it's hard limits on item numbers. IE: Why can I carry only two heavy items? Why not 3 Light items and no medium items? (I understand that the OP was just proposing an idea, I'm just trying to get my point across in reference to limitations, no negative feelings intended). Furthermore, as much as it pains me to say so, I don't think instituting limits on inventory would create a need for on-site settlements or outposts. I mean, don't get me wrong, I love that idea; but I'm of the opinion that the cost of setting up an outpost would outweigh that of just dragging everything back to home base, encouraging tedium rather than innovation. Also, just because I'm a bit nitpicky and this has been bothering me, many people have made the claim that instituting a system like this would encourage people to use weaker armours due to the inherent lightness and speed they must possess; that's an idea primarily created by the need for balance in games. Typically armour that is 'stronger' or more higher tiered was lighter as well as stronger, thus the evolution to them. For example, even if you had armour that was the exact same as far as construction is concerned, and just the material its composed of was changed, copper armour is much heavier than Iron (Take a look at where Cu and Fe are on the periodic table). The same applies for Iron and Steel. A cubic meter of Iron weighs 7,874kg, whereas a cubic meter of Steel weighs slightly less at 7,850kg. In conclusion, I'd love to see some sort of rehaul done to the inventory system in Terrafirmacraft; however my opinion towards the possibilities of it being possible without inducing tedium is not very good.