Content: Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Background: Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Pattern: Blank Waves Notes Sharp Wood Rockface Leather Honey Vertical Triangles
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Posts posted by AllenWL

  1. It just depends on how fast the infantry can close the distance between them and the artillery, and how fast the artillery can kill the infantry before they arrive.


    Sadly, in minecraft, once you die, you get reborn right back.....


  2. Of course i want to go out and slaughter my enemies, that is sort of the point of being prepared to do so. This is minecraft not amnesia: dark decent.


    I'm just saying that if I had to go out slaughter monsters all night long, I'd need a break every now and then to stop going nuts.

    So why should steve be able to fight monsters in the dark, die multiple times, and still be 100% mentally stable?


  3. No matter now great the buckshot, you can't stop 10~20 players running full sprint at you. at most, you take like 2~5 ish at a time.

    It could work if you where fighting 5 ish players, but the fact is, a cannon is hardly mobile. You'll be defending until the attackers quit, or you get reinforcements.

    And sooner or later, you will run out of rounds.


    Anyways, my comment was about having to take a whole line of quaker cannons as a threat.

    With a few players willing to die, you can quickly tell real cannons from fake, and take the appropriate mesures


  4. Edit: Some of the things you say they player would not have, are usually placed in a chest for regular Skyblock. Otherwise they really is no way or reason to play. Getting TFC working with MCEdit or single player commands (that's the one that lets you delete blocks in entire chunks right?) would let you make a suitable map.


    Actually, I can get a skyblock map, and modify it to TFC later.


    On a side note, my mod idea got a modding team(or the beginning of one anyways)


  5. I'd like it if the 'collapsed blocks' turned into a gravity-effected counterpart, say planks into 'collapsed planks' and logs into 'fallen logs'

    Upon breakage, they would drop their non-gravity-effected counterparts.


    This could actually be helpful to defenders as well. say, a part of the wall blew up.

    Normally there would be a gaping hole for enemies to pour through.

    But what if, by sheer chance, the wall collapsed? it could make a wall of rubble, that while significantly weaker then the original wall, will still hamper the enemies trying to get in


  6. But the difference is, dying in a game and dying in life is different.

    I've seen pvp games where the 'tactic' was to swamp the enemy with hundreds of people, mostly without armor and with stone swords at best, until you can build up a few juggernauts and send them with the others shielding it until he/she gets through, then win the game that way.


    All you would need to counter 'quaker cannons' would be some people with low xp and no gear. they would rush the cannons, blocking cannonballs with their bodies to prevent damage, forcing the enemy to fire the cannons, or lose them. once the cannons are fired, they would know which are fake and which are real, and can swamp the real ones with numbers while a few well-armed people run past the quaker cannons, which by then will be reduced to nothing more than a shabby wall, then attack the real cannons from behind, and capture them


  7. --

    Not a good idea, I've attracted adult cats to me


    Had that cat grown up wild, never meeting a human being before you?

    Have you managed to train that cat?


    I'm pretty sure there is a reason you train puppies, and don't wait till they grow up to train them, and you cat baby falcons to train rather then a full grown one


    You can give them food, attract them, etc, vou you can't really 'tame' them. They'd remain wild.




    An idea I just got while writing.

    What if, when you tame an adult, you get a 'wild' pet, that you can't 'train' to do 'complicated' stuff. As in, they won't bring back stuff for you, they won't sit, won't really stay close to you, won't enter places they don't like, etc.

    But they would have better senses and strength, and they would wander around you, sometimes leading you to food or bringing you stuff, sometimes coming for food, and fighting for you at times. Basically, they are 'wild' and untamed, but they like you, and are willing to help you.


    If you tame a baby/egg, then you get a domesticated(thank you, DA_HOBO2_URLEFT) pet. You would be able to make full use of them, and hey will answer to your commands. However, they would be weaker and have duller senses compared to 'wild' animals


  8. Looks like lots of people don't like mental health.

    I like the idea, because it means you don't just look out for stuff that can hurt you.

    Say, it's night, making a two tall pillar and letting the zombies crowd around can help you, sure, but will being alone in the night surrounded by undead really be good for your mental health?

    You don't just say, 'hey, do I have my armor, a sword, and some food? great! lets go kill some monsters all night long!' You have to consider if you want to do it. Just because running into a cave full of monsters and lighting it up, and running like hell is a great method for clearing out caves, doesn't mean you want to run into a dark cave full of monsters and spam torches while they try to kill you.


    I think mental health will make the game more immersing, because what you don't like to do, Steve doesn't like to do.

    If you guys can honestly say that being besieged by undead, getting seriously wounded in the middle of nowhere alone, being in the dark listing to undead groans(undead who can kill you), Digging in a underground mine for 3 days straight, dieing, getting mauled by monsters, and so on will not have any effect on your mind and that you can go through all of this and still come out 100% sane and the same as you where when you entered, maybe mental health is not a good idea.


    But doing these stuff will drive me nuts, and I most defiantly do not want to do it. So steve getting uncomfortable, or even insane after doing this too much, I think it makes sense.

    I don't make steve do what I wouldn't want to do, and he stays sane. I make steve do crazy stuff like jump off cliffs, die, fight monsters all night, stay in a room with a undead, etc, etc, he slowly goes nuts, because if I had to do all that, I would go nuts too


  9. Rather than making smiting more difficult, how about just make making double ingots, sheets, and double sheets more difficult and time consuming?

    Because is you needed a powered hammer to smith efficiently, it would be a major setback in single player, and it could make the players just use bronze/copper tools(molds) until they make the p-hammer. Although, making smithing difficult really does sound appealing, as that could result in the emerging expert metalsmiths that would be in high demand in servers due to their abilities in metal crafting


  10. Make it so when you die, you spawn somewhere really far away from where you spawned before, so dieing makes them start over,

    Or, make the disease/wound/whatever carry over even after death. So if I had an infection, dieing would not cure me, as the infection will persist after death

    Or, make death lower your mental health a lot.


    I know lots of people don't like the idea of mental health, but I think it would be a nice addition, and if you don't like the idea of steve being insane because


    I don't see much good happening from mental stability.  When I play I think of myself as the steve character, like an avatar.  Different physical ailments may effect the avatar, but the mind is the same.  I don't like playing as a character that goes crazy, mostly because I know I'm not crazy.  My mental facilities shouldn't be weakened in game, because they aren't out of the game.

    Then don't let steve get insane, simple as that. If you don't like you're character mentally ill, don't let them get mentally ill, because it's a preventable thing, and not a inevitable outcome


  11. I thought of an easier way(sort of) to determine speed/power


    Make different axles give different power/speed.


    To clarify, a handcrank can move say, wood axles only, and trying to move other power by wood axles will break them.


    Windmill/waterwheel power needs bronze axles to move, and bronze cannot be moved by another thing.


    Horsewheel needs iron axles, steam flywheel needs steel.


    Make it so each axel can only be powered by things of the same level, and make machines use only few axles.

    The better the axle the more power/speed the machine gets.


  12. As steam power currently stands (in planning): a brass boiler and iron/steel furnace heat water into steam. This steam flows through brass pipes to a piston. This piston is attached to a shaft which drives a fly wheel. This turning power is used for mechanical work.


    There are no plans for an explicit "engine"


    Posted Image

    Posted Image


    Say, what if we use 2 steam power?

    One is pure steam power, transported via pipes

    another is 'converted power', steam power tat is converted into old-tech axle/gear-moved power via the flywheel


    Sounds a bit complicated, Allen. The biggest draw back to steam is water supply*. I haven't encountered too many elevated water sources to tap into

    And that's where the water pumps come into play :D


  13. These are all still single items. I didn't say that it had to be wheat, just that there were restrictions on how many lure items there could be for each individual animal. Pigs will only follow carrots, I'm guessing that in BTW only tall grass works, and while vanilla chickens can be bred with any type of seed, they will only follow wheat seeds.


    Edit: What I meant by my post is that each mob can only have a single item as its lure. These items can be different from mob to mob, but it is only one for each.


    Um as far as I know, anything that is used for breeding is used for luring.

    I breed my sheep with rye, and they follow me around when I'm holding rye, or oats, or any kind of processed grain, actually


  14. Charcoal is very good at absorbing bad stuff, which is why water purifiers use charcoal, and eating activated charcoal can cure some poisoning(really. mixing charcoal with a random drink to make it easier to eat is all you need to do). You don't need a filter, but dropping some charcoal bits in water and waiting a bit would do the trick as well.


    I support this idea(and bring attention to the different water post made some time ago)


  15. The only upside I see is cooking more at a time, and possibly faster cooking, but we can use the forge for that, and a forge would probably use less wood(I mean wood used to make charcoal), and it just needs a small space.


    The bonfire would have no use other then the aesthetical.


  16. My worry is not dirt blocks falling, I can frame the skyblocks.


    What I worry about is

    1: lack of stone pick and lack of metal/mobs on skyblock

    2: Animals spawn once in TFC. So in skyblock, no animals ever, so no meat, no leather, no wool, no wool products, no cheese, no milk

    3: Lack of tall grass means no seeds, and no pit kiln, but the no pit kiln is ok because,

    4: No clay, cannot smelt ores. That's fine too, because

    5: No ores, no pick to mine them anyways


    So in TFC skyblock, all you can really do is well, die.

    So how can we remedy this, and let people have a full TFC experience, while keeping the skyblock bit alive?


  17. So if you are seeing this, I guess you have time. I just wanted to say Hi to this community of really nice people, since I'm still somewhat new(I've only been on for I think 3~4 months or less)


    Also, I was just wondering, is this the thread/section/whatever we call this I should use for shameless self-advertisement? If so, this is a mod idea I have, but cannot make because I know nothing about programming!


    Anyways, with that out of the way....

    I'm brainstorming ideas on how to play skyblock with TFC.


    Any ideas?
