Content: Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Background: Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Pattern: Blank Waves Notes Sharp Wood Rockface Leather Honey Vertical Triangles
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Posts posted by AllenWL

  1. But I don't think I'd wan't 10~20 chests just to keep my food fresh...


    And keeping a bunch of different food in one place is fine, as long as nothing is rotten(fungus and bacteria spreads, and rots)

    And as long as you don't mash them all up into mush


  2. A storage for fire starter/flint & steel would be nice.


    And straw bales.

    Store large, large amounts of straw.


    Also, I think chests should be able to store lots of things, but only have say, 9 slots.

    So while a chest has much less slots of storage per block, it can store pretty much anything

    (as long as it's not too big, most things fit in a chest)


  3. Me, I just build a farm, a nice house, and get some animals.


    Then, I slowly go up the tech tree. It takes time, sure, but I don't care, because for me, the focus is surviving, not going up the tech tree.

    So what if I don't find enough metals to get to steel in a few days? I don't need steel, copper and stone works fine for me, frankly.

    I build, farm, and slowly expand, getting better metals is more of a challenge for me than a need, a challenge I take time on.

    I get much more fun building useful, aesthetically pleasing houses and planning ahead on food and supplies, and playing around with all TFC has to offer


  4. hey bioxx i would say u should upload whenever you like to but still i think you should be kinda faster with being up to date of minecraft. like ftb got to 1.6.4 i think a month ago and were still stuck here.


    I don't agree all that much with the 'being up to date' with the minecraft version, personally.

    I mean, staying with the most recent minecraft version will bring more new players, sure, but I prefer they focus more on the new content.


    I mean, nearly all vanilla crafting recipes are gone, so new updates won't have much of a impact tfc wise.

    Why spend time making TFC work with a minecraft version with slimeblocks and better commands, when we never use them?


    I'd prefer updates with new content rather then updates with new version compatibility that adds nothing to the gameplay.


    I mean, BTW is still on version 1.5.2 and is incompatable with every mod ever, but that doesn't prevent players from using it, liking it, and keeping the community going.


    I think having an update that stayed on the same mc version but added more content will be much better than lots of updates that did nothing but let us play in the newest version of minecraft(and let's face it, do we need to play mc version say, 1.7? TFC has it's own terrain gen, so the 'update that changed the world' will not do much on the terrain gen(atleast, I don't think so). New flowers, sure, I'd like them, but I'd much prefer say, better hostiles and spawning, or a hot spring)


  5. Ever watch Shawshank Redemption? Although you have a point, but we should make explosives a science, not a place and done like many mods in the past that add explosives. A great mod doesnt answer all the problems with an end all solution, thats no fun. A great mod adds challenges, but also tools to alway the players to conquer them with their own creative way.


    Nope, but I agree with you, nothing like players rushing for the end-game stuff that makes everything useless that puts down a game.


    I think explosives should have a bigger chance of cave-ins or something. That would be nice.

    Also make support beams more useful(really, does anyone even use them?)


  6. You know, if you post a suggestion about mechanical power, it gets shot down in 1~3 posts with the comment already done.

    Yet it's not in the suggestion directory, there are ones in the old suggestion directory, but those are made from a year or two ago.

    So I don't wan't to try and continue the discussion and learn that people said no or something.

    Plus, it doesn't really tell me if it was rejected, or just forgotten, or if people just don't care.

    So I just wanted to know, what are people's opinions on mechanical power?

    What is your opinion on it?


    I personally think it will be good if some of the more tedious tasks(quern grinding, bellow-pumping, plank-making, etc)

    where left to mechanical power. Also, I think a pump for water could be a good way to move water until you get to steel.

    I don't wan't to have to grind that double chest of rye grain, cooking it's trouble enough.

    I don't like having to switch between forge to bellow to forge to keep that temperature hot and not lose my metal.

    And I really don't like being limited in the areas or size of my farm because I need red steel to do move water.

    I think some stuff could be moved to mechanical power-runnable so we don't have to do some of the annoying, tedious stuff


    I don't really care, or want automation or anything like that, I just want to be able to spend less time on the repetitive, boring stuff and more time on the fun stuff, and I don't wan't to be limited in what I can build and where I will live just because I didn't reach the highest tech level yet


  7. Back in the time frame of Tfc picks and shovels were it. Explosives didn't really come into mining applications till much more modern times. But since we have an abundance of powder, we may as well make the barrels able to be used for mining.


    Possibly make it able to detonate will less than a full load and have a radius based on this


    apparently, explosives where first used in mining at 1627.


    But I think it will be believable in-game, and really quite useful.

    I use lots of tnt myself for digging out mineshafts, breaking down large buildings, and getting rid of unwanted mountains.

    If used properly and well-controlled, explosives can be a really useful terraforming/mining tool, and you don't leave ugly craters(unless you want to leave craters), unlike what some people seem to believe.


    On top of being quicker, it lets us save our picks for ores and precise-measurement jobs, and really, digging a 1,000~ meter mine by hand isn't really all that believable, you know?


    (personally, in the 'beliveablility chart, I rate 'mining using explosives in the middle ages' above 'digging a giant mine alone, by hand')


  8. I will again do what I did in topics like this on several occasions - relate to Don't Starve game.

    It has rotting food that stacks. The way they did it was as follows:

    1. When we stacking two items that both have 100 "max freshness points", but one of them  has 25 freshness points, and another has 75 points, the result would be the stack of two items that has 100 max freshness points and 50 actual points.

    2. When we add to aforementioned stack another item that has 100 actual points, the result would be a stack of three item that have (50+50+100)/3 = 66 points (rounded down).

    3. When we merge two stack of two items each, one of which has 25 points and another 75, the result is (25 + 25 + 75 + 75) / 4 = 50


    So, we have a pretty simple formula for resulting stack's freshness, which is

    (StackOneFreshness * StackOneSize + StackTwoFreshness * CurrentStackTwoSize) / (StackOneSize + StackTwoSize)

    To allow a merge of this kind to happen code-wise, we also need to take corresponding part of metadata out of equals() method for food items.


    But that means if I accidentally shift-click my fresh meat into a chest with near-rotten meat, I'll end up spoiling my food..

    which, in hindsight, actually makes some sense,(no food comes away clean from contact with bad food) but I'd hate to be getting some fresh meat to sell/give/take long distances, and accidental end up making it bad


  9. So that knocks away my sleeping bag issue... I still think the "energy" or "sleep" indicator should be added in.


    The stamina thread in suggestions?


    anyways, I think thatch slabs and stairs would be nice


  10. Dang it, I can't go to Canton(I'm kinda wanted there[and not in a good way], it was a misunderstanding [i assure you it was a misunderstanding])

    (I need to blow up the Death Star VII, darn Empire doesn't know when to give up)
