Content: Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Background: Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Pattern: Blank Waves Notes Sharp Wood Rockface Leather Honey Vertical Triangles
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Posts posted by AllenWL

  1. I think we should have some more explosives in TFC. So far, the only think that explode is creepers, and powder kegs(aka, barrel full of powder), and the kegs take 4 stacks of powder, and have a freakishly huge blast radius, making them mostly useless unless, as getting a controlled blast is imposiible, and unless you're planning on leaving huge craters everywhere, or blowing up someones base, you rarely use them. And the only use for gunpowder is a powder keg, so gunpowder is rarely used. But we have a crafting recipe for it. So I think we should be able to make more explosives.

    I think a few, hand-held explosives and mining charges would be a nice addition.


    I think there could be 2 types of explosives, hand-held, and mining

    A hand-held will be cheaper to make, and it'll be thrown. It will not destroy much blocks, only weak things like snow, leaves, grass, glass, etc


    A mining explosive will be of block form, ignited by a redstone charge or flint and steel, it'll have stronger explosions and be able to destroy blocks.


    For hand-helds

    To make a hand- held, first make a bomb-case, made by 4 of the marital, in a circular shape, and a string in a corner

    Ex:   S C X   S= string

            C X C  C= casing(marital)

            X C X   X=empty space

    Then, add gunpowder(could be done by crafting, or opening an inventory/gui by shift-clicking)

    The more powder you add, the more powerful


    1. paper bomb.

    made with paper

    Small radius and power, could be used to deter and slow, but not very useful.

    Holds up to 16 gumpowder

    Cheap and can be easily mass-produced.


    2. leather bomb

    made with leather

    big radius, but somewhat weak. Can slow/harm large groups

    Holds up to 32 gunpowder

    Good for defense, or clearing out large areas


    3. metal bomb

    Made using metal sheets

    Medium radius, but strong. Can easily dispatch medium-large groups

    holds up to 64 powder

    When exploding, sends out sharpinal in all directions. The higer tier metal ,the more sharpinal.



    Mining explosives break blocks, and can be used in terraforming, demoliton, blast mining, etc

    They work like powder kegs, and require a set amount of powder before you can detonate it.


    1. Dynamite.

    Crafted with fireclay and gunpowder, it has a base blastpower of the vanilla tnt

    No extra powder needed, add up to 2 stacks to triple the power

    10% item loss. 5%chance of cave-ins


    2. Mining charge

    Crafted by a U of planks with a dynamite in the bottom, like a barrel crafting, except the bottom middle slot is dynamite

    Needs a stack of gunpowder minimum. up to 4 stacks can be put in.

    Has a 'shaped explosion' mostly detonating what is in 'front' of it (faces away from player when placed). may have damage in other places but not as much. 1/5 blast of powder kegs, up to 4/5 powder of powder kegs on max powder input

    5%Item loss, 10% chance of cave-ins


    3. Steel explosive

    Made of black steel double plates in a all outer slots, like the chest recipe.

    Needs 8 stacks of explosives to detonate, up to 16 stacks can be put in for maximum blast range

    Blast radius twice the size of powder kegs on minimum gunpowder. Up to 4 times the blast of powder kegs

    60~70% itemloss, 50~60% chance of cave-ins

    (the percentage is just of my head. If you think a certain percentage is better, tell me! :))


  2. At the police station (speeding)



    At the hospital(you try driving at 1000mph/205mpm and not crash)

    A and B are 12563 miles away from each other.A goes to B's location at the speed of 1000 miles per hour and B goes to A's location at 205 miles per minute.Both use the same path.Where do they meet?


  3. Honestly, despite what some people have said about there never being guns stuff in TFC, i honestly think it makes sense


    Seeing as you live in a world inhabited by plant-based creatures that explode and drop gunpowder, you'd think that people would find a way to use that power relatively quickly, seeing how abundant it is,

    it's not like people would have to invent gunpowder before using it, it's already in the world, used by Creepers.


    actually. creepers are mutated pigs.


    But yea, hard to believe that despite the abundance of exploding, dangerous marital, the only use is to make big craters. and powder kegs are not the best explosive due to the long time taken setting it up, and the well, huge waste of resources make it somewhat useless. We should have more explosives at the very least


  4. How bout a explosives?

    I know we have powder kegs, but running up to a wall, and putting 4 stacks of gunpowder in a barrel takes some time.

    How about a iron bomb, made with 4~5 stacks of gunpowder(that'll take a LOT of crafting), and iron double plates, and once placed and lit with flint & steel, causes an explosion

    slightly bigger then a barrel full of powder, and sends iron sharpinal everywhere


  5. Well, I don't think this counts as an NPC.

    Sounds more like a human-looking hostile mob that steals stuff

    I like it... But what on earth should we do if they attack us and break through our thatch house when we aren't even in the bronze age?

    I think the breaking/placing blocks is a bit too op, unless they appear say, after you go to the bronze/iron age or something


  6. (on my bad)

    /me doesn't care, because I can still get more godly power as my godly power was not gotten from gods, and godly power can work even when silenced, and silently destroys the world some more


  7. For the second, sluices are nerfed in the next build quite a bit: the ore you get from them actually converts the scanned ore blocks it's reading back into stone. This sounds a little weird, but it means there's a hard limit on how much ore you can get; setting up a sluice will eventually drain the area of ore, you can't just keep getting ore indefinitely by not mining that one last block of ore.


    But sluices give you tiny ore, that's less of an input than mining the ore itself, isn't it, so won't that make sluices a bad thing that reduces your ore rate?


    Anyways, I think mobs should spawn more frequently on chunks you have not been to. If you stay in one place for a long time, animals only spawn rarely, but in new places, or if you leave your home for a long time, animals will start spawning again.


    Lakes, rivers, and pools should have animals frequenting for water(a.k.a more spawnrate), some animals like rats should be able to spawn near people(and steal out of your chests!), and some like crows should spawn near crops(and eat them... scarecrow anyone?). There should be animals that run away and spawn only in places players haven't been to/only visit very rarely(deer, rabbits), some that can spawn in player-settled places but spawn in the wild more frequently(like bears or possums), and some that spawn near settlements and take to stealing food and such(pests like rats, crows, etc)


  8. /me doesn't care because it's not spells, its godly power that cannot be stopped that I wield.

    Then uses said godly power to destroy the lights, ground, sky, and all things, plus some more then returns the earth to the primeval chaos from which it came
