Content: Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Background: Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Pattern: Blank Waves Notes Sharp Wood Rockface Leather Honey Vertical Triangles
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Everything posted by redundantusage

  1. String

    I like this because it's both true, and prevents me from having to gather string just to make my damned tools.
  2. Chain World?

    Only problem I see is that I play very conservatively, especially since TFC. I think I've died on TFC SMP all of twice, and only one of those was an accident. Might take a while for people to play if the list gets lengthy and others think like I do.
  3. Animals!

    Hopefully they add the ability for me to climb trees too then. :/
  4. Does depth matter?

    Mr. Daniels will help you forget. Though to be fair, if you're not minecrafting with him around you're basically already playing on easy mode.
  5. Animals!

    Only if it's toggleable >_>
  6. Chain World?

    I'd be down for this.
  7. Who wants to see a 15 yr old guy scream like a little girl?

    Neither the first option or the Deez option sounds acceptable. I'd much prefer just to turn off my computer at that point.
  8. Does depth matter?

    Op = That's What She Said
  9. Apperently flowing water

    I'd imagine waves in minecraft would probably come out of your computer, punch your dog in the face and proceed to eat the ram out of your computer. That said, it'd look awesome if done right.
  10. Ideal Minecraft

    Maybe his idea of fun was being a dick?
  11. Animals!

    This would do several things I think: 1. Make early travel without minecarts easier 2. Open a new source of economy, as someone will likely start breeding and raising horses to sell. 3. Provide a means of making leather-clad horseback raiders, which is awesome.
  12. Tiny Tweaks Metathread

    If I had to grow cotton just to make enough string to make tools, I'd probably no longer be able to play this game. Which would make me a sad panda.
  13. Ideal Minecraft

    I've read a little bit and heard some of what Flowerchild has to say on the subject, and to an extent it does make sense. He got tired of another mod dictating how his own mod would progress based on what forge implemented and having to wait for them to update to update his own mod. He makes the case that a modder will generally only mod so long as they enjoy what they're doing, and that he was enjoying modding less from being so dependent on other mods.
  14. Apperently flowing water

    Not sure, it might get laggy if things around the ocean start moving. Nooo, what I'm trying to say is, instead of individual blocks of water, water would collect and form a larger single entity. I'd imagine the biggest calculations would be when the water has to settle, such as when a block at the edge or under it is broken (which shouldn't be catastrophic, just figuring how much it has to settle and then back to inert) and possibly when the water has to flow. For simplicity sake, the oceans would probably need to be considered infinite, as in will keep flowing and won't grow if water flows into it. Would make for some potentially neat underwater caverns.
  15. Metal blocks

  16. Apperently flowing water

    I understand, but that's what I meant by having a single body of water "entity" to calculate rather than a bunch of water blocks that would have to figure out which blocks on top have how much left, that kind of thing. Basically to make finite water reasonable without eating low end machines.
  17. Metal blocks

    Removed because ECC said pretty much the exact same thing above me apparently.
  18. Apperently flowing water

    Instead of calculating individual blocks for water, couldn't water be made into a different kind of entity that calculates primarily on quantity and space occupied? Then instead of like 50 blocks having to shift each time water is removed from say a lake, the single entity is recalculated based on the quantity left and the level is decreased accordingly. Would be easier to implement things like evaporation and absorption at that point as well I'd imagine. If two bodies of water collide, the larger one "absorbs" the smaller one, if a single body of water is cut through something like block placement, a secondary body is created. I understand this would not be a simple change, but it might help move the environment aspect of the game in the right direction (not infinite) while still making it manageable for slower PC's.
  19. Oil! [not petroleum]

    Implement soybeans and you have access to soybean oil, which can be used in such things as ink (reason to not hunt deep sea squid for something to draw) and paints (bring out the inner caveman). It also has one of the higher temperature points before it burns, meaning it'd be decent to cook with. The extraction process sounds lengthy, but it could really be simplified for the game down into: Crush seeds (just like flux, use a hammer) Heat seeds over firepit or forge Add seeds to bucket of water Allow time for oil to separate from seeds into water Skim water for oil somehow ??? Profit Again, not the exact process in real life, but believable enough and would require very few item implementations. Also, the same process could be used for olives. As far as a reason for oil; yes, lighting has been a widely spoken of one, and cooking has been mentioned as well. But the legitimately important one is the ability to fill bottles with the oil, plug the top with a roughly spun bundle of spider threads and using my homemade molotov cocktails to hunt cows.
  20. Animals!

    Something simpler than the swarming might be like what happens in a regular herd, where there is an alpha male or female that the others follow. It wouldn't be a lockstep of course, each animal would have a certain distance they might individually be alright with moving away from the alpha, but when the alpha moves, it signals the others to move in that general direction as well to keep from getting too far away. Biggest trouble I see with this is maybe the number of calculations per animal and based on herd distances, and possibly with the herd "appointing new leadership" to another animal in the herd should the alpha die. Course, would be cool if all the adults die and the baby cows go off to follow a wolf alpha, who then raises them to be the natural predators >
  21. Combining Copper Molds

    Never heard about that update, it still works with the mold in there, so either way you decide to do it works then I suppose. Also, anvils cannot be broken down into ingots, but you can use a pickaxe to pick the block up to move it.
  22. Combining Copper Molds

    You have two options. If you have a firepit capable of reaching very high heat levels, you can stick an empty mold in the receiving slot and heat the partially filled molds in the top to melt them down together. You also use the bloomery to finish filling both molds by putting them in the output slot of the bloomery and throwing more copper ore in the actual bloomery to melt down.
  23. About crops

    You kidding, this is great; build a house near chickens, go make your rounds every 5-10 minutes and get more eggs than you know what to do with.
  24. Time to remove placed logs

    Truest statement of politics I've seen in a long time.
  25. About crops

    With the shear amount of times it takes just to grow wheat and the speed with which updates occur, I doubt anyone has legitimately tested it, nei item spawned testing it might have happened though.