Content: Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Background: Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Pattern: Blank Waves Notes Sharp Wood Rockface Leather Honey Vertical Triangles
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Everything posted by Yakkro

  1. The OLD Roanoke Thread

    I would like to join your server please. My IGN is iizorro. I really want to try SMP with mod because Single player gets lonely. I have never made it past copper so I know nothing past that and I would really like to learn.
  2. You First name:Jack How old are you?:14 Do you have Xfire/Skype?:Skype (never heard of Xfire) Xfire/Skype name?:Yakkro In game name:iizorro how long have you been on Minecraft?:early alpha Do you agree with the way I have decided to run my server?:yes If you had to change or add one rule to my server, What would it be?:None I can think of.
  3. Aesthetic blocks list

    More ideas: Curtains --Crafting: like a door but with string (can be dyed) -Why: windows look funny without curtains --Extra: Can be opened and closed Rugs Crafting:like a trapdoor but with string Why: plain floors are boring
  4. Aesthetic blocks list

    -Cupboards(Chest equvilant) --Crafting: 2 vertical lines of planks -Why:I don't want random chest floating in my kitchen
  5. I would just like to say that the stuff in the op is almost identical to that of raisercraft except for some changed words and omitting some stuff. I not saying that as a bad thing though. Like the old saying goes "Don't fix what ain't broken". Seems like this will be a great server and I will be looking forward to getting on later.
  6. bee hives (for food and crop polination)

    Maybe if you make a fire next to the bee hives you could take less or no damage because the bees would be knocked out from the smoke. I really like the idea I think it would be fun to be a bee keeper.
  7. I think I will try it out. This will be my first time playing SMP with TFcraft if you see iizorro thats me.
  8. Your chisel creations!!

    I can't get the chisel to work D: I tried press the m key and that doesn't work I have a hammer in the hot bar too, does anyone have anything that will help me I am in 47f Edit:fixed Just needed a clean install
  9. TFC Team Survival Battle

    I would be able to get on for the next week though. I am going camping D:
  10. TFC Team Survival Battle

    Dangit! Missed it again. stupid real life stuff. D:
  11. Pests

    Oh okay cool
  12. Pests

    I think there should be things the locust, rats, etc. Imagine, you get back from a minning trip and see a swarm of locust eating all you wheat crop. Or hungry birds eating all the fruit of your trees. Rats stealing your food. Termites eating you house. The list just goes on and on. Preventing the pests: Rat traps made from planks and tin Scarecrows made by placing a pumpkin on top of fences in the shape of a T Have'nt thought of something for Locust and termites:P
  13. TFC Team Survival Battle

    No problem. They are awesome banners
  14. TFC Team Survival Battle

    If it is not to late can I be added to the list My IGN is iizorro
  15. TFC Team Survival Battle

    I would also like to join up in a test run if it is not to late. Yeah like each side has 5 small chests with either Bismuth ore (Forgot the name) Cassiterite or Zinc In random amounts.Edit: My IGN is iizorro
  16. TFC Team Survival Battle

    Random Idea: Maybe I random places about the map there be chest with several low tier ores in them. So even if one team can't find any starter ores the still have a chance at getting past the stone age.
  17. TFC Team Survival Battle

    This sounds awesome! Great Idea