Content: Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Background: Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Pattern: Blank Waves Notes Sharp Wood Rockface Leather Honey Vertical Triangles
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Posts posted by kurzninja

  1. I highly recommend visiting and signing up at the DarkAgeCraft forum because then the rest of us mods can get you whitelisted quicker if the server owner is not available. Also, it makes discussion easier than cluttering up the official TFC forums with our server's business.


  2. My parents live north where there's a lot of swamps, I can assure you that no biome in TFC is flat enough to resemble a big swamp to begin with.


    I live in Louisiana and can confirm: swamps are flat as hell, mostly because the majority of the swampland is a few feet under water :P


  3. I like the idea of making the background of the inventory slot glow rather than the ingot itself. That gives you a great visual representation without having to hover over the ingot constantly. Also makes the texture pack being used irrelevant. 


    >>"The idea is cool, but with different monitor settings and people with bad eyes, it might not be easy for a lot of people to see the difference. Also,not all real world metals glow. Only ferrous based metals generally do. Aluminum, zinc, and tin all look exactly the same cold as they do just before they liquify, even when liquid, they are the same color, just shinier. IRL, there is no way to tell the temperature of most metals just by looking at them."


    I don't think that because not every single person might be able to take advantage of a helpful feature is a good reason to dismiss the idea. Also, even if some real world metals don't glow, from a user interface point of view, having the background of the inventory slot glow instead of the ingot makes more sense, regardless of whether or not the real world metal would change color. 


    Edit: The "quote" display on this board is funky. In the editor, the quote is set against its own unique box, but after submit, the quoted text looks no different from the rest of the text around it.


  4. I think tall grass that overtakes plains biomes or definitely jungle would be fantastic. A machete instead of the scythe makes sense. 


    Tool speed should definitely be buffed for higher-tier metals. They should also offer some other kind of benefit like potentially giving a better ore drop (poor might drop normal, normal might drop rich).


    I really just want to see tall grass so you can watch the velociraptors hunting people from overhead.


    Posted Image


  5. In regards to tall grass, I'd like to see grass that can grow even taller, maybe even 3 or 4 blocks high, so you come up to an overgrown field that you have to walk through and be careful because the grass could be hiding holes, traps, animals, predators, etc. 


    I'd also really like it if the tall grass in the game grew at a faster rate in undeveloped areas, to make collecting large amounts of thatch a little less difficult. Maybe grass could have 3 stages of growth, with each stage netting you an equivalent amount of straw. To balance it out so that thatch isn't totally overpowered early in the game, have grass broken by a knife only break one section of the grass at a time, or have it break the whole 3-block-high grass but take 3 times the durability hit doing so. To harvest the high grass properly would require a scythe that could cut swaths of grass at once, taking normal durability per grass block broken. 


    Tools like the scythe that require a much longer handle should do exactly that: a single stick in the recipe seems a little silly. There should be a way of crafting or whittling longer handles, either by combining multiple sticks and some kind of binding material, or making one (or more) out of two logs. I don't know if Dunk and Bioxx plan to ever change anything in regards to tool implementation, but I'd like to see the different metals have slightly more differing properties, such as higher metal tools having a small chance of getting better/more ore out of a particular block, or having handles made out of different materials that combine with the tool head material for combination effects. 


  6. I found this tiny River biome while exploring yesterday. It looks like there's two rivers around a mountain biome that interrupted what should have been one longer river. Not really a bug, but I thought it was funny terrain generation.




  7. Question Kitty: is there implementation in place to keep people from just breaking and replacing older torches before they go out? What happens when you break a torch that was placed before? Does it go back in the stack or is it now it's own separate entity in your inventory and still counting down?


  8. Minecraft user name: kurzninja

    Your Age: 33

    Your Time Zone: Central Standard Time

    Location Country and State: New Orleans, Louisiana, USA

    Tell us a bit about yourself: I love Terrafirmacraft and playing on MP servers with people. 

    How can you help us: I enjoy playing with other people, and I can also help with website design and graphic design.


  9. After posting I searched the wiki for coke and saw the placeholder and knew that great minds think alike. ;)

    I would make coke like a charcoal pit, where you place down blocks or slabs of coal, cover it up and then set it on fire, come back hours later and harvest the coke powder. I'd like to see other chemical derivatives from processing different materials that can be used as catalysts to speed up other things.


  10. Not the kind you drink, but the stuff you get when you burn coal. This could be made from processing coal that you dig up (as opposed to charcoal that you make) by baking the coal in a charcoal pit type manner to produce coal coke. The benefits would be it would burn much hotter in your forge, allowing you to smelt more ores without the huge reduction in heat from adding ores to the crucible, or it could be made as a requirement to make some of the higher level ores because a hotter burning furnace is needed to melt them. Or you could make it a fuel requirement for the blast furnace in place of the charcoal. But mainly, I'd like a material that you could use to burn your forge hotter without having to sit and constantly pump your bellows, at the expense of needing to process it further beyond just digging it out of the ground.


  11. After looking at HQM now, I see what you're getting at there, but not necessarily what I was aiming at. I was mainly suggesting fleshing out some of the already included TFC aspects a bit more, but hopefully in a way that would be interesting rather than adding pointless tedium. I'd have to go back and review to come up with some specific examples though. :P


  12. I don't know if the devs have read it, but I'd highly suggest the book "The Knowledge: How To Rebuild Our World From Scratch". It basically outlines how, after a world-shattering apocalypse leaving a small number of survivors, we would be able to "reboot" civilization and jump-start the technology progression tiers without having to relearn and rediscover everything from scratch. It does this by going through history and detailing how certain inventions and discoveries led from one to another, how they work and how to recreate them. A lot of it follows current TFC tech progression, obviously, which is why I was wondering if maybe the devs had read this already. If not, I'd suggest checking it out for a few other ideas on content to add and systems to flesh out for a more interesting and believable progression through tech. :)Discuss!


  13. Can we please add sound to the lit bloomery so that we know when it's in progress? Maybe just a low, bassy rumble from the high heat and melting?  :D


    I could do some of the sound design on my synths if I was given some parameters to work within.


  14. Obviously it's possible to have blocks test for certain conditions before they will allowed to be put down, but what are the limits of this? Is there a way to have an object test whether or not it's "inside" or "outside"?


    My thinking was having certain items like anvils, bloomeries, maybe some kind of "sawmill" machine that can process logs, or any other types of more advanced (relatively speaking :rolleyes: ) technologies have requirements that they be located within a certain type of space. For instance:


    • A bloomery should be inside not just the multi-block structure that makes it up, but housed in a larger building of a certain minimum size that must be made out of stone bricks, not wood or thatch because of the type of heat that a bloomery would output.
    • A sawmill machine (making this up here) would have a requirement to have a roof of a particular size and minimum height overhead to work. 
    • An anvil would have to also be around stone blocks (because it's heavy) and not too close to any flammable materials because of the heat of the items being worked on them.

    One of my biggest wants in a mod, especially one like TFC, is something that encourages actually building certain structures, maybe even as a requirement for advancement. This, in turn, would actually encourage the development of towns rather than just one little house to sleep in while everything else is done out in the backyard.


    Is this even possible/feasible? Or does everyone but me think this is a bad idea?
