Content: Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Background: Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Pattern: Blank Waves Notes Sharp Wood Rockface Leather Honey Vertical Triangles
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Everything posted by Srgnoodles

  1. Backpacks

    but the colored clothes would be made of something like wool or cotton or some other kind of cloth so they wouldnt provide extra protection against the cold or heat like specialized clothing wouldalso i agree with spawning with some kind of clothes on but im not sure if it's possible to make the game detect which biome you spawn in and thus provide you with the necessary clothes for that sort of biome or, you could start with some kind of generic all-purpose clothing that would protect you from heat and cold but wouldn't be quite as effective as heavy furs for cold and desert clothing for heat
  2. Backpacks

    i agree with the whole starting witha backpack but maybe it would only be the size of a single chest or less but if you take it off/remove it from your inventory, you would only have two or three inventory slots because you can only hold a couple of things in your hands without some sort of bag when you die, your whole inventory wont be puked up all over the place, but your backpack drops on the ground as a block maybe and you go pick it up but after a while it'l dissapear also, you can upgrade/make better backpacks that hold more or last longer when dropped
  3. Item weight and speed of walking

    sounds like a good idea maybe armor could slow your movement speed too because seriously, who runs around all day in a suit of solid plate armor? and maybe we could add some kind of studded leather or scale metal armors that are much lighter than plate but not quite as protective and require higher teir technology to make
  4. Creation of Clothes

    sounds good but all players (well most anyway) have clothing as part of their base skin this seems to render craftable clothing obsolete but i do agree that you will need warm clothing for cold biomes maybe you could just make the clothing for this reason and have it made of heavy furs or animal skins as for desert clothing, you could make something like those robes and hoods they wear over in places like egypt but normal clothing made of cotton or other average non protective sorts would be rather unnecessary
  5. New Health and Medicine System

    This is all great ideas and stuff but i have one problem say you are just starting out in your world, and you somehow manage to get a terrible wound or infection that you wont be able to cure untill late in the game once you've researched advanced methods of healing. i dont really think this is fair to the player if they accidnetally fall off a cliff while exploring for a place to build a house or get bitten by a zombie on their first night and have to deal with broken legs or some kind of nasty infection while they try to get to the next stage so they can fix whats wrong i dont know how this could be fixed taking the current ideas but i think the whole injury system could casue a serious problem early in the game