Content: Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Background: Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Pattern: Blank Waves Notes Sharp Wood Rockface Leather Honey Vertical Triangles
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Everything posted by landryx

  1. Alternative method to make limewater.

    why don't make ratios? Too difficult to code? Like you put 8 flux in a barrel full of water and that's it. Seal.
  2. Need help forging!

    even the knife?
  3. Ideas about food preservation.

    Drying, smoking, jellying into jars,spicing, fermenting, freezing,refrigerating, salting. I've no skill for coding this but,I know that foods decay just made his introduction tominecraft, it's so damn normal that preservations technics at the moment are limited and maybe not as cool as we would like. Devs arecurrentlythinkingabout it,not worrying at all. Am I right Kittychanley?
  4. Agriculture: Reap or Reap(lant)

    simple. I like that.
  5. Need help forging!

    no no no I know this. I play TFC since b77. It's just, did you already try to forge something since b78 kitty?
  6. How do you get more Crop Seeds?

    I'm not really sure, but actually i'm at 168 and like quart of the time I got two seeds from one crop if it can help you. not 2 vegetables per crop. yes i think it is Allen. If someone can confirm.
  7. Need help forging!

    Woah! I'm trying to forge a copper knife and I can't lol. I failed 5 copper ingots. I can't align the 2 arrows exactly, or I think a succeed on time and it didn't do anything. is it a bug?
  8. Shift-click instantly cools ingots

    This is actually not a bug, developers coded this that way I think.
  9. How do you get more Crop Seeds?

    that's very interesting, the fact you said: "an early frost just wiped out my rye crops" made me think about something. Could devs develop other havoc like this one. like infestations of insects? yeah, isn't it easy, actually, to instantly get a average-lage crops field at the beginning? YEAH, you just have to quickly gather some crops and plant them!!Infestations require the player to keep an eye on his agricultural skills and verify if they are high enough to support his actual field size.If no, there could be a chance of infestation.This should prevent the player to expand his field as long as he's not skilled enough.
  10. Blast furnace balancing

    haha the Blast Furnace itself require 32 ingots and the chimney, 24. 56 ingots.... Excessive?
  11. What's your favorite method for storing food?

    Devs are currently thinking about new possibilities to preserve foods. Must wait and see. Coding temperature drops from ice blocks around could be cool hehe Personally, I only dig a 1x1x1 hole in the ground.... that's it.
  12. cobblestone walls

    yeah, i preferred building things with cobbles, fit well in the TFC environment. thank you fallonsky.
  13. cobblestone walls

    since b78 cobblestones fall like dirt and gravel with gravity,even with support beams. It's annoying I'm trying to build my house's walls in cobblestones but it's always saging. What can i do? brick?
  14. More nuances for the stone-age

    dyeing things with berries in a bucket of water instead of minerals, could be more accessible earlier in the game for vessels organisation. (by colours) Actually the stone age is pretty short, get sticks, straws, clay and nuggets with gold paning, and here you go, your first pickaxe. Already in metal age, saw, and bye bye vessels, low storage, and stone age. by some points, adding a new mechanics ofmaintaining your first fire like mossman said, could add length for this period of the game. maybe until your wood became charcoal. and then your fire last longer and you can think about exploration and get some nuggets. but for this to work, we must find a more difficult way to START fire. because right now it's only demand 2 sticks and a log.
  15. Steel tools are far enough efficient tools to start to build. You don't have to upgrade that far to start building your house or your husbandry! Bronze ones are reasonable.
  16. [Solved][b78]Drastic reduction in performance

    i've no real problem since b78.4 Even run smoother than b77 ! don't use optifine either, i'm on fancy graphics and own a old machine, imac intel core duo 2,33 ghz, 2 go ram. Are you sure you installed last updates?
  17. Advanced Food Decay on Death

    very nice proposition! if i may add, well.......I know that there were a lot of suggestions in favour of a system that can sharp you weapons in the past, like axes, swords, and knives, I found that idea very cool, so I'm wondering if this was planned in a futur build? because it could be fit well here another factor for the percent decay. (upgrade the quality of the knife)
  18. TFC Build 79

    body temperature too!
  19. Supplemental Advancement to Copper

    here you are
  20. [Added] Colored pots

    Why does the dyed system available so later in the game?? Does grinding minerals supposed to be that much rewarding?
  21. Salt from Saltwater

    oh well ok then.
  22. Salt from Saltwater

    ok cool, thank you. could be cool.....alternatively to quern salt rocks. And since salt brings flavours right, does it mean that salted meats bring more chance to have tasteful meals?
  23. Salt from Saltwater

    I don't understand, mineral pockets?
  24. Supplemental Advancement to Copper

    ah well too bad, thank you kittychanley.
  25. The new rocks

    Like prepared meals. That way, we could place our meals on a table or any other surfaces in our kitchen while working on something around. not very useful indeed, but cool lol.