Content: Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Background: Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Pattern: Blank Waves Notes Sharp Wood Rockface Leather Honey Vertical Triangles
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Everything posted by landryx

  1. Active Forges and Bloomeries should smoke

    yeah sure! Like it. Maybe only on a fancy graphics for poor old computers.
  2. Post your TFcraft Pictures

    b78 pictures Berrries view from the backyard exterior kilt pit that connect with the forge Interior, withladders leading into the attic where the bed and some chests lie. North view from the rooftop. Another view from the rooftop. A far view from the woods. Complete house. And finally, another far view from the river.
  3. Armor

    Thanks Kittychanley, am I the only one who wondering precisely what do each skill do? - Agriculture skills increase chance to get 2 seeds from crops - Armor smithing skill decrease durability damage received - Cooking skills increase the chance to get tasteful meal ? The rest? Well, did you intend to make a wiki page for skills one day?
  4. More trees

    yeah, why are flowers pots deleted from TFC? They were cool no?
  5. Armor

    hehe congrats for your set Does it could be too much if there should exist a system that emphasis the player to keep his armour set during all the period ageby implementing a repair system like you said TomatoChief, or a boost stats system by welding other sub metals like gold or silver to the actual amour/weapon set?? Prospector pick could give it more accurate cues. Or more specific directions for a specific ores, like kaolinite and graphite ores needed for the crucible, those are pain in the ass to find. This could give a hand to continue, don't know...
  6. useful redstone?

    try something, and report us your experimentations I'm sure some will be please to read them.
  7. Starvation

    oh no that's sure!!
  8. Tiny Feature: Chisel Sound

    this one is damn great!
  9. Starvation

    I always tought that levels increase the player's max hunger....well....
  10. Question about food preservation and beyond

    Kittychanley "Food in your inventorymightdecay faster than food in a jar placed on the ground because that jar is at a lower temperature." And just to be clear. Are vessels best way to preserve foods? Per exemple, a carrot in a chest VS a carrot in avessel, both in the underground in a hole, no light, same temperature; does the one in the vessel will be preserved longer than the one in the chest?
  11. Realistic weather and seasons

    Kittychanley "Saplings and tall grass already regenerate in areas where the temperature is at least 20C. Which saplings randomly generate is dependent on the trees that were in the area on initial world gen." You're serious! That's cool!
  12. Compost

    sweet. let's say less effective than fertilizer..... but still handy.
  13. Realistic weather and seasons

    Some mechanisms are very hard coded intovanilla code, like day lengths, so hum...yeah.And an natural regrowing forest cycle could be nice but maybe a bit too CPU demanding I think... I'm sure Kitty, bioxx, dunk or others programmers could tell us more. A body temperature system is planned for futur builds tough
  14. Staying with 1.6.4 discussion

    what does 1.7 truly have?
  15. Grindstone, Sharpen your sword !

    HYENA GRIN "Carrying around a half dozen tools" You're kidding me? 12 ingots for that?? No no no, I keep my ingots for anvils or for bloomeries Not for 12 axes. I think sharpening your tools/weapons could just be a fun new mechanic and cool bonus. That's it.
  16. [0.79.?] Metal tools - priority and materials

    well, indeed both saw and pickaxe are very important, but I don't really care about the priority honestly. I always get enough ores to both cast them in the same first bronze cast. And oh, the scythe's so cool. I really like the step in the game when you can finally gathers a lot of saplings and begin to plant trees.
  17. House tutorial - nice, easy, midgame

    nice chisel work/design. Like it.
  18. combat tips in the stone age for new players

    haha seems infinite time to die. A chance they get stock in the moat hehe
  19. combat tips in the stone age for new players

    yeah traps with torny blackberry bushes ou strawberry bushes Damn Zombies.
  20. Alternative method to make limewater.

    ok alright, thank you dunkleosteus.
  21. Alternative method to make limewater.

    KITTYCHANLEY"and would perhaps just not let the barrel seal"Yes, that's it.with a message -add more water/add more flux-
  22. Grindstone, Sharpen your sword !

    yep!! I remember your post Allen and still love it today. So damn a great idea!!
  23. Alternative method to make limewater.
