Content: Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Background: Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Pattern: Blank Waves Notes Sharp Wood Rockface Leather Honey Vertical Triangles
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Posts posted by daveboy2000

  1. I know, epic bump, however, a productive one.

    That video contains some nice stuff that with some tweaking, could be extremely believable and would statisfy alot of people.

    ...And blow back SMP cities back to the stone age.


  2. perhaps something like this:

    1x1 dirt towers withoud blocks on atleast 2 sides have a certain chance (35%?) of falling apart every 10 ticks, about falling apart, you know how TNT looks when detonated, or sand when falling; i know that falling blocks like this can move horizontally, usually seen in the form of TNT cannons, but sand can do so too, if it falls just right, it becomes a block, if not, it becomes an item. This could be used for this situation, it still allows people to make dirt towers to get out of ravines, however, the 1x1 dirt towers would be impossible as the dirt could pop out any second flying in all directions.

    (use a magical singularity (thaumcraft, included in technic) on sand and you'll see what i mean.)


  3. i like some of the ideas but, i don't think a zombie could extinguish a forge, neither do i think 3 of them can break a solid iron door.

    Also i think that breaking blocks won't be a good idea gameplay wise... Remember when endermen where first implented? That was hell especially on SMP servers.


  4. Perhaps we could implent addictions and other side-effects, to prevent stuff from going overpowered.

    Coffee for example, as soon as the coffee rush wears off, one can get depressed. This depression might translate in sluggishness aka: Slower walking and/or mining fatigue. The ways to heal this is either to wait it out or take another coffee. However, over time so much coffee can be resource expensive.

    Also on the idea of restoring sleep: Perhaps it should restore sleep over time, on a rate slightly slower than it decreases, and make the effects un-stackable. This way it just slows down the rate you get tired, like in real life.

    On a related note: The stronger/more potent the healing/curing/etc item is, the worse the side-effects or addiction rate becomes: for example, this cure-all might make the player quite weak for a while, simulating recovery and numbness. (strong painkillers anyone.).

    Also, addictions require one to either try to kick off the addiction or take more of the substance one is addicted to. However, when one is kicking of an addiction, stats will be lowered (faster dehydration, more hunger, need alot of sleep, etc).

    Sorry if this stuff is a mess btw.


  5. I've actually had this idea about hammerspace...

    If hammerspace is a pocket dimension, and hammertime is an alternate timeline where you can dance as much as you like with no time passing in the 'normal' world... I believe I have successfully developed a theory of general hammertivity

    At it's most basic level, it goes as follows - E=MCHammer



    I've just seen the suggestion topic about dirt roads, that would be great in combination with the handcarts/wheelbarrows not?

    Talking about minecarts, we need handcars that we could use on tracks. For those who don't know what a handcar is:


  6. It's whitelisted. I don't need autistic kids trying to join every five minutes.

    I find this rather offensive.

    I have a slight form of high-functioning authism, and i don't log onto a server every five minutes.

    Just watch out with what you are saying, such things can be quite sensitive to other people.
