Content: Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Background: Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Pattern: Blank Waves Notes Sharp Wood Rockface Leather Honey Vertical Triangles
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Item weight and speed of walking

31 posts in this topic

This may not be the biggest issue for the rest of you, but mod compatibility might be impossible with this inventory system.

To be honest, it's hammerspace either way.


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This may not be the biggest issue for the rest of you, but mod compatibility might be impossible with this inventory system.

To be honest, it's hammerspace either way.

I've already seen people doing their best to avoid the limitations to the mod's inventory limitations by adding in backpack mods which boggles my mind since the stack sizes were put in place for a reason.

But I do like the idea of having simple carts or a pack animal that could go up 1 block on it's own, but I'd love to see something like the rails from RailCraft implemented, letting us make wooden rails to start with that moved slower and had less top speed (And yes wooden tracks were use in mines, why would they waste expensive metal?)

And I don't see why we couldn't have metal and wooden carts (Some metal required) (again lighter, slower but cheaper)


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But I do like the idea of having simple carts or a pack animal that could go up 1 block on it's own, but I'd love to see something like the rails from RailCraft implemented, letting us make wooden rails to start with that moved slower and had less top speed (And yes wooden tracks were use in mines, why would they waste expensive metal?)

And I don't see why we couldn't have metal and wooden carts (Some metal required) (again lighter, slower but cheaper)

i do belive i like this idea of wooden rails and carts but maybe they could be weaker than metal carts being that if you put too much in them, they would break?

or the rails could be able to be damaged and the wooden ones would break quicker than metal ones, you could probably make some sort of tool to repair them if they broke


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That said, impeding sprint duration, or the ability to swim? I can live with that. :U

Which becomes totally useless and a waste of development time since every single one of the people I've played with so far use the smart moving mod and get to sprint regardless of the game's intended use of not being able to sprint when you are hungry so why bother if a mod that a great % of the population uses can just negate that?


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I've actually had this idea about hammerspace...

If hammerspace is a pocket dimension, and hammertime is an alternate timeline where you can dance as much as you like with no time passing in the 'normal' world... I believe I have successfully developed a theory of general hammertivity

At it's most basic level, it goes as follows - E=MCHammer


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I've actually had this idea about hammerspace...

If hammerspace is a pocket dimension, and hammertime is an alternate timeline where you can dance as much as you like with no time passing in the 'normal' world... I believe I have successfully developed a theory of general hammertivity

At it's most basic level, it goes as follows - E=MCHammer



I've just seen the suggestion topic about dirt roads, that would be great in combination with the handcarts/wheelbarrows not?

Talking about minecarts, we need handcars that we could use on tracks. For those who don't know what a handcar is:


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