Content: Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Background: Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Pattern: Blank Waves Notes Sharp Wood Rockface Leather Honey Vertical Triangles
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Everything posted by Gatsu

  1. Incite to donate

    Hi! Just a little suggestion here. Why not offer early access to the new content to people who donate to the mod author? It would encourage us player to provide some money to help maintain the site and also continue further development maybe even buy yourself a coffee or two.
  2. some ideas about cooking

    First, I want to thank both of you, bioxx and dunk for this mod. Here's some ideas that came to my mind. What about building your own recipes book that will record all your recipes? Placed in the GUI of the preparation table, this book willease the meals preparation. All recipes found in the preparation table can be recorded in a sheet of paper (like plans). Then, this sheet can be inserted in a TFC Book with a scribing table to craft your cooking book. And so on, and so on. Bring back the recipes book in the preparation table to prepare your meal. It could record any other informations like the energy, filling or effect of each meal. interface Right shift clicking the recipes book in your hand will open a interface will show all found recipeslike the one that dunk showed us this week for the plans. Then, by shadowing them with your cursor, it will show the ingredients required. cooking pot It will give a purpose to the cooking pot similar to the idea from AllenWV. Vegetables must be chopped in the preparation table and then prepared in the pot full of boiling water. Steps 1. Pot is placed over a firepit. 2. Fill your pot with water, make it boil (step after very hot), 3. Add all the prepared ingredients. 4. Click on Stir in the GUI, a couple of shot until it's well mixed. 5. Then wait until the temperature drop down to hot/warm. 6. Consume it (bowl). Since water is used in preparation, why does it don't recover your thirst bar a little bit? bread The preparation of the bread is similare to the one already implemented, except the dough that must be only prepared on the preparation table.Then, your dough must be baked in a furnace (the vanilla one maybe) craftable with bricks or your own construction like the forge. barrel Used to store large quantities of foods, one kind only. Used during harvesting period, or to lighten chests or for aesthetic reasons. a little icon can appear on the barrel or something to indicate the content. b78 will introduce berry bushes in the stone age to keep meals later in the game. It will be your first foods supply. The hoe could then be pushed back to the metal age. All carrots, potatoes, tomatoes etc found could be kept for later uses or be consumed raw for immediate low healing.
  3. Thirst in the deep mines

    Winter is really hard if you get there without any resources you'll have trouble trying to survive because there is almost no food, no grass for the kiln and wood seems to be longer to grow also agriculture is not a possibility. Try playing a nordic game then tell me how easy it was.
  4. Maybe making clothing out of wool could give some better use to the near useless sheep and could also complement your idea. Since they are adding body temperature in B78 it would make a nice addition to the game to keep you warm during winter.
  5. Brewing, Refining, Repairing

    Good idea I sure hope it get implemented. For the food part I would suggest putting a pot over the firepit and then mixing thing inside while it hot like the crucible and it would yield many serving. The preparation surface could be used to.... prepare the food like cutting the vegetables before mixing them to the cooking pot. By the way storing food inside barrel would also be incredible.
  6. Thoughts from me =)

    I like the idea of a multi block quern. I think it could be operated by animal power at first maybe a mule when they get implemented in build 78. Witch would need to be fed and would need to rest once in a while.