Content: Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Background: Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Pattern: Blank Waves Notes Sharp Wood Rockface Leather Honey Vertical Triangles
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Posts posted by Gatsu

  1. First and foremost i'd like to say I love this mod in it's starting ages but something seems wrong to me. Have you guys ever thought about how this mob reach a stalwart once you are a t the steel age which is a shame since it did such a great job at making the firs few hours very complete and interesting but at some point I just feel like quitting and starting over (once I reach Steel Age). So my point here is that it need some kind of automation at a basic level of course many ideas came to mind on how this would be done some of which seems to fit well with the lore, for example how about setting your mule to do the grain grinding for you it would get tired over time and would need to be fed, also you could use the same method to stoke the bellow for the blast furnace.Later you could start building water boiler and create some sort of steam power which in turn could be used to process more effectively your ores. I don't know how you guys feel about it but somehow I think it would be less of a time consuming mechanic, because it seems to me like it's taking forever to finally reach black steel then blue/red steel and all that work for what? A water source bucket.... Well I feel that if those metals unlocked some new potential in automating some grindy process such as those it would make the game a lot more enjoyable. Also I would add that although it's been talked intensively wind power and water power should be introduced at some point as it would fit nicely with the era of TFC.


  2. Hey Trenix don't worry about kitty she's always a bit on edge. I'm sorry to ear you're leaving I always liked your post. I wish you good luck and succes toward wathever you're wanting. Stay true to yourself and don't let them put you down. See ya!


  3. It's a great idea though I think they should focus on the material already present but incomplete like the burden system as well as all these ores and gems which are useless and giving us a reason to reach this mythic red/blue steel (except for the bucket). Maybe adding a way to tweak the hunger/thirst through  the config would be nice as it would spice up the game for those who are more "hardcore".


  4. I don't know, personally I feel like this would make things a bit too confusing (as some people still have enough trouble with the prospector's pick). I do like the idea of leveling up to improve the ore output, though - that could be pretty cool, and would also add incentive to specializing in multiplayer (i.e.: Bob has high Mining, so he's the miner - Jim has high Agriculture, so he's the farmer - etc.).


    Also, by easier to see, do you mean that the ore block looks like any ordinary piece of stone until the character becomes proficient in identifying it? Because that would entail having to re-texture the blocks until the player got to the appropriate level, and then suddenly everything would have weird lines and stripes all over them.

    Yes I mean it would look like any other stone block and the texture would change according to your skill level.


    Also I like your ideas lordofwolves.


  5. Hi Terrafirmacrafter! I have a suggestion concerning the mining skill that is to be implemented in the future update, what if the ore became sort of hidden in the rock but still detectable using the prospector pick so that when you mine it it would drop poor ore and the better you get in that skill the better you are at actually seeing the ore. What I mean is the rock countaining the ore would look like just any other rock until you gain your first skill point then you would notice the poor ore and the better you get the better your ability at finding rich ore. I think it would raise a bit the challenge but would yield a great reward once you gain the skill.


  6. I was not sure where to post it and also if it as been discussed in another thread so I was wondering, why are the ocean freezing? Isn't it supposed to not freeze cause of the salt?
