Content: Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Background: Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Pattern: Blank Waves Notes Sharp Wood Rockface Leather Honey Vertical Triangles
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fred da kiko

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Everything posted by fred da kiko

  1. foot holds

    i just think it would look silly with the small holes.
  2. foot holds

    steves foot is larger than that small hole, much larger. I like the idea, but it would be strange climbing up a rock with little holes.
  3. Deepening combat

    The spamclicking issue stems from the fact that every hit stunblocks. If every hit didn't stun block you can't spam click because they would always hit you, making the spamclick option still a possibility while having the chance to still get you killed. every other solutuion interprets strategy as "you now have to hit shit mob with this weapon lol" which would make combat in earlier stages nearly impossible, or just gives mobs 3 different attacks each, which would just end up being the same thing only a little more annoying.
  4. Deepening combat

    I've seen a lot of threads about how to make combat better, most of them suggesting various attacks for mobs or a more complicated combat system. While reading those threads, I got to thinking about what exactly makes minecraft combat bad. I realized that it should be possible to make the minecraft combat better without actually changing the game too much. First of all, minecraft combat is basically a clusterfuck of jump+spamclick, there's no strategy and minimal tactical advantage. I'm going to focus on PvM at this point because PvP is a whole different story. MOBS: Minecraft mobs, with the exception of the skeleton, creeper, and iron golem, all deal damage by touching you. That shouldn't happen, mobs should have attacks. I'm not suggesting we give each mob a specialized attack, I'm suggesting we make them like the iron golem. Iron golems only deal damage when they are attacking, you can run up and hug an angry golem when they aren't doing their little smash attack. The reason that all mobs should have attacks is to put emphasis on timing, something that minecraft lacks in its combat. BLOCKING: The blocking mechanic should be completely redone. Currently, right clicking with a sword will put you into 'block mode' which halves all damage from all sides with the exception of fall and fire damage, which is stupid. The blocking mechanic should actually be used to fight, and that is why I suggest it actually block all attacks on the front side of the player with the exception of explosions, projectiles, ect. When an enemy hits a block no damage is taken by the player, but the block is broken, giving a window for a followup attack. A block with a sword counts as one use on that sword. KNOCKBACK: Knockback should weapon based. Hitting someone with a dull wooden sword would knock them back farther than hitting them with a razor sharp diamond blade, likewise, hitting someone with a dull tin sword would knock a person back farther than a sword forged of the finest red steel. This would mean that swords would sacrifice knockback for damage, the material you choose for your sword would make a bigger difference in combat. ARMOR: Armor should have weight. Armor should not impact walking speed, but should impact sprinting speed directly. leather and other light armors would not slow you down as much as something such as wrought iron. Armor choice would make an actual impact in PvP other than just "this guy is invincible lol." PLAYER VERSUS PLAYER: Using the mechanics for blocking, knockback, and armor would also work in PvP. Skill would play a larger part in PvP combat and, theoretically, someone in leather with a tin sword could kill someone in full red steel if they could use the blocking mechanic, knockback, and armor lightness to their advantage without getting hit. SUMMARY: Minecraft combat is flawed because many of the mechanics in place are unfinished and unused, as well as an imbalance of the weaponry and armor that is used. Fixing this requires mobs to have attacks, blocks to be redone, armors to have weight, and weapons to have varied knockback. Combat would be deeper without impacting the rest of the core gameplay too much. Combat would be slightly more complicated in the sense that your decisions matter, yet would not be so complicated that a newcomer would get slaughtered due to ignorance.
  5. Deepening combat

    Is anyone actually reading this?
  6. Animal Spawn Rate

    how will deer work, will they mate automatically?
  7. suggestion: Zombie

    i'm going to make massive holes to fuck with zombie dungeons.
  8. Chisel not working

    The chisel isn't working to create slabs, stairs, or polished rocks. It was working for a short period of time and then just stopped. i'm using a tin chisel that i used to make a stack of granite bricks.
  9. Chisel not working

    well that'd be the problem, i completely forgot about the hammer. i must have had it in my toolbar from actually smithing the chisle. thanks.
  10. bread making

    What if you could put spreads on bread to make them heal more?
  11. Chisel not working

    that key changes the chisel mode, like i said, none of the chisel modes work.
  12. 47b working metal on stone anvil smp

    that's because low level metals like tin have an extremely low working temp as well as a melting temp, so you need to work fast.
  13. bread making

    this thread is now about corn.
  14. bread making

    You know, most other developed countries call our little american grain corn.
  15. Tiny Tweaks Metathread

    maybe redstone torches run out of power, that way they would act more like fuel cells rather than an infinite power generator on a stick.
  16. Deepening combat

    Thanks. I admit, the knockback bit is a little gratuitous since I would assume that the metals would all be pretty of sharp. The idea was mainly that a blunter object would transfer more force to whatever it was hitting, while a sharper object would not because of the slicing. It also helps balance out the swords in a way that makes every upgrade have a slight downside.
  17. bread making

    Maybe you can only make vanilla bread in a stove, like a clay oven or something. Clay ovens would cook food better and could bake things.
  18. New smileys for the forum!

    Going "lol, fuck you" isn't trolling.
  19. Change breeding of chickens

    i always assumed that the chicken meat was the whole chicken. killing one chicken to get multiple chickens is kind of weird.
  20. New smileys for the forum!

    still, you don't need a smily. ! is already used to show excitement, and you could go "lol, fuck you" to show that you aren't serious. still, +1.
  21. bread making

    maybe tall grass could give you a tall grass item that, when put in a 4x4 crafting square, would make thatch.
  22. New smileys for the forum!

    It would be nice if you could make them small enough to be used as a representation of a crafting recipe, which is basically the only reason i think this is a good idea. usually i hate smilies because there's always some idiot who has to hit 40 times.
  23. Recycling Anvils

    More metal decorations?
  24. Make beds buildable rather than craftable?

    Has anyone ever slept on a pile of furs? Fur is softer than many of the beds that I've slept on. The only reason we don't sleep on a mattress on the floor is because of aesthetics, such is the way of TFC.
  25. Neolithic tools.

    Still, The only other thing that comes from the metal tools is efficiency with materials. considering what i use all my chisels on is either stairs or flooring, i could go a few more days without a fancy new scythe or a bloomery made of the finest chert.