Content: Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Background: Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Pattern: Blank Waves Notes Sharp Wood Rockface Leather Honey Vertical Triangles
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Everything posted by EvertoTrucido

  1. Mayaknife plays TFC, Season 2

    That's cool. I think I'll stick with Rei's now that I am used to using it and I don't really like the beacon that Zan's makes. But I saw episode 2 and really enjoyed it. Can't wait for 3.
  2. Mayaknife plays TFC, Season 2

    Thanks. I think I will switch to that because it goes with the feel of the game more.
  3. Option to configure units in ore.

    Would be interesting to have as an option. I am having enough time getting 20 pieces of copper for my Pros. pick and my pickaxe. But it would be a cool addition to the game settings and would need to be seperate from the different levels (peace,easy, medium, hard) and have it's own place to be selected. And do sluices stop working after 50 uses or would they work consistantly. I wouldn't go through all the work of setting one up when I could just use a pan in the same amount of time.
  4. Rain Barrels!

    Cool, can't wait to see. Will the barrels fill up immedietly after rain or only a bit every time it rains. (obviously having a max space)
  5. Mayaknife plays TFC, Season 2

    I can't wait to get time later to watch e2. The first episode was very entertaining. I was also wondering how you got that background for Rei's minimap. Did you edit the mod or am I missing something in the settings?
  6. Preparing Fish for Nomming

    A few days ago @TFC_Dunk posted some cool fish pics on his twitter page, and yesterday I went to my grandfather's pond and caught some bluegill and bass. However we didn't just put em over a fire. We made them into fillets and cut out the ribs. I thought it would be interesting to have the player use a knife on a fish to "prep" it before cooking it. Maybe this could decrease the amount of decay on the food or increase the amound of meat you eat per bite. Just a fun suggestion to bring a little bit more into the mod.
  7. Rain Barrels!

    Great idea, I think that it would be great to see them implemented. Now I would be curious if you think it would be better to have an additional collection device to put ontop of barrels like the extrafirma mod, or if you can set barrels to be open and just collect the water in them. I think that a barrel full of water should be able to last for about 2 weeks, assuming there are approx. 30 gallons in a barrel and you drink around a gallon or two a day.
  8. Preparing Fish for Nomming

    Lol. #LTGTHD I mean, it would be no more gross than the meat-xsplosions you get when you slap a pig over the head with an axe. And if we ever get to make a deep-frier we would have fun with fillets XD
  9. Hello guys, I am new to the forums and I am excited to be here. I have been really excited to doa TFC LP and I finally got around to recording my first episode. This first episode only features me, but next episode I plan to introduce my twin Finloe to the game and into the Let's play. I hope you all enjoy the let's play and follow along and give me tips or criticism. If you want to check out my channel it is at the following link] If you have any questions please ask below, I would love to talk to you guys and I hope to get involved in this forum a lot.
  10. Waiting for email validation to get here >.<