Content: Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Background: Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Pattern: Blank Waves Notes Sharp Wood Rockface Leather Honey Vertical Triangles
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Everything posted by InsaneJ

  1. There are some chiseled blocks in the spawn area yes, but nothing too fancy. You can check it out yourself by joining I doubt it's my computer not being fast enough though. Because then most people would be unable to play on the server at all. And seeing as we've passed the 3000 unique players mark a while ago that's not the case. My computer's specs: Intel Core i7 4770K @ 4.4GHz 16GB RAM (4GB is allocated to the Minecraft instance) Nvidia 670GTX
  2. [Offline] Communecraft - whitelist, no extra mods - 77.21

    It's not called "premium". It's called go-buy-the-game-already-you-cheap-bastard.Also, this server seems to be dead since October 2013.Read people. The OP said he would generate a new map and create a new topic for the server. Unfortunately by the looks of things he never got around to doing that.
  3. [Offline] New TFC Server NO Whitelist

    This thread has been inactive for 7 months. The domain name: can't even be resolved any longer. This server is dead I'm afraid.
  4. Trottling mob spawns

    On our server we regularly encounter mob farms that have gotten out of control. See screenshots below: Any one of such farms takes up about 1ms per tick. Which means it's using 1/20th of the server's performance just for 1 farm, which is simply too much. Right now we resort to manually killing off all those mobs. Which of course doesn't make the owners of those farms very happy. Would it be possible to have the mob spawn mechanism check how many of the kind of mob are present in the vicinity before spawning any given mob? So for example a chicken that wants to spawn checks to see how many chickens are present in a 16 block radius (32x32 blocks) before spawning. This would prevent chicken pens spawning out of control when the owner is offline but other players are present in the village. For a server having more then 10 of any mob isn't needed to keep a large village well fed.
  5. To help new players find new lands with plentiful resources, Pernix_8D has setup 4 server towns: North, South, East and West. You can teleport there using: /t spawn North, South, East or West. I have also put up 4 portals at spawn for your convenience. Just walk through them to get to your destination.
  6. When we started the current map, the server could hold 50 players easily. As time progressed players started making fire pits, bloomeries, forges, (animal)farms, etc. All those things take up a considerable amount of CPU time. In my opinion they take up more then they should. From our perspective TFC doesn't seem to be very optimized for servers. When you have 35 people on, you'd expect them to all be able to hold a small farm, build the multi-block "machines" and still perform well on high-end hardware. However since that is not the case, the only thing we can do (other then impose severe restrictions) is try to minimize the amount of needless load on the server. I'm talking about towns having only 1 small pen for animals. Stuff like in the screenshots below really kills the server's performance: To give you an idea. When the server has 35 people on, there are up to 15.000 chunks loaded. Which in itself isn't a problem. Each of those animal farms takes up about 1/20th of the server's performance. It means that with 20 chunks filled with animals like that, you can bring the server to a halt. Which is way out of proportion. So don't keep more farm animals then you really, absolutely, need. One pig will feed an entire village for a really long time. Having 3 pigs is more then enough for any village on the server. Kill one, eat, breed another, repeat. Also try not to create multi block structures you don't really need in a town. Since you are in a town, why does everyone need a blast furnace, bloomery, etc? You can work together and pull your resources. As long as players are unwilling to cooperate in such a way, the lag will remain during peak hours. We have taken several steps to improve performance, but all of the measures to do so are very unpopular and have given us a ton of complaints. I'm talking about the following: Reduce player slotsReduce view-distanceEnforce farm animal limitsEnforce structure limits (fire pit, forge, bloomery, etc.) The best thing players can do is report when they see other players having farms like the ones in the screenshot above or when there are tons of wild animals in any given location. I drop by on the server almost daily just to kill off the excess animals by which I means literally thousands of animals that have just spawned. If you hear lots of thunder on the server, that's me killing off animals. And please try to cooperate with other players. Try not to build everything yourself but instead share. That's the whole point of playing on a server if you ask me
  7. Yesterday the server was updated to 0.78.17, just didn't get around to announcing it here :B Read the changelog here:
  8. Depth and temperature

    Sorry, but that is nonsense. It's the same as saying that a tea mitten will never get warm on the outside because it's insulating the hot tea cattle inside. Of course it will get warm on the outside, and of course the earth's crust will be warm on the surface due to the heat being generated at the earth's core. I agree that the 256 height of Minecraft shouldn't be treated a simulation. Having additional thirst added due to heat at lower levels might make mining more difficult though. Then again, it might make for some interesting game mechanics. Having a bloomery/forge at Y 10 to be able to produce even stronger materials for example.
  9. @tenterro, we're not turning on the economy part for towns. That will result in a lot of players loosing their towns if they can't manage to pay the upkeep. We want players to feel safe knowing their towns will remain, even if they take a break from playing. @DarukuA, so basically you're telling me: figure it out! That's not useful at all I'm afraid. And then you end by telling me not to add client side mods. Which is completely redundant. The first part I've been doing all along which resulted in the most popular TFC server. And the second has been stated several times and should be in the OP somewhere. The server will never require client mods other then TFC.
  10. Depth and temperature

    As you said, the temperature underground is more stable. The average temperature is also higher than above ground. During warm days we experience underground as being cool. During the winter (and cold nights) we experience underground as being warm. Because of this people have long stored things underground. Not because it's actually cold, but because the temperature is more stable and thus easier to manage. Here's an graph to show the effect: During summer it's colder than outside, during winter is warmer than outside. The reason for this is that the ground is being kept warm by the earth's core. That giant spinning ball of liquid iron in the center is what's keeping us warm. Here's a nice graph showing depth and temperatures. If you want cold, go up. If you want warm, go down.
  11. There currently isn't any kind of shop mod/plugin running on the server. All shops are trade posts made by players. If enough people are interested in making their own shop, I'll consider facilitating it through some sort of plugin. It'll probably be a sign shop since that's easiest to use and most reliable in mixed Forge/Bukkit servers. So let me know what you guys think
  12. You can change the title of this thread by editing the first post, and then choosing "Use Full Editor"
  13. Some statistics for those who like stats At the time I'm posting this, the HappyDiggers TFC server has been visited by 2110 unique players and send+received a total 5.6TB of data the past month. I'm working on setting up a more detailed stats page which will show individual player's stats. Stay tuned!
  14. [Offline] [78.17] New Whitelist TFC Server

    Your opening post isn't excessively long. I think it does a good job explaining what you wish to accomplish with you server I have a suggestion. How about naming your server and putting it in the topic title? That way people can refer to your server by name rather then: that new server. Which won't be new after some time has passed. Anyway, just a suggestion. Keep up the good work!
  15. PSA: please keep the amount of animals you keep to a minimum, they can cause quite a bit of lag. This afternoon I saw the following when analyzing server performance using Opis: It shows 1 chunk using 2.4ms of processor time each tick. Given that there should be 20 ticks in each second, one tick may last a maximum of 50ms. Out of those 50ms, 2.4ms was used just for that chunk. When I teleported to the chunk I saw the following: There were approximately 126 chickens in that chunk, using about 1/20th of the total server capacity. In other words, 20 of those pens would completely keep the server occupied leaving no room for anything else without causing lag. Please don't keep any more animals then you are actually using. It will help keep the server as lag free as possible for all the players on it
  16. Just out of curiosity. How much are you charging to be whitelisted? And does that guarantee a slot on the server at all times or do you have to share with other (paying) players?
  17. The server has been updated to TFC 0.78.16 Read the changelog here:
  18. Starting tomorrow the HappyDiggers TFC server will have 35 player slots available. Right now the HappyDiggers TFC server is always populated. During the quiet hours there are 10+ people on, during peak hours we max out at 50. As many players have noticed, TFC doesn't perform as well as we'd like it to under those circumstances. There is just too much going on and some mechanics(multi-block structures, mobs, chunk updates upon loading) are just too poorly optimized at this time for any server to keep up. I have long put off reducing the amount of slots because we, and many players, felt that it's preferable to be able to play with lag (teh luv) rather then not being able to play at all. However due to the increased popularity of TFC there are now more active servers available for players to choose from. So I encourage players to visit those servers as well and share the player base across the community. I've always believed that diversity is what makes Minecraft great, and that also goes for different kinds of Minecraft servers
  19. The server is updated to 0.78.15. Read the changelog here:
  20. Server is getting pretty crowded at times. In the screenshot above we had 51 people on. The server will now start kicking players that have been idle for 10 minutes. After 5 minutes you go AFK, then 5 minutes after that you are automatically kicked. This has not further bearing on your status on the server and should not be considered punishment of any kind. It's just to help reduce lag (teh luvs) and so other players can get a chance to play as well
  21. [Offline][B2B46e][PvP TDM] Age of Survival *PvP Server Is Up*

    This thread has been dead for almost two years now. Is this server even still up?
  22. The HappyDiggers TFC server has been updated to 0.78.14. Enjoy the multiple fruit harvests each year See changelog for details:
  23. Since we enforce the rule that people respect the staff and other players you should find that our server isn't hostile towards new players. Also PVP is turned off so we don't have squads of players going around killing the newbies or players with lesser gear. That being said, most players on the server are genuinely nice people willing to help out others. Some towns are actively searching new, unknown, players. Others like to see how new people behave a little bit first. It all depends on who is online at the time when you join. You could always start your own town, or maybe visit a few towns and talk to people and get to know them. You can see the large amount of towns we have available on Dynmap. Fun factoid. The HappyDiggers TFC server so far has seen 1049 individual players since the map was updated to the 0.78.x builds. Of which ~300 joined the server since etho released his first TFC video 4 days ago.
  24. The server is open all the time. Chances are you are blocked in the firewall. The server uses a country based, a threat based and a spam based block list which are updated daily. Which means known spammers (and countries that send A LOT of spam like Korea, China, India, Russia, Turkey, Vietnam, Ukraine, Brazil, Venezuela, Pakistan, etc.), hackers and bot nets are blocked as much as possible. If you are from one of those countries, just send me your IP and I'll add you to the whitelist. Go to to see what your IP is.