Content: Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Background: Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Pattern: Blank Waves Notes Sharp Wood Rockface Leather Honey Vertical Triangles
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Everything posted by Zodsmar

  1. GTA Meet up?

    Legal age for what? Drinking, or driving, or what. Because Legal age can mean a lot of things. Like 18 would mean your an adult so that's a legal age. But 19 is drinking. I'm gonna assume tho you mean drinking
  2. GTA Meet up?

    5:30 works a lot better. And if if not vaughan, how about like north york? At least more the closer end of Toronto. Like maybe closer to York Uni? Or even farther down is fine. But the heart of Toronto yeah will be a bit harder to get too.
  3. GTA Meet up?

    Time can work but earlier would be preferred. Also if it will just be my guys, you and _Frank. Where is _Frank coming from because my guys and myself all live up near Wonderland so like yeah. We can get downtown but if its just us closer would probably be way easier for us at least. But like yeah. As for places, I'm never downtown much so I couldn't tell you really any good places, but near wonderland, there are quite a few places. But what are we looking for? Restaurant, Pub, etc. Cause if its dinner we could always just do something like Swiss Chalet or Montana's.
  4. GTA Meet up?

    Myself and three other friends are able to make it.
  5. Hey thanks so much! I am happy to see that you updated the pack so quickly! One thing I noiced the topic title says updated to 77.15, but the build at the moment is 77.22. You may wanna change that. Just saying. Otherwise thanks so much!
  6. Thanks so much for the quick reply! The original reason I asked you to fix these issues is because I make youtube video's and I am starting my new lp of terrafirma and well I like vanilla textures they feel to bla to me. I was on the forums and this was the only pack basically done so I decide to use. BTW this is a fantastic pack. For the record my name on youtube is Zodsmar so just look me up. Otherwise I look forward to the update and cant wait. Thanks, Zodsmar
  7. Hello, I noticed in your post you said to let you know if anything was missing. I found quite a few things missing and you should really get them done! I like this texture pack a lot but when it is not complete it kinda sucks. First off, in 1.6.2 the torch texture file was changed from torch to torch_on. Therefore the torch texture doesnt work. Second you are missing particles like the torch flame is vanilla. Thirdly, there is no flint texture. I so far this is what I have noticed but Im pretty sure there are more things. Honestly if you wanna create a complete pack then you should make textures for vanilla minecraft like all of it and this way you know nothing will be missing. Edit: I also found that lilypads have no texture. Gonna just keep adding to the list as I find them. List: Torches (are there but wrong name) Flint LilyPads Particles/Effects (ie Fire, Torch Flames, etc.) Thanks, Zodsmar P.s. Otherwise great pack!