Content: Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Background: Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Pattern: Blank Waves Notes Sharp Wood Rockface Leather Honey Vertical Triangles
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Everything posted by Forgelander

  1. Tree stumps

    I've been think of this idea myself for awhile, so this can be a nice add on.
  2. Block Heads [0.79]

  3. Block Heads [0.79]

    Is it just me? or when i ever click download it just goes to "Untitled" ?
  4. Primitive Mobs NOT NPCs

    I would like to see this added.
  5. Grass rope

    Not a half bad idea, i could defiantly see a use for it.
  6. Tools, And How Far They Can Hit

    Please don't capitalize ever starting letter in a word, it gets hard to read, but the idea is decent.
  7. Do animals respawn?

    Once an animal is dead, it's dead forever, the only real way to renew is to breed.
  8. TFC is missing a goal

    Boss fights could be a nice add, the last ones should be hard too.
  9. TerraFirmaCraft with Dunk

    Loving the series so far dunk.
  10. Sorry for necroposting, but blueyoga, it's me MummySprayer. i'm sorry that i've been off the server for months, i had real life problems going on and i simply lost interest, it seems that a lot of the users here are inactive, and the server is out of date, so hopefully soon you can make the server up to date.
  11. Traps

    That'll be an interesting mechanic to add.
  12. More trees

    Also, a juniper tree!
  13. Traps

    Some traps like some leaves covering a hole could be a good early game trap.
  14. Decay for drinks - Freshness

    I actually like this idea! this can really add some difficulty to thirst!
  15. The new rocks

    I'm having huge lag spikes in 0.78.6, might have something to do with the new rock models or probably something else. Edit: nevermind, i'm not lagging anymore, i just needed to update my java, oops!
  16. Fire pit to keep monsters away

    Also, it should burn out after awhile, for balancing reasons.
  17. B78 Pre-Release Live-Steam 04/08/14!!!

  18. Stranded III Survival Game

    Don't forget the blood
  19. Stranded III Survival Game

    I have downloaded stranded 2, good game, but i have no clue how to remove an item that you put in your hand i hope the third one will good though.
  20. Ah, glad to see that texture packs for TFC is still kicking
  21. Alternate recipes for fishing rod and bow.

    I 100% agree with this, the crafting recipes as of now are quite boring compared to everything else.
  22. Inventory Space: Oh my god it's a thread about Inventory

    In my opinion, this is going way too far in realism.