Content: Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Background: Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Pattern: Blank Waves Notes Sharp Wood Rockface Leather Honey Vertical Triangles
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Everything posted by lonelydime

  1. [TFC 0.79.27] Technofirma Mod Pack

    NEI is the culprit for some of them and I was able to disable a few, still shows "terrafirmacraft" at the bottom of the menu and I can't figure out how to get rid of that one... However, even when I disabled NEI all together I still have undesireables showing up: Is there a way to get rid of the "terrafirmacraft:item.Ore" and the (#4253/11) after Limonite? NEI will put 4253:11 if the option is on, but it's off. The one that's showing isn't NEI.
  2. [TFC 0.79.27] Technofirma Mod Pack

    I disabled NEI and it is indeed NEI putting in some of the information. I can't the dev menu though? I googled around and found that is indeed where I could disable things, just can't find it. With NEI disabled I still get some information I'd rather not have. Any way to remove the (#4253/11) and terrafirmacraft:item.Ore? Weight too, but I don't mine that one as much. The other two expand the width of the flyout and with stuff like Wrought Iron Ignot it's sometimes too large for me as I don't play fullscreen.
  3. [TFC 0.79.27] Technofirma Mod Pack

    Is there any way to get rid of all of the hover information in the inventory? I'm refering to the item ID next to the item's name (it's turned off in NEI, but something else is showing it), the item's weight, ore dictionary info, the terrafirmacraft:ore.iron, etc. The default TFC stuff like "Heavy, small" is fine but there is just way too much clutter added by other mods.
  4. [TFC 0.79.27] Technofirma Mod Pack

    Thanks Kitty, the FTB launcher installed I believe the modpack installed TFC 79.12, but I advanced it to 79.13 to not mess up all my new stairs. This one may be on me.
  5. [TFC 0.79.27] Technofirma Mod Pack

    Another issue I've found, if you start an ignot pile that pile is invisible until you relog. If you add ignots to an existing pile it works fine. I'm not trying to be a pain in the ass, just letting you know. This modpack has really got me back into minecraft! Love it!
  6. [TFC 0.79.27] Technofirma Mod Pack

    What's the mod that allows me to walk over blocks instead of jumping? I feel like it negates the use of stairs, would like to disable it.
  7. [TFC 0.79.27] Technofirma Mod Pack

    That did the trick, thanks Pastoral!
  8. [TFC 0.79.27] Technofirma Mod Pack

    Looks good so far, one problem I've noticed is that hot springs render wrong. You can see the problem here:
  9. TFC/BTW Collab?

    I meant nothing against him, like I said I had been following him since the very beginning when he created the mod and boasted "Look at what I can do in less code then it took to make those stupid wolves Notch added". Back when it started though, he was a lot friendlier and his motto wasn't "Play it my way or don't play it" as you can tell by the config flags that used to be used and the integration into forge. After forge he got real bitter and he's very open about disliking everything about Mojang since Notch left Minecraft.
  10. TFC/BTW Collab?

    Flowerchild had worked with Forge once and that didn't go well, huge flame war. Someone started porting BTW into BWF (better with forge if I remember) and another huge flame war ensued. As much as I liked his mechanical power and automation ideas, it was a very closed off mod that was either his way or get the hell out. If something along those lines would be added to TFC, it would be best to stay far away from BTW because of all of the insane drama that follows that mod and its users. I think Dunk and Bioxx can do a good enough job on their own if the idea were to be implemented. I say all this as a follower of BTW from the very beginning.
  11. Advancing???

    Lack of support? Support has been great during the 78 update with constant updates fixing bugs. You clearly don't understand the commitment it is to undertake a mod such as TFC that completely rewrites a lot of minecraft's core features. This is not a mod you paid for and it is done by the dev team for free with little benefit to them other then the enjoyment of programming. People like you diminish this benefit greatly. Updates get done with they have time, don't whine or act entitled. They owe you absolutely nothing, be glad the mod even exists.
  12. Slow website/forum

    It's not "hidden" perse, it does drop down because the menu elements are floating left. It should be on the next line below the rest of the menu items, but yes very annoying.
  13. Version #: 78.11Suggested Name: Breaking a fresh water ice block yields salt waterSuggested Category: AnnoyingDescription: If you go to a pond or river and break an ice block, you cannot use a clay jug and using a wooden bucket on the water block gives you salt waterHave you deleted your config files and are still able to reproduce this bug?: link of the Crash Report: n/a
  14. Slow website/forum

    My guess would be the server went down and wasn't handling requests. If Kitty or one of the devs would like help in this area, I'm a professional web developer that knows a thing or two about running/maintaining a site.
  15. Banished Game + Mod

    Dunk, would you recommend it to someone that loves TFC? I've been playing with the idea of getting Bansihed because it looks very interesting and I love the realistic survival that TFC brings to Minecraft. While unforgiving, I've read it doesn't offer much once you figure out how to survive.
  16. Mechanical Power. What do people(you) think about it?

    If done right it can really add a lot to the mod. As far as the tech tree goes, it really should be tacked on to the end of what we currently have as a way to expand the game and its gameplay. It could give more use to redstone as it would be able to dislodge gears to unpower a particular element, though I'm not sure redstone would be the best fit for the mod. In the far future it could be used to generate electrical current, but to start off with I think grinders and a more realistic minecart boosting system would be great.