Content: Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Background: Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Pattern: Blank Waves Notes Sharp Wood Rockface Leather Honey Vertical Triangles
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Posts posted by starXephir

  1. The problem with corrosion resistance is that tools get used up rather quickly in Minecraft. In real life a steel tool or machine part can last 30 years! There are plenty of German machines and tools left over from the world wars. Still usable today, their demand for quality was insane (Today most people call this "bad buisness"). Many other options to stop corrosion than tin coatings exist. Oil, paint, and alloys (add Chromium to steel for 'stainless').  Though I do agree that TFC needs a replacement for enchanting. I had some ideas for tool working, but I never posted them. I figured they may have been discussed to death by now. Tin cans are usually made of tin coated steel too, all the strength of steel, all the qualities of tin. While you'd be right about being created in the 1800s. That's only Tin Cans as we know them. With the magnificent machine rolled lips that seal the cans perfectly. Similar to those on steel drums. They exist outside of the game period, but the steam engines that could be implemented parallel those of the 1800s. People may have not had an understanding of tins usefulness to preserve food in the 1500s and before (and storing food in an 'air tight' envionment, but I'm only speculating). It wouldn't be a stretch to make some kind of sealable capsule in-game. Conveniently, one of the best materials for general work in TFC is tin!


    All you would need is a few peices of Tin Plate and a way of cut shapes out. Tin is pretty easy to punch, and there is a tool called tin-snips after all. Creating a canister is incredibly easy. Hammer the sheet into a U and stick a cork in it :P. Which I guess is something glass bottles and jars is normaly used for in modern times. We make bottles in game in the crafting table. No blowing crequired, the same non-method could be applied to tin cans. What I'm trying to say is that it is to early to write off canisters. They just don't have any particular use in TFC :P.


    Edit: @Hobo. I was only joking about the Sham thing. Wikipedia is usualy accurate, if overly simplified. For scientific matters atleast...

    Edit2! Murcury would be interesting in TFC. Cinnabar gives redstone... And many processess it is used it are skipped. Not to mention it's so poisonious a lot of people might agrue it's not believable to use it without getting sick...


    Amalagams are pretty simple, mercury alloys. The Mercury acts as the Carrier. Inside of it are little peices of the metal (or any other substance) you are looking to transfer. Depending on the solution it's viscosity ranges greatly. Hobby paint's like acrylic have pigments carried in white spirits. Oil-based paints, are well, carried oils. So think of it like a Mercury based Paint.

    The example of using Amalagams to coat mirrors is still relevant today. I had to look up the name of the techinique but I couldn't find it. Basically, from what I remember, there is a chemical (not murcury) solution with silver and other metals. Glass is glided over the solition to build up a metalic layer. Once the surface has a complete metal film you are left with a perfect mirror. Remembering that glass is an electronic insulator. So coating the mirror in a conductor with such a method would allow you to use electroplating.

    Edit3: Fixed spelling errors I noticed.


  2. I will cut in slightly and add to the thing starXephir said. Or alter it.

    Please do. My mind is full of nonsense.  Perhaps spawn protection in the "adjacent chunks" start to be filled with predators as their natural prey have moved on due to human presence. They turn to humans as a food source.  By adjacent chunks (call it Spawn Protection B) I mean the ones affected by spawn protection, but have not been populated by players enough to have proper spawn protection (Spawn Prot A, hostiles). This would stop mobs spawning in your houses, but potentially creeping up in the streets. Like that hungry bear, peeping into house, eyeing off that picnic chest of beef. Where I used to live there was a lot of greenery around. We had foxes, kangaroos and even the odd escaped sheep. Most of the area was turned into a freeway and almost all of the animals fled or died. I am not sure how the animals should behave in winter. I suggested they despawn for a few reasons. Some animals hibernate and others have difficulty surviving the winter. So they move to more temperate areas. Meaning only in really cold climates the mobs would despawn. Also I wouldn't want the players to be able to abuse the way "Migration" would work and try to stock pile spawned animals. If they despawned (Migrated away) in the winter, then the player would be on a 'clock' of sorts. Though that does mean they could kill without fear. Which is where spawn protection could come in. Similar to what I suggested earlier (in the vein of bone yards), and you reiterated a similar idea. Killing animals could boost the Spawn Protect. B effect. Lowering neutral/passive mobs, and increasing predators.  It is hard coming up with a good system without knowing the true limitations of Minecraft's engine. There are always work arounds, but they are unlikely to be easy.


  3. *Sharktopus 
    Pseudo-boss-monsters! Captain Squarehab and his crew, wrecked with madness go hunting the fearsome, SHARKTOPUS! Aside from the dolt who forgot to bring javelins. There's always that guy. 
    Good for multiplayer, player-driven events and town boasting rights.
    Sounds good. I support giving life to the game. Even if it is just aesthetics. If it comes out feeling natural then it's all good.


  4. Wikipedia (as unreliable as it can be) agrees with pretty much everything starXephir wrote.

    Oh noes, everything I've ever learnt is a sham! :P Note though, most of what I posted comes from material science and metal working experience. I'm glad it isn't complete nonsense muddled in my mind by the power of time.  

    Brass and Pewter should really be the future of metal-based crafting in TFC. Brass is one of the oldest alloys, common to the point it was even used to make coins. Brass isn't a great material for doing work, but it is easy to work itself. So it could be one of the critical alloys for making components. One of the reasons it is still relevant (compared to Pewter) is that it is primarily copper. It can be used in more electroplating processes (And conducts electricity well). Brass plating itself is also useful, forming a substratum which typically then gets plated over. Poor, poor brass. It never gets to show the world it's beauty.

     Things like Tin(/Pewter) Cans could be very difficult to implement, depending on how food calculates decay. Though if it could be a simple inventory that slows decay, ezpz (maybe). If you had to convert your meats into SPAM opposed to soaking them in a barrel (salt water or creosote for example) would require a new method to be programmed in. Canned Tomatoes! Canned Beef! Cube pasta! Candle light dinners. Minecraft Style.


  5. After posting in that bread-thread. I was reminded of something that would work with your suggestion of turning Grass into Flatbread suggestion.

    You would still need to harvest a bunch of grass, but the results would not be guaranteed. Keeping some level of risk.


    Indigenous Australians ground up seeds to make bread too. So maybe instead of grass seeds specifically, you can use any seeds to make 'seed flour'. Perhaps in the same way as Mileaos2 suggested. Which when cooked produces a 'seed cake'. An awful food source, but seeds are abundant once you have your farm sorted out, and thus need to be awful. In a pinch they would work just fine. Using them as a food source early game, or when you are lowly developed. The player is penalised in that they wont be able to use that seed for growing a better food item. Additionally it gives us a way of using all those god-damn seeds up! :D


    With something like this I guess you wouldn't need roots or mushrooms (though they bring more life to the game). And it would be functional through-out the entire game. Where foraging is a bit iffty on game balance. Too good and it over takes farming (in so, so many ways it already would be, even if the harvested food was weak). Too weak, and it isn't work the time to program it.


  6. Please, Water+Wheat Flour is Damper. I remember having to make some in grade 5 school camp... Some people put a banana in their damper. (I put chocolate ;))


    As Da_Hobo suggested. Fermating your dough to make traditional bread seems reasonable in-game. It is wholely unnecessary though. There would need to be incentive for the modders to program it. And players to even do it.


    So! Depending on how B78 and food changes come about, I propose:

    The current bread formula produce Damper (and magic game forms of Rice-Damp, Barley-Damper, etc). A crappy food by game standards.

    Then to actually make bread you must ferment it as Hobo suggested. Then it takes a long time to cook/heat up. Thus bread takes time/work to acquire, but is better usage of your resources.


    If there was a food overhaul or for some other reason we had an Oven. Then there would be a tech/resource requirement to make bread. Rather than a time-spank on the player who just wants some toast.


  7. Tin sucks :P as most raw elements it's not very useful in practical applications. I think you should revise your suggestion to be more uses for Pewter. Which would be an alloy made mostly out of tin. With a little copper and bismuth. We don't have antimony in the game, so leaving it out of the pewter recipe is fine with me (Real Pewter uses Antimony as well). There are not many TFC-Applicable uses for antimony that I can think of. Using lead in the alloy is reasonable, but this would push Pewter into the mid/late game. There would be little benefit for making Pewter a late game alloy, over an early game alloy. Though that could change if game pacing is modified in b78.


    Things like plating are outside the scope of TFC. Tool corrosion would be awful. Needing to electroplate (or paint, i guess) certain components is unnecessary micro-crafting. Technically Kitty was wrong. Electoplating is mmost  commonly associated with plating (it's in the name!). Galvanisation (zinc plating) of steel, for example, can be done by submersing the steel into a bath of molten zinc. Plating has been dated back to the Egyptians. Who used methods like Gilding, to achieve a similar effect to plating. Though gilding is inefficient, inconstant, and wasteful compared to electroplating. Metals can also be painted in a carrier. Like ceramic coatings. Which is perhaps the most applicable usage of tin in TFC.


    In the second link you posted. Many of those uses for Tin Plate are still relevant today. And usable in game. Tin-plate cans, tin-plate roofing (with a pata-pata sound when it rains?!?!), all potential options. Again, not really something that TFC would benefit from in the short-term. It's more of an Extra-Firma vanity type thing. Should we ever have electronics. Even in a basic form. Tin would jump in demand. Other historical uses were greatly because of how useful tin wasn't, but it was 'silver' in colour, and thus it's affordability was desirable for faux-wealth. Tin is also easy to shape and punch. Making things such as decorative lanterns easy to construct. I'm sure you can find pictures of well polished Tin on the 'net and understand why it would be used for something like a 'table centrepiece".


    Anyway, Pewter. Simply put, Pewter in practice has every advantage over Tin, Bronze does of Copper. Historically it was used a lot. Probably the chief alloy for making various items. From tableware to pure vanity items. So for the sake of the Modifications. Pewter, could be used in place of tin, for many crafting purposes you suggested. I've seen suggestions of people wanting Dinner Plates. Maybe Pewter could be a step-up from Pit-Fired clay. Making steins that never break (Damn my luck with Cermaic Jugs :D). Drinking alcohol from a Pewter stein has a more potent effect compared to glass bottles? These items if placable like the current ceramic items. Allows players to make some cool looking mess halls. It would also be a suitable material for making Lanterns, as others have suggested additional lighting. Really, many non-industrial uses of steal we use today could be made of pewter in game. Browse the suggestion forum. I'm sure there are a lot of suggestions that are relevant to this topic.


  8. Compound bow? No thanks. Depending on how the mechanical systems get integrated in the future. Including Compound Bows could be interesting, but not at this current stage of development.


    I think the direction bows should go in is related to vanilla. This will require the player to be able to get Horn. Other animal products I would 'nay', as they wont have any other uses.

    • Currently we have "Self Bows", single material bow. The vanilla bow would be the "Short Bow" of the game. Short draw, 'low' power.
    • The step up could be a Flatbow (A "longbow" equiv for game sake). Made from planks, not sticks. If you have a saw, you should be in with flatbows. Long draw, 'high' power.
    • Then comes the the Composite bow. Made out of horn, bone and wood (somehow :D throw it in a crafting bench!).  Short draw, 'high' power.

    Perhaps all steps above the Short bow require you to make a bowstring as suggested in the OP, or some other method. I don't know how I feel about the progression I outlined. However it could work or game sakes.


    Rather than a Compound bow, I'd like to see an arbalest. Right clicking "Cranks" the winch a step. Fires arrows, not bolts. Does an impressive amount of damage. Once winched you need to hold right click for a short amount of time to fire it, preventing a miss-fire from over-cranking.

    Arbalest use some level of mechanical knowledge, like the compound bow. But are not just a +Tier item to the normal bows. As it has it's own function.


    The shape of the bow is a bit hard to emulate in Minecraft. As such I've tried to ignore it.


  9. It's the game that is all about being simple. The mod aims to keep things 'believable'. Though your mileage may vary on certain topics. Kitty's points are relevant.


    There are a lot of simple things that can simulate sickness and disease. But the examples you gave were very specific and 'too varied' (ie not following a standard).


  10. Quote-ka-blam!

    Does the Powder Keg use that function? If so why does it explode in that perfect pattern you posted earlier?


    And more importantly! Doesn't that mean Barrels, when sealed into Powder Kegs, could get a value of floor(Gunpowder/4) assigned to them. Like how Heat and other values are done. When this keg is set off, it uses the vanilla function with that number (derived explosive force!) as blast radius to make player controlled explosives?


    Though I understand if this is avoided due to vanilla explosives destroying far more processing power than blocks.


  11. Inventory space being limited does not justify this suggestion. The opposite really.


    Though I do support this idea. Having a one-item occasional-use tool carrier is useful. I think it would need regimented inventory slots. Helping to prevent quantum inventory abuse and allowing further features. "Tool slots" in crafting interfaces? Drag and drop your roll into the space allocated, all the stored tools fill into the interface. If we ever get expanded equipment slots, we could have slots for tool rolls as well, hopefully somehow limiting the amount of rolls you can carry/use.


    Rolls for tool heads and components maybe?


  12.  alongside rivers...



    Get stones as waste product from sluice peration?

    Doesn't do exactly what OP wants, but gives you another way of getting stones.


    If stones did reappear they would need to give you a message in the chat log. Like the prospectors pick: "Contains traces of sphalerite". Instead of giving you an ore. If all rocks did that, in addition to giving you a small ore, I guess prospecting by collecting would be too easy.


  13. Apemen are allergic to Vitamin D? They're burnin' up!



    I agree, though I'd like to make sure that the animals don't attack in creative mode... that would just be annoying.

    I think creative mode makes hostile mobs ignore you.


  14. Oh no, Allen! Don't throw nearly 700 solar systems of sugar into the bowels of Hell! A cataclysmic sugar rush will cause the flames of hell with explode through-out the multiverse and consume everything!


    Probably should have given me time to escape before such barbaric methods. :rolleyes:  Whatever will stop the pyrolysis of that ungodly sized cookie!


    Let's forget to mention the cookie would collapse in on itself under it's own mass.



  15. Well, I did have a problem feeding dogs with anything but Mutton. Kitty even looked into the code for me. If I remember right it was the only item flagged for breeding the wolves in TFC.


    It went from breeding to baiting because inconsistency in item usage was brought up. I suppose breeding being 'okay' as-is probably didn't help. OP isn't really driving the conversation to address the problem she brought up either.


  16. Give it a mud rendering and you'd never know it was straw. You should check out some of the stuff people have done with renewable resources in Grand Designs too.


    Depending on the limitations of your engineering, nothing is far fetched :D. Minecraft has none of the usual limitations!


  17. @HM, Well you're not being punished. Multiplayer is just put before you... There is always the conspiracy Dunk is trying to convert all SSPs to taking up servers, because he has connections with the Minecraft server industry.

    Honestly though it isn't too hard to fill your night time in TFC. Compared to vanilla at least.


    Celtic design and use of stone is so great. I'm gonna go chisel up some swirls real soon. The structures the built and burried under mounds. With sun calendars and stuff. Pretty cool, if archaic even for the Iron Age.


  18. I haven't played Don't Stave, but it is pretty hard to work in metal health. Experiencing illusions is a gamey version of hearing a bump in the night. This is Minecraft after all, what is there to fear? Zombie? Throw down some blocks, wait till morning. Enderman? Throw down some blocks! Spider? Made  two-high pillars and kill them without fear. Illusions work to an extent. They force the player to make the incorrect decision due to misinformation. Attacking the 'illusion' enemies makes no progress in killing the true threats. Firing a javelin at an illusion is a big hit. If they try to build something to counter an illusion then the 'effect' of paranoia is working. Once the player makes too many mistakes the self doubt starts. That's when illusions have worked. Though I completely understand if they don't want illusions from a 'too magic-y' point of view. 


    Swinging this thread open a little bit. If we did have new mobs. An example (I like to use) wild dogs. They could have 'special attacks' (if you will pardon the game lingo), howling at night or on sight of the player. Which causes 'fear' to elevate. Darkening the screen or something. This lets the player know they are going to be attacked, but do not know where from. Setting the grounds for fear. Heavy breathing/heart beats and darkening effects are mostly psychological attacks on the player :P. Causing them to make mistakes, opposed to weakening their character. Which does happen in some games, but it's still to the effect of attacking the player. I'm not sure it really works in Minecraft, but I can guarantee you most people will not want to play with pumpkin on. Given, in this system, you would be punished in injuries anyway. Do we really need Mental Health? The threat of bleeding to death could be enough to induce mild anxiety in some players. Additionally I'm sure there are a lot of people who do not like horror elements and would be turned off by a Mental Health system.


    Perhaps think along the lines of dogs, snakes, bears and sharks(? whatever mob you dream of) each having their own ways of causing fear. As you get more experienced with the game you recognise the symptoms and can ignore them. Use the to know what you are against. As I know a lot of players wont be effected by hostile mobs at all, forcing them to be the girl from Clock Tower wouldn't be fun to them. Those crazy bastards would rather take the HP loss and carve the monster to pieces with their axe. :)


    I still sort of like the idea. It just needs to be done very carefully.


  19. It is something I think should be included in world gen for TFC going forwards. As with the opposite, aquifer layers. Not as useful for farming but a well can be built out of it.


    One of the shifty things I do to make a large farm is find an area with surface ponds/lakes in close proximity. Then join them all up as best I can. Squaring off to make the amount of source blocks as large as possible. Then using all the collected dirt, fill the lakes in to make large farm plots. Digging up and source-ifying a river bend works well too... It just isn't crazy enough for me :).


  20. Keeping it in the vein of "Medieval Machinery" is a valuable point. If things get too advanced they would be the risk of things getting a bit 'steampunk'ish. Unless that is the intent for the endgame, things should look real minimalistic. Lots of wood with iron bands. Things fastened with hammered rivets. The problem with this though is that medieval tech seems hard to implement in a game. Lots of natural energy, and material tension. Ropes, winches, counter weights, levers, gears and catches. Lots of fun stuff... Buuuut this is more stuff that blocks and items should look like they're made out of, rather than tools the player can manipulate. Hell, recreating medieval machinery would be so big, it would need it's own mod.


    The images Dunk posted earlier look Post-Watt. 19th century stuff. I can understand the usage of Newtonian ideas in time periods before his existence. To us Newtonian physics is just how the world is. I read somewhere the game was supposed to be ~1500 AD at the end game. Which would put steam power just outside the intended era of TFC [citation needed]. What Dunk's idea is for the end-game technology I can't make an assumption on. If steam energy is included it might need to be in a 'mad scientist' sort-of way? Where the technology is not portrayed as cutting edge and refined, but a means to an end. Making it look real rough and lucid.


    We don't really have much use for power at all as of b77. Having small hobbyist sized boilers/engines, seems a pretty reasonable initial goal. Almost like a bench top boiler that can feed power into a few basic machines. Thereby making things really robust looking and feeling unnecessary. I still support medieval looking tech. It really does give a greater atmosphere to have your machines themselves a centrepiece to design and encourage thorough thought for advanced systems. Not a great example, but like when you see the workings of a clock tower in a movie. Shots that dwarf the characters to the industrial prowess of the location. Even little pressure valve hisses and "tinka-tinka" noises as flywheels rotate would be awesome though. MATmosphere plug-in?


    With that... Any good ideas for power consumers? Steam powered minecarts would be sweet (Iron Bars instead of ingots for tracks? :D Gotta stretch me them resources). Most applications I can think of would use mechanical devices (like pulleys) to effect the game world, rather than produce things. Not sure if we need powered blacksmith machinery. Meat Grinders? Sawmills? Most things we still manage with the power of Minecraft Magic. Including machines like Sawmills may just be one of those "tech upgrade" type things that give you a slightly better output (and dust), but are rather pointless due to the start up costs, and player time wasted running them.
