Content: Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Background: Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Pattern: Blank Waves Notes Sharp Wood Rockface Leather Honey Vertical Triangles
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Posts posted by starXephir

  1. They sure would Allen. Aiming to collapse peoples mines and punch holes in castle walls. I do use TNT in non-TFC for clearing dirt or other large underground structures. It saves time and an ingot of iron or two.Controlling the force of the blast with the quantity of powder in the barrel would definitely give the player enough control to use them for mining. And save on the amount of different items and crafting recipes needed to create. It would also keep the resource cost low.And if you could ignite the kegs with a trail of gunpowder instead of redstone it would be a delightful experience.


  2. Storing the food in an ExtraUtilities-like Filing Cabient could be a helpful way of reducing the ammount of processes needed to age the food items.

    Fridge blocks (as ancient or recent as you'd like to imagine), could have X number of slots, each slot holds a differnt ID of food, with an great deal of slots for items of the same ID, but with different meta data. Then a lot of the calculations can be put to the Fridge block to take care of, such as remembering when it was last loaded, and advancing the age of the stored food. There would still be a lot of processes required for aging food, but if 90% of food is stored in a chest currently. Move all that to a fridge and you could save on a lot of calculations.


    Being in the earlier ages of mankind, the Fridge would barely be and ice chest, and not perserve food too well. Hell you could even use a pantry block, or multiblock structure to determain the storage size. Maybe even to silo size?


    However the biggest problem is that cereal crops can be stored for upwards of 5 years if perserved well. Don't we overproduce enough grain as-is?


    Edit: As an extention on the idea of a Multiblock 'Pantry' (Since I live on the other side of the world and wont be able to post during prime time). It would essentially be a storage ban like thing. Or a component you would build inside a storage ban/large house. Depending on the materials it is built out of, it allows food to be perserved for longer. Same with if it is built with less air blocks touching it's surface/built underground. Allowing early game storage units being pits in the ground lined with wood. And later ones being made of stone bricks underground or with a shroud of blocks to keep it sheltered. If you wanted to make it more complicated you could make stone structures have low ventilation and high moisture retention, the opposite for wood, and so on for differnt levels of air exposure. This way players would need to build differnt structures to perserve differt kinds of food.


  3. If there was a data spot for "Loose" items, it could be coded that loose items need to be stored inside of a bag or pot and dissallowed from larger storage items (like chests). Loose isn't the best word, but I do mean items like grains that would spill everywhere should you place them in a chest and be a PITA to remove.

    Would the wicker basket be placeable like a chest? Bags and pots should handle internal invetory managment pretty well. Wicker baskets could be like a bulk storage item, that can store "Loose" items in large quanity. Even if perhaps it can only store one type of item (ID) at a time. Much like barrels from other Minecraft mods.


  4. Depending on how pure the water is, it can have a might higher melting point than freezing point. Sleet forms at temperatures above freezing. Melting as it falls.


    It appears that there will be a method of removing liquids in the next version of TFC. Cramming 10 logs into a barrel of 10 L of water just seems crazy haha.
