Content: Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Background: Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Pattern: Blank Waves Notes Sharp Wood Rockface Leather Honey Vertical Triangles
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Everything posted by Joey

  1. we should still be able to easily make footholds in raw stone functioning as ladders for our mines, to compensate
  2. Let's consider something for a second. A TFC world is 40KM from pole to pole. Assuming the world is a sphere, this means that the world is 80KM around. That's 500 times smaller than earth, which is roughly 40,000 KM around. So this planet is super tiny. Like, not even pluto sized. With this tiny gravitational pull, even a fully grown man can jump only a meter high. Let's say a real person can jump 1 meter high, weighing 80 Kg. That means that Steve, with his 500 times gravitational advantage, must be 500 times heavier than a real person for this to equal out. Steve has a mass of 40,000 Kg, meaning he must be very dense, for only being 2 meters tall. Tell us, devs, why did you make Steve so damn fat?
  3. The tiny little TFC Planet.

    thank you.
  4. A big 'Thank You' to the Developers

    okay, I fixed it.
  5. A big 'Thank You' to the Developers

    Chill, broski.
  6. A big 'Thank You' to the Developers

    I agree, TFC is great. I can't really play vanilla minecraft anymore though, unless I'm with my IRL friends in skype
  7. Indeed, both of my accounts do (Joway23 and JoeyTehPwnzar), as well as many other individuals.
  8. A big 'Thank You' to the Developers

    Azdoine is sooper cool
  9. Slink, I think the spawn was reset. I died, and respawned on a completely different hemisphere. I am miles away (specifically 20k blocks) from my village, and I have been advised not to travel back there from so far away. What is going on? I'm stranded. Please help.
  10. It was strawberry, and it was excellent. Plain yogurt that I mixed with strawberry jam. I think bioxx and dunk should both go out and get themselves some strawberry yogurt, I think it could greatly help with the development of the game.
  11. Grass

    ooh, me gusta, I would really like to see an overgrown plains biome with some thick, tall grass, lowering visibility. This could open up all sorts of possibilities, such as critters lurking in the grass, nearly invisible, making plains dangerous.
  12. All is well in the peaceful lands of DHB. A a small tribe of survivors, including myself, have begun to rebuild civilization on a lake we have dubbed "Joe's Lake." Houses are going up, we have orchards providing our food, and we are beginning to discover metallurgy, a confusing and difficult craft.
  13. I think dragons should be climate-specific. Icy dragons, sandy serpents, mountainous titans, and the friendliest dragons would have some connection to plants, as in forests.
  14. [Offline] Survive & Thrive Group Survival

    Minecraft Username: JoeyTehPwnzar What VOIP do you use(Mumble, Ventrilo, Skype, and Teamspeak): I probably won't be using voice chat, but if it's necesary, I can use mumble or skype. Why you want to play: I played a similar game like this, on a server called AoS. We had to collect resources and duel in TFC. That was really fun, and this looks really cool swell too. What is the best time you can play: I'm in school, and my timezone is EST, so like for 1.5 hours at a time max, after 3:00 PM. On the weekends, I am much more flexible.
  15. Where do babies come from?

    Uhm.... okay then, glad to know a system like this is being worked out, we can all let this thread peacefully fade into the back pages now...
  16. I ask you one simple question, where do babies come from? Animal babies, that is. I understand that the current creepy crawlies on the overworld will most likely be soon replaced with some more earthly creatures. Bears, deer, squirrels, wolves, lions, tigers, fox, etc. I really hope when these animals are fully implemented they don't just spawn out of the ground. I am hoping for a more dynamic, believable system. I want animals (specifically babbies) to come from nests or dens they might spawn in in the real natural world, such as nests, dens, and burrows. Bears, lions and wolves would come from natural dens in the hillsides, like this: Foxes and other little dudes would come from burrows in the ground, or under trees. Squirrels and birdies could come from tree nests, and would slowly migrate to player-planted trees. This suggestion also brings up the issue of habitat destruction. Once you clear a forest or flatten a mountain, all your old friends won't be coming back until you restore the environment. "nests" will reappear when the conditions are right. (dark, secluded, in leaves, other conditions...) Thanks y'all.
  17. Where do babies come from?

    Okay, sorry for trying to add onto an idea. I can't see everything the devs are working on, you know.
  18. Camp/base/home defense

    I've made a number of serious threads, I'm not all here for the trololololz. But yeah, sorry.
  19. Camp/base/home defense

    sorry fellas.
  20. Camp/base/home defense

    i liek dis
  21. Thanks for making this, and I like the idea, but to be honest, this is as unapproachable as just skimming through the kingdoms thread. Sorry... D:
  22. Why Suggestions Suck

    Lawlz, I see I have many friends on this forum.
  23. Where do babies come from?

    Animals actually breed without prompting? Wow. I was thinking that the animals could mate anywhere, and then have a gestation period of 2 months, but will have the baby inside a nest/den/desired location
  24. Hey, guys. Almost every culture had dragons, most never having any contact whatsoever. Maybe this means.... they were real? DUN DUN DUNNNNNN
  25. Where do babies come from?