Content: Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Background: Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Pattern: Blank Waves Notes Sharp Wood Rockface Leather Honey Vertical Triangles
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Everything posted by Joey

  1. Why Suggestions Suck

    Maybe the suggestions don't suck, maybe YOU suck.
  2. "Organic" Knapping and moar tools

    hey, hey, hey. WHAT IF, There was the normal 5x5 squares, for "the rough cut," but if you wanted a more better-er tool, there would be subsquares within each square for a finer cut. That way, it's not tedious, and finer tools are an OPTION.
  3. "Organic" Knapping and moar tools

    How bout, the knapping grid is increased to 10x10 or 15x15, and the general crafting recipe is the same, but there could be more detail, like sharpness and size. Depending on how many blocks are left in the grid after a full craft, the tool can have different efficiency or durability. Small toolhead = higher speed, lower durability, big toolhead = slower speed, higher durability. Or some other good 2-D jazz like that.
  4. Creeps

    Realistic. Realistic. Realism. Realist. Realistic. Realistic. Realistic. Realistic. Realisticism. Realistic!!!!! I don't care about the rules.
  5. i wantz to play TFC wit yoo, but I cantz. D: WHY ID ERROR 108 WHY?!?!?!
  6. I get THIS error when I try to join the server: Internal exception: Bad packet id 108 I am using the latest build, and everything is installed properly. HELP MEEEEEEE, I am suffering from DHB withdrawal!
  7. How SSP players should play?

    There's a very active server called "Dig, Hiss, Boom" You don't need to worry about the super loooong season wait, and you don't have to run the server. There are enough players that you may run into people if you want to team up, but not so many that your base will be crawling with griefers and thieves. The admins are also VERY nice and helpful.
  8. Stupid Ideas

    YOU're that bad, you naughty little forum-er, teeehehehheehee
  9. Stupid Ideas

    This is a meta-thread for crappy/stupid/silly suggestions. Suggestions that never will and never should happen. I made this so you can all be silly and get all those strange thoughts out of your system. In part, it is also for new members to get a good idea of what suggestions TFC frown upon. Lastly, I made this for the lulz. Let me begin: Tamable sabertooth lions which one uses for defense/decoration/beauty pageants. WEEK ONE UPDATE: September 4, 2012. Alright doods, you've all been really nice and helpful towards this thread, and I thank you for that. Some lovely ideas mentioned so far: -dirt tools (for teh lulz) -charcoal items not de-spawning (debatable) -angry trolls galore -pidgeons -braised animal (or human, I was unsure) anus as a sort of end-game food (very debatable) -overly-realistic, dynamic inventory -moar to come! NOTE: This is NOT a place to troll or judge. We are all friends here, after all.
  10. The Craft.

    For a long time now, me and my friends have called minecraft the simple, cool name of "The Craft." However, minecraft hardly stands up to this name, as crafting is unrealistic and quite limited. So far in terrafirmacraft, bioxx and friends have implemented one big element that I consider the one true Craft, and that is smithing. However, I have not come here today to talk about how fantastic smithing is. For this game to truly live up to the name of "The Craft" all sorts of crafts must be expanded upon and improved. And I'm not talking about the sissy arts & crafts class your mommy signed you up for at summer camp. I am talking about the manliest of the manly crafts (no gender isolation intended), Carpentry and tanning. Part I: Carpentry I've noticed a big issue with tools, and that's the woodworking around it. Even your finest red steel tools require nothing more than a twig you pulled out of a tree. Pretty silly if you ask me. Just as new metals are required to make better tools in later tiers, so should new handles. The first form of handle is the tree branch, which you easily fashion from some wood you snapped off a tree branch (leaves). This is the worst of tool handle, and contributes to a low durability and tool efficiency. You'll only be using these crap handles for stone tools. The sticks we love and know that somehow magically fall out of trees perfectly smooth and round will have to be renamed to "crude stick" or "tree branch" and need a rougher looking texture. (If you are good with art and you're interested, please do make a concept picture!) Tier One Woodwork If you ever want to get past the days of stone tools, you will need to catch up on your woodshop skills. To do some basic woodwork, you'll need your first woodworking table. (Kinda like a stone anvil.) This is made by plopping down a 2 x 1 "desk" made of wooden planks. You then must use your stone knife and axe to convert it into a proper workspace, in the same way one uses a stone hammer to turn a piece of raw stone into an anvil. In the interface for a basic woodwork table, to the right there is a slot for inserting a knife, and to the left a slot for inserting a an axe. On the axe side of the interface is a vertical meter, that sorta looks like a stick. On the stick is a bioxx (synonamous to a notch, or indent on a surface) which indicates how far one must chop with his axe to get a proper length stick. To chop the stick, you use action buttons similar to hit, punch, draw, etc in an anvil. The woodworking actions are much simpler, however, like, long chop and short chop as the two core actions. On the other side of the interface, the knife side, is where you smooth and debark the stick, to make it a proper handle. Just like the axe side, you use action buttons (shave, chip, slice to name a few) to meet the required amount of cutting on the stick-meter. Just like in the anvil, using action keys moves one arrow in order to line up with another one. Once both requirements are met, out pops a lovely wooden handle. (TO BE CONTINUED. I can edit this later, right?)
  11. Stupid Ideas

    The week 2 update is coming tomorrow, I'll be adding everyone's ideas to the OP. SUGGEST MOAR
  12. Organic Combat Programming

    True, a crush is like an overhand swing, with a heavy object.
  13. Organic Combat Programming

    Thanks for the feedback, I was just trying to spark some ideas with those numbers, nothing really set in stone there. I like the simplicity of having 2 attack modes for each weapon, but since there are more than 2 types of attacks one can think of, the game could just exclude one type for the appropriate weapons. (like for axe, it won't take stabbing into account, just primary slash and secondary crush)
  14. Organic Combat Programming

    Back on topic... Scimitar: +3 Slashing, +0 Stabbing, +1 Parry, +0 Crushing Longsword: +1 Stabbing, +1 Slashing, + 2 Parry, +0 Crushing Knife: +2 Stabbing, +.5 Slashing, +0 Parry, +0 Crushing Axe: +0 Stabbing, +2 Slashing, +.05 Parry, +2 Crushing Mace: +0 Stabbing, +1 Slashing, +1 Parry, +3 Crushing Every weapon has their strengths and weaknesses.
  15. Stupid Ideas

    I'm not trolling. I'm providing for this forum and it's many lovely inhabitants.
  16. Stupid Ideas

    Someone, please, do what all this people has been asking for... make a clean, more formal list with the rejected ideas, and LOCK THIS DAMNED THREAD. Please It appears my masterful writing and diplomatic skills have united all of the forums to agree upon one idea. SCORE ONE FOR JOEYTEHPWNZAR!
  17. Organic Combat Programming

    What about mobs? Would certain mobs be more vulnerable to specific damage types than others? (such as, skeletons immune to piercing, vulnerable to crushing). What mobs would deal which kinds of damage?
  18. Little note about Farming

    So, then that means we need garden plants which require *just the right amount of irrigation, meaning a watering can. (I know nothing about gardening.)
  19. That game looks really amazing. Combat like that in minecraft would be quite sexy. So, this would also make the mace and the sword not IDENTICAL weapons?
  20. Stupid Ideas

    Because, the forum moderator knows this has great potential to help with the suggestion process.
  21. Stupid Ideas

    You guys are cocks... THIS THREAD WILL CONTINUE TO FLOURISH. Give more suggestions, please.
  22. Carpentry

    Lolololol dunk
  23. Carpentry

    hehe a carpentry post is a few below this one, currently. There are a lot of ideas on how to go about implementing this, and I think you'll be glad to know that bioxx and dunk are working on this now (or so dunk says, which obviously makes it true, because dunk doesn't lie to us.)
  24. Animals 'r Cool

    Crap, how do I delete a thread?
  25. I will adopt you DLP, you can be a part-time worker at my newest company, Lawlerz Landscaping. We beautify and sculpt cool stuff for people's homes/towns/businesses.