Content: Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Background: Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Pattern: Blank Waves Notes Sharp Wood Rockface Leather Honey Vertical Triangles
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Everything posted by Joey

  1. Animals 'r Cool

    nah, it's cool, you can bump the thread if you want to.
  2. Trophy Items

    (apposed to just recieving these items with no workforce)
  3. Trophy Items

    Are you saying that XP converts into items like capes/crowns instantly? I think xp combined with gems could be important ingredients for smithed/woven items. Like a master craftsman uses the power of THE MAGIC GEM combined with the life-force energy of a thousand warriors to create a proper centerpiece for a cool golden crown?
  4. List of bugs for beta 2 build 49

    I can't seem to craft clay molds. derfuq?
  5. The Craft.

    69th post! No one comment anymore. Lock this thread.
  6. Stupid Ideas

  7. Stupid Ideas

    I shall not relent! This thread will live!
  8. Stupid Ideas

    Thank you, and you know, that's not really a bad idea.
  9. The Craft.

    umm... thanks.
  10. The Craft.

    I can't make one simple little joke and not be fucking attacked for it? Jeez, why do I even bother writing anything on the forums anyways... (btw, we say it in a joking manner, to make something regarded as "nerdy" by some sound much cooler than it actually is)
  11. Stupid Ideas

    I thought we were gonna have a terribly unitelligent, "for-teh-lulz" discussion here, but clearly you people can't handle that. I'm sorry...
  12. Stupid Ideas

    Since you guys suck at staying on topic, I'll suggest more stuff! -smithable magneto-balls
  13. Stupid Ideas

  14. Stupid Ideas

    I DEFINITELY not trying to rival that butthole munching Eternal. Thanks for the suggestion.
  15. Tiny Tweaks Metathread

    Or should I say WOOD it? buehehehehehehehe
  16. Tiny Tweaks Metathread

    Would it? In vanilla minecraft there are varied colored wood slabs/stairs.
  17. Animals 'r Cool

    this has derailed so much, I had to stop this from becoming about tanning. Anyways. TURTLES. DISCUSS
  18. Animals 'r Cool

    This is obviously fake. Everyone knows they didn't have cameras back in the stone age, so this picture must be some sort high tech CGI. Whatever it is, you really shouldn't be trying to trick us.
  19. The Craft.

    Wow you guys are so lucky, I started the 3rd grade a week ago.
  20. Red steel!

    I suggest making a bismuth bronze helmet. Have you seen it? It HAS WINGS. It's so cool. Red steel is lame, btw.
  21. Animals 'r Cool

    That is genius! I will try it first thing tomorrow. Dunkleo, any possibility of implementing this ingame? You couldn't really have turtles as a mob for TFC without helicopter rotors...
  22. Animals 'r Cool

    TURTLES. What is their deal, you know? Why are they so slow and lame? But that sick battle shield suit shell thing is pretty cool. They would be bad ass if they weren't so slow.
  23. Animals 'r Cool

    I guess they are. Wanna talk about it?
  24. You have a very cute dog, and varying tree thickness would be very nice. Maybe even the thicker trunks require metal axes to be cut? Such as sequioia/kapok/other
  25. My only response to this: What kind of dog do you have?