Content: Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Background: Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Pattern: Blank Waves Notes Sharp Wood Rockface Leather Honey Vertical Triangles
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Everything posted by abregado

  1. Reading through the other suggestions it seems there is some dissatisfaction with the current night time mob spawning rules, and I personally dont like the simplicity of the current safe chunk system (but do like the effect of making a safeplace). This would be my solution if I wasent working on my own games. Bonepiles are an item entity that is spawned during world generation. There is limited numbers of them just like wild animals, however you cannot destroy them. At night time enemy mobs spawn using the same rules as they do now, but can only spawn on Bonepile entities. During the day if the player wants to make a chunk safe they need to move the piles away from their home. This is done by digging up the bonepiles. Two options would exist: Digging them with the shovel moves the bonepile one block away from the player, perhaps only onto other dirt,grass tiles (less dev time option) or If you are holding a bonepile you cant switch to another item or put it in your backpack, so you have to put it down again before doing anything else Inventive players might move all the bone piles to one place, or into a pit, or behind their walls. This would mean that it takes WORK to make an area safe, meaning less time for gathering. Also you will need to prepare the area when you move to a new location, rather than just spending the whole day in one chunk. Also means you could have varying density of bonepiles in different "biomes" so that some resource poor areas are valuable simply because they are naturally less dangerous. They would make good half-way houses between camps.
  2. Like it says on the tin, surface stone has a chance to respawn only after it rains or storms. Thematically this would be due to erosion revealing new stones under the topsoil. Also makes an interesting gameplay addition as you will want to be out immediately after each rainstorm (or even during for maximum effect), and in multilayer immediately after rain will be a very active time for prospectors. Pre-balanced with the fact that mobs can already spawn when its raining during the day under trees and such.
  3. Alternate Mob Spawning - Bonepiles

    This however looks ugly in a lot of cases. Sometimes I want to have a dark dungeon room below my base that doesn't have monsters spawning in it all the time, or I want to have toggleable lighting in my house (Extracraft lanterns) Also doing that costs the player time ONE TIME ONLY. I was trying to think of a mechanic that would create an initial workload and then a smaller workload over time. Having the mobs spawn much further away from the player, then approach sources of light such as in Coros Zombie Awareness mod would also be good. At least then you get constantly seiged by monsters, but they dont spawn within sight.
  4. ahh that makes more sense now.
  5. surface stones respawn after rain

    Yeah I saw it there Kit, which is what prompted me to retract my argument. Code is always of interest to me if you wanted to show, but I don't want you to think that I'm asking because I don't believe you. So if the surface stone is generated during worldgen and never again, a similar system could be used if I decide to code the bonepiles... thanks Edit:for the record I'm against any sort of infinite resource and was looking to reduce the effect of what I thought was an established mechanic
  6. perhaps just have bricks and other non-gravity affected blocks only be able to get placed on foundations blocks, or other blocks that are on top of foundations? So before you build your awesome structure you need to plan out how big it is and map the foundation out with these special blocks. Im of the opinion that structures should never get checked for collapse, but this way at least you cant build and enormous castle on top of dirt. or immense overhanging structures (without support beams)
  7. surface stones respawn after rain

    hmmm, in my single player game it seems that they regenerate (although quite slowly). perhaps I am just missing one or two in each pass. *goes off to do more science*
  8. Alternate Mob Spawning - Bonepiles

    Yep, Kazahied has got it. Generating unintentional linear playstyles is better than the current system in which you can bury yourself with 5 food items and 5 jugs of water, go afk only coming back to eat and drink every 7 minutes. After 30 minutes of this your 3x3 of chunks is protected for AAAAGES...
  9. surface stones respawn after rain

    umm... not the ore blocks. The surface stone rocks, which you break to get rocks for knapping. Which most definitely do regenerate.
  10. I signed up for this server and have been playing a bit recently. Seems like a great place to get some MP TFC action. The Anti-griefing measures are great (MyTown) and the spawn is both interesting and helpful. My only suggestion would be to pay some newbies with food to replant all of the decimated forests around the spawn....
  11. food preservation

    seems a lot of people are concerned about lag and memory usage. Couldnt the game just check less often? It bugs me when modders code things so badly that it ruins your servers performance (Railcraft tanks and coke ovens, multiblock structures in general) Just have the mod check each chest and player, once per day. %chance to remove some of each food stack. % is less if the food is cooked, and almost zero if it is smoked/dried. Still means that you might harvest 6 peppers and have one go bad in the first night, but hey, thats just like real life (it looks good on the outside but is actually hollow or rotten inside)
  12. new episode uploaded on my singleplayer

    just a tip. record a test video of about 1 minute before you start to check the audio levels.
  13. Soups

    I also would like to mention the option of turning one potion of food into several portions of lesser quality food. Mainly for sharing limited rations in multiplayer. Currently if you have 2 food items and a group of 5 players, three people go hungry. Making a soup could be a good way of sharing the 2 food items plus water out between 6-7 people. Using a Ceramic Vessel, which when placed on a campfire could cook the food into a liquid similar to when you have a liquid metal, then you could place wooden bowls in the liquid vessel interface to fill them up and pass them around... the framework for this is already available. The number of food items that are in the vessel could determine how filling it is in total, and the amount of water items you add could determine how many serves there are. I cant wait for food to go bad, this is going to change the game in a great way!
  14. Alternate Mob Spawning - Bonepiles

    This was less about a new spawning system, and more about changing the way that we currently make "safe chunks". At the moment you dont need to do any actual work towards making your home chunk safe. There is no opportunity cost as you can do all your normal jobs for 1 day in the one chunk then you are protected for about a week (plus the extra while you are there). Perhaps mobs still spawn in chunks as per usual if there are any bone piles in that chunk and the player needs to clear them to make an area safe. The Bone piles would also respawn over time so the player needs to regularly check his "home chunk" for incursions. Lots of good ideas in this thread! Its good to generate some conversation on this topic I think the mob farming issue could be solved just by having the mobs spawn in a large area around the bone piles, or anywhere in chinks that have bone piles. Then at least the amount of time you spend moving/removing bone piles will increase the likelyhood that mobs will see you, since you could move them several chunks away given enough time. Protecting a town or safezone should not just be about defeating the enemies when they attack, but also should require some time to maintain. Seeing as most time in the Stone age is taken up foraging and hunting, settling down would not be as easy until the later ages (which is historically accurate if your into that sort of thing). I would image the bone piles are spawned during worldgen, and extra ones get spawned randomly in chunks with none every full moon (another scheduled task makes organised players much more successful). They certainly should drop when you kill a mob otherwise it will become mayhem after a few weeks of defending your territory.
  15. [TFC 0.78.9] ExtraFirma Addon v1.0.4

    Is adobe drying time effected by hours of sunlight and rain? Loving this addon so far, but would like to see more options in the config file (Mostly the number of hours for Adobe to dry) Would love to see Thatch need to be piled and dried as well! Gravity unaffected blocks should cost a lot of time!