Content: Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Background: Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Pattern: Blank Waves Notes Sharp Wood Rockface Leather Honey Vertical Triangles
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Posts posted by Azdoine

  1. Sigh... i'm out, some people just don't see how limiting availibility REDUCES usage, not eliminates it. It's a good thing that people don't have access to full auto guns (legally) otherwise, there would be many more homicides with assault rifles.

    Forbidden Fruit is more tempting than almost anything else in the world.

    Limiting access to a product really doesn't reduse usage at all. *cough*PROHIBITION*coughcough*. It only makes the product more tempting and profitable.

    You can't buy crack at the drugstore, so that man on the street can charge you whatever he wants for it-after all, where else are you going to get it?


  2. sigh well we have no glass atm so instead of waiting untill the devs decide by themselves to add glass, i thought i would let the topic continue by using the suggested items as examples

    I don't think we need to continue. The devs are already fixing glass (the new sand actually has a heat gauge), and it's safe to assume that it's on their to-do list. Right, Dunk?

    Dunk (Who's totally typing right now, nope, he's not me): Of course!


  3. lolwut?

    its not like the show was geared towards girls, nope, not a chance. most masculine show ever

    Well, the term 'Brony' does have a certain masculine implication.

    *Sips tea made of lost masculinity and ponyville dandelions*


  4. um

    I say, you mean to tell me that in the time since that post was made, the devs have implemented all those different types of glass!

    What fabulously fast programming!

    I shall now put my trust in you and ignore the changelog that says nothing about glass.


  5. For the title, i can already shot down the weighted inventory idea. Sorry, but we just can't do this in a game like minecraft, were you move cubic meters of almost everything. If we did, you couldn't carry even one block of dirt.

    Ah, but that implies that steve is a normal guy-he isn't. He carries mountains and forests around in his pockets. He's fucking superman.

    Steve can carry about 44513280 kilos.



  6. That's why jails exist

    If jails are such great punishment, why dafuq do teens keep drinking underage? Why do adults keep doing drugs?

    It's just not effective.


  7. I brought this up in another thread a while back, but I'm going to put this on the table again:

    Making raw stone, cobblestone, stone bricks, and smooth stone indestructible without either a hammer or a pickaxe.

    There's a precedent with trees, and I think it entirely makes sense.

    Discuss? Shoot down? ?


  8. Here's my two cents:

    Block protection:

    I don't want a magical homestone to protect my house from bad guys.

    My suggestion is to implement a system where metal supports can be added into blocks. This would add more incentive to travel into the metal age, to keep your buildings safe from greifers.

    A reinforced block must be broken multible times before it is actually destroyed and drops an item.


    Killing a player with rope or handcuffs, or what have you on your hotbar causes the slain player to respawn in a preselected location. One might just construct a prison cell, or perhaps a slave labor camp to make them work for their freedom.

    The imprisoned player will continue to respawn in that location until you set them free with a command, or a right click, or whatever would be appropriate from a gameplay scenario.

    Alternately, if the imprisoned player breaks out, then travelling X distance from their spawn point in prison will set them free.


  9. Redstone emulates an electricity system beyond our time period. I'd at least like to see a reskin to steam pipes, or some such, and require actual steam power to carry a signal. Of course, more complicated systems are well within the scope of the mod, and would probably be welcome :) 


  10. I really don't think we need this. Bottles are currently useless, and there are no other items you would make through glassblowing.

    Also, have I told you lately, Srg, that you're awesome?
