Content: Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Background: Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Pattern: Blank Waves Notes Sharp Wood Rockface Leather Honey Vertical Triangles
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Everything posted by Azdoine

  1. Tiny Tweaks Metathread

    That's a really cool idea. (The museum)
  2. I thought it should work just like the chisel, except targeting wood and not needing a hammer.
  3. It's not believable. But it's intuitive. What else are you expecting? It's a game where matter is split into enourmous meter cubes. Gearboxes and axles is one of the only ways to do it with those restrictions-and one of the simplest and most common irl. Just to be clear, though, unlimited power is immersion-breaking, and something that I would not like to see in terrafirma.
  4. Nerfed chest size

    My only complaint is that old chests crash the world when you open or destroy them. And once you log back in, the chest hasn't dropped anything (if you destroyed it). As for storage, I think everything will just be done with open-air piles in the future.
  5. Your complaints about the BTW mechanical system are about what make it intuitive.
  6. Your chisel creations!!

    Hah, at first, I thought: 'Pfff, RP2 microblocks are better...' But then I considered the options: The chisel system is a fun, clever, and challenging system. Microblocks have fixed positions, and are made in a derpy way (Yeah, steve can use a saw to cut thorugh solid stone. Logic.). Good job bioxx. My own chisel creations are forthcoming.
  7. Tiny Tweaks Metathread

    The ability to create shears out of all metals. Deeper oceans.
  8. Fortification

    Something mentioned a while back on another forum was the ability to inlay patterns in the walls out of certain materials (for instance, a hollow diamond made out of iron blocks) that could reinforce the wall and make it more resistant to conventional destruction with a pickaxe. The added resilience would be based on what was used to create the pattern (Dirt? Why bother reinforce your wall. Red steel? Impenetrable* Fortress) Special siege weaponry could be used to destroy reinforced blocks. Until the possible changes to construction with things like mortar, nals, and the sort, this would be the only way I could think of to build reinforcement into structures. *Unless the griefers have a trebuchet
  9. RedPower Compatibility

    The real problem right now is that RP world and TFC world gen clash and kill the world with fire. Literally. If eloraam would add an option to disable volcanoes and add basalt to the ore dictionary, we could at least play with both mods, but that will apparently never happen.
  10. Post your TFcraft Pictures

    I grew trees as part of a house I was making and then left them there after they grew. He might have done the same.
  11. New types of clay.

    Already in TFCraft, we have dozens of kinds of real-life minerals and vegetation. However, only one kind of clay exists in the mod. I don't know a lot about clay, but that's not right. I was thinking that multipe kinds of clay could exist, each spawning in different areas. There would be, of course, multiple kinds of brick to go with, and certain clays might have specific uses later in development. Thoughts? And feel free to tell me that my idea isn't good (I like honesty) or that I'm a noob for missing the incredibly obvious thread about the same thing. Because I probably did miss that thread.
  12. Post your TFcraft Pictures

    That. Is. Awesome.
  13. New types of clay.

    Yeah, a bit. Thanks for clearing that up.
  14. more Dence Building blocks

    I'd like metal-plate brick, myself. But only for decorative purposes. The fact is, people are gonna break in anyways. But blue steel brick? At least it looks pretty before griefers steal it.
  15. questions on compatibility with other forge mods

    They're all pretty much compatible with eachother-the problem is, TFcraft removes all methods of creating the items from other mods. Gneiss cobble can't make stone transport pipes. An exquisite diamond can't make a laser. Steel does not equal refined iron. Also, TFC world gen can clash horribly with other mods. Redpower world, for instance, causes lava flows to generate on the surface in every biome.
  16. More Bows and other bow building system

    Don't composite bows have various mechanical supports? If so, then advanced bow-making could be linked to metallurgy.
  17. Arrow heads

  18. Item weight and speed of walking

    This may not be the biggest issue for the rest of you, but mod compatibility might be impossible with this inventory system. To be honest, it's hammerspace either way.
  19. New Building System Thoughts and Ideas

    I kind of like the idea that architechture is linked to advancement in the game. As it stands, a player can just make stone tools and a chisel, then build a massive mansion without even aquiring iron. If we needed to make mortar, nails, glue, and the like construction would be a lot more effort, but much more rewarding, and it just feels right (to me). It may not mean much coming from a newbie, but I like option B.
  20. Lock Boxes

    I really like the idea of locking your chests with keys. It allows for a way to hide your stuff, but not make it completely foolproof (i.e, someone kills you and loots the keys to your storage shed).