Content: Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Background: Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Pattern: Blank Waves Notes Sharp Wood Rockface Leather Honey Vertical Triangles
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Everything posted by Azdoine

  1. Dragons, ideas. community collaberation page

    Yuck. The enderdragon was a nice idea, I admit, but it was implemented really fucking badly.
  2. I dunno, I like creepers but they aren't interesting enough in their current incarnation. They should be kept underground with the rest of the monsters, but need some kind of twist besides just exploding.
  3. Dragons, ideas. community collaberation page

    Will there be different types of dragons? Even if it's just a different texture? Hmmm... Should randomobs be a thing in TFC?
  4. Wood/Logs

    Well, there's also a certain charm in continuing to maintain ones home even after it's built. Perhaps the decay time should be configurable, to account for the amount of time that passes on 24/7 servers.
  5. Dirt and sand sliding off I hate it

    Look, Thread, I hate to put words in the mouths of the devs, but this change is here to stay. Sorry, but if the change is so unplayable, then go to an earlier version or vanilla. It's not that I don't understand or respect your opinion on fun, it's just the reality of the situation.
  6. Latest Changes to Chests...

    No, the real argument against realistic backpack weights is that it would be completely fucking unplayable. Think of all the items that Steve would need for one productive day of work in TFC. Tools. Armor. Food. Building materials. Now go and collect the same equipment in REAL LIFE, put it in your backpack, and take a 20 minute walk. Realism for the sake of realism is a really fucking bad way to make a game.
  7. Wood/Logs

    A rotting mechanic would actually be quite interesting if done right. I would ONLY support this, though, if there was a wood repair mechanic for nonrenewable wood like sequoia.
  8. Dragons, ideas. community collaberation page

    No, the dragon uses venom to prevent your blood from carrying oxygen, and seeps through the walls of your lungs when the blood passes by to become oxygenated. ...actually, that sounds like one of the most awesomely disgusting ways to die.
  9. Dragons, ideas. community collaberation page

    Like simultaneous dismemberment, combustion, dissolvation, and waterboarding.
  10. A big 'Thank You' to the Developers

    Was I really that bad when I was 14?
  11. Tiny Tweaks Metathread

    ...I don't want a pair of fucking shears. The knife needs more uses, there's no gameplay value in needing to be in the iron age to shear a sheep, and it would remove it the need for a hacky crafting recipe.
  12. Dragons, ideas. community collaberation page

    Ryu, are you trying to crush the dragon or the blender?
  13. Tiny Tweaks Metathread

    Give the knife the functionality of the VMC shears.
  14. Dragons, ideas. community collaberation page

    That depends. What tier metal are you using for the rotor, and how many RedstoneWatts are powering you blender?
  15. Why Suggestions Suck

    So here's the deal: about a quarter of the threads in this subforum are copies of an older, more obvious idea. Noobs will be noobs and won't search well enough. Don't repeat an old thread. Plz. Yet more threads will be about changing TFCraft, but it's a WORK IN PROGRESS. Most of what you see will be changed somehow in the future. Wait for a more or less finished feature before you suggest how to improve it. A lot of the threads are just tweaks that belong in their own metathread. Most suggestions seem to be a cool idea without much actual purpose, but a lot of made-up justification. Try to think of an interesting gameplay mechanic, then a way to implement it.
  16. New Wood Type: Blue Mahoe

    You're still cheating. I use doom blade to destroy you. And don't even pretend it won't work on you, you're too bubbly and fun to be a black creature.
  17. New Wood Type: Blue Mahoe

    Hey. That's not tournament legal. DISQUALIFIED
  18. But the subatomic particles would repell each other and you would be ripped apart. Or, more likely, just stopped by the wall. Either way, that's still allowed by the laws of physics.
  19. New Wood Type: Blue Mahoe

    So I can cast all of my flashback cards super quickly now? Thanks for the boost, amigo!
  20. You didn't put asterisks around it, therefore you didn't actually perform an action.
  21. New Wood Type: Blue Mahoe

    But I'm a Creature: Steve, and all Steves have Flashback (1): You may play this card at any time from your graveyard for its flashback cost instead of it's mana cost.
  22. But that's not actually dividing by 0. That's just writing '8 divided by 0'. To divide by 0, you'd have to take a number of objects (greater than 0) and separate it into 0 equal piles.
  23. Kingdoms Brainstorming

    People don't want to copy other mods, was the impression I got.
  24. Camp/base/home defense

    Great for slaying offorum trolls.