Content: Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Background: Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Pattern: Blank Waves Notes Sharp Wood Rockface Leather Honey Vertical Triangles
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Everything posted by Azdoine

  1. Natural disasters

    I got it
  2. Natural disasters

    People always say that, but there is just a bit of a subtle difference when I look at, say, 200 FPS vs. 60. I'm guessing one of 3 reasons: If you're at 200 FPS, the little variances in the speed won't be noticeable because they don't pull you down past 60 FPS. or Placebo (This asshat of a psychological principle really messes up the human existance) or You're wrong. EDIT: Coppa miner in the house!
  3. Hostile Mobs in TerraFirmaCraft

    How many times are people gonna bring this up? *facepalm* *facedesk* *facedesk*facedesk*facedesk*CRUNCH*
  4. Woodcutting, and charcoal.

    And a reference was, surprisingly, not understood. Or maybe just ignored for the sake of sanity. I mean, that was some fucked up shit.
  5. If you want to spawn things in, install NEI and take some of the workload of the devs. Edit: -Ninja'd
  6. Direct use of all metals for tools etc

    12 has more factors. The problem is, base ten is universal throughout the world. We don't have much choice about that.
  7. Because this mod isn't fun to play in creative mode.
  8. Direct use of all metals for tools etc

    The issue is, imperial isn't consistent. Instead of having one small unit multiplied by any number, it has one big unit that gets divided up by weird prime numbers. Yes, because it's easy to measure out one third of a cup without a dedicated measuring cup. Why twelve inches, anyways?
  9. Direct use of all metals for tools etc

    One third of an imperial recipe: *** One ninth of a cup of milk. One sixth of a teaspoon of sprinkles. 19 tablespoons of fast food. *** One third of a metric recipe: *** 33 grams of flour. 65 milliliters of mustard. One liter of tea. *** Given basic equipment you might find in someones kitchen, which sounds easier to measure out?
  10. Stupid Ideas

    ...*sob* I... I just want this thread to die... *sniffle*
  11. Direct use of all metals for tools etc

    I vote we educate the public on the difference, and let people make the decision as individuals. Politicians deserve to be stuck with the imperial system.
  12. Direct use of all metals for tools etc

    I'm an American, and I only use imperial when I'm dealing with other people and have no choice. Metric is my default. Seriously, this is like a fucking toothache. The longer america puts off fixing it, the worse it's going to get.
  13. Woodcutting, and charcoal.

  14. NEI plugin

    I feel so small and insignificant compared to the rest of you. Must... Post... Moar...
  15. Woodcutting, and charcoal.

    I almost never explore the internet (especially on linky sites like TVtropes). I know it makes me a bit of a net noob, but I'm scared of what I might find D=
  16. Tiny Tweaks Metathread

    Metal is more or less balanced as is (surface ores need a nerf though). Adding a way to pull metal out of common stone would just be unbalanced, unless you're so far into the game that you don't need any more metal and you just want the gravel.
  17. The Craft.

    The thing is, different political positions are 'right' for different people. Subjectively and sometimes objectively too. Trying to convince people that your political party/position is the 'better' position is a bit like asking them to plug their ears and shout 'LA LA LA I CAN'T HEAR YOU'
  18. Tiny Tweaks Metathread

    I like it, but it could get a little exploity with the sluice. Maybe it would be more balanced if it needed a tier 2 or 3 hammer.
  19. Kingdoms Brainstorming

    People who only believe in total protection should try Civcraft. My friend logged on, started tearing up a road, and was imprisoned a minute later. He wasn't even able to make a dent in the road.
  20. Stupid Ideas

  21. Stupid Ideas

    Wait, hold on- If you actually think that you're providing anything for the forums, then you're not old enough to post here. If it was sarcastic, then that means you know you're trolling, an thus it's intentional on your part. Lose/Lose
  22. Woodcutting, and charcoal.

    Sorry about my reaction to those... socks, earlier. There was a picture I once stumbled upon in the depths of the internet that rather scarred me for life regarding ponies and... s-s-ocks. SOCKS OH GOD THEY'RE TRYING TO RAPE ME
  23. Woodcutting, and charcoal.

    'Oh god, help me! A furry grabbed me and I can't break free! Save... Yourself...' *Is strangled to death*
  24. Woodcutting, and charcoal.

    He did say the original borked image was NSFW.
  25. Woodcutting, and charcoal.

    Off topic here, but I really hate pony porn. I wouldn't call this porn, but it's a fine line...