Content: Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Background: Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Pattern: Blank Waves Notes Sharp Wood Rockface Leather Honey Vertical Triangles
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Posts posted by Azdoine

  1. I always read the fine print*.

    *by reading this you hereby consent and agree to forfeit any and all rights to any souls, spectres, effigies, ghasts, or other ephemeral thoughtform constructs, both acquired and natural, with full benefits thereof, to the author of this clause

    Oh well. Too bad I never bother reading anything anymore, and make my computer read it out loud for me.



  2. Every time you respawn, you could do so in a random location within X blocks of the original spawn point (X could be configurable depending on tastes).

    Of course, nothing prevents people from setting X to one, so either there would be a minimum setting that the game will accept for X, or this could be combined with more severe penalties.


  3. I'm going to have to admit it: I haven't played TFC in a while now, but the chaos finally died down and I have some free time.

    To celebrate this glorious occasion, I'm going to be starting a new TFC world and posting 'as I play' commentary, with screenshots of what's going on.

    Starting whenever my internet stops being a fail, and I can upload my pictures. In the mean time,


    I spawned in a forest full of my favorite types of wood (Hickory and Aspen), bordering on a shallow river filled with gravel. Actually, the river is so wide it might be a lake. The stone around me is conglomerate (meh).

    I'm going to play on peaceful for the first night or two, to give me a chance to dig my heels into the world and get started.


    The weights and sizes are now marked by little indicator icons, a scale, and an arrow. Have those always been there?


    Got mega nerfed, didn't they? They take FOREVER to cut through trees. Unsure if I like this.


    Have been nerfed as well, It'll take even more wood to build a shelter.

    -Plank Blocks

    Only stack to 8. It seems like a better idea to cut my logs into planks on the spot, to save inventory space.


    Makes little pebbly noises when you try to stack it. Apparently you can't have an empty space adjacent and below a dirt block at all, or it collapses.


    I need more wood. A lot.


    Has the surface spawn rate decreased?


    Does it even grow back?


    Just walked over a hill and found a metric ton of the stoff.


  4. Why do we have a doctor who is obsessed with florescent ponies? 0.o

    Because I AM a flourescent pony. Well, not flourescent, or really all that colorful, but I am a member of a species with a wide color variation across all the spectum of human-visible light.

    Not that doctor...Good, however, because you're not talking about that doctor.

    Do we have a dalek on the forums?



  5. problem. this requires that the person who read this has a soul, which exempts me from this, because mine is frimly glued into a sealed box in an anternate dimension

    Lame. MY soul has been burning in the fires of hell since my fatal accident. I've been using a prosthetic soul (made from the innocence of children) ever since.


  6. If you're so closeminded and uninformed to not download because of a plant, this isn't the mod for you.

    The devs are this for the fun of it, not to gather a huge fanbase. If they add X and it drives people away, too bad. The community and mod will be better for it, cause we'll have X for our own insidious uses, and we'll all have less idiots to deal with.


  7. That was one of the four reason I never played BTW.

    A lot of the negative connotations in the mod don't actually mean anything, but were introduced to piss off the wolfaboos (wulvz AR bestest thang in minceraft EVER!) that constantly hate on the mod. Their reactions are funny enough on their own, but it's even funnier for people who see the subtle trolling going on in the background.

    And if hemp ends up being an interesting gameplay element in its own right? Bonus points.


  8. It was a terrible, indescribable thing vaster than any subway train, a shapeless congerie of protoplasmic bubbles, faintly self-luminous, and with myriads of temporary eyes forming and un-forming as pustules of greenish light all over the tunnel-filling front that bore down upon us, crushing the frantic penguins and slithering over the glistening floor that it and its kind had swept so evilly free of all litter.

    -H.P. Lovecraft, At the Mountains of Madness
