Content: Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Background: Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Pattern: Blank Waves Notes Sharp Wood Rockface Leather Honey Vertical Triangles
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Everything posted by TonyLiberatto

  1. [0.79.29] DarkAgeCraft Off Line

    You are whitelist on the Darkagecraft server. Please register in our forum and have fun. When you first login you will be direct to a Lobby/hub and will need to use the portal to the Darkagecraft server. Most of the old players are in the Stoneagecraft, it would be really good if you could bring a couple friends to play in the Darkagecraft. Admins all use Mumble, is the easier way to get support. I am not done installing the inter server chat pluggin, but in the future you will be able to chat between servers.
  2. Anvil Newb

    Copper cools down fast, most people do not bother to anvil copper and only use the copper anvil to create the bronze anvil. Another issue, could be that the arrows are not actually perfectly aligned when you reverse them.
  3. [0.79.29] DarkAgeCraft Off Line

    Welcome to the server.gummyworm1270
  4. [0.79.29] DarkAgeCraft Off Line

    Finish the pre-generating of the map for the Stoneagecraft Server, so we should be a lot faster.
  5. Wooden buckets and barrel liquids

    As much as I know TechNodeFirmaCraft is a Fork out of Terrafirmacraft, so you need to ask for support on their forum. As a general rule when using a modpack always look for support in the specific forum or tread. When you mix and match other addons bugs will happen and that's why on the support page is asked if you can replicate the problem with just tfc and no other mod or addon.
  6. Wooden buckets and barrel liquids

    If the barrel is not sealed you should be able to right click with a wood bucket to remove 1 bucket of milk.
  7. Wooden buckets and barrel liquids

    Use a wood bucket to remove 1 bucket of milk from the barrel so you will have enough room for the vinegar. get a bucket of vinegar and put in the barrel gui, once you seal the barrel the cheese process will begin.
  8. Purpose behind rhinos and elephants?

    We could also add a different texture to the same animals and call them Mammoth and woolly rhinoceros and have them spawn only on really cold places. Like I said so many times, I am no coder, but I imagine that it would be an easy way to have the same animal spawning all over just with a different name and different texture.
  9. Eternal Winter Hardcore Survival Addon WIP

    Love the hardcore aspect of the idea. Although I must confess that in real life I live in Florida and absolute hate snow. I think there is a big segment of tfc players that wish for a harder to survive mod. When I first joined Terrafirmacraft back in jun/2012 the mod was a much harder mod. Inventory was limited and even food was not as abundant. I live the mod, but I feel that is to easy to just rush and get all the tech. I'm sure this addon will be a success..
  10. Encumberance Inventory system

    Agree 20% is kind of low. But we need to have a balance.
  11. Anvil Newb

    It's a nice video, but I guess one of the problems a new player has is because they are working on copper and it cools down a lot faster.
  12. Encumberance Inventory system

    I find so unbelievable games where you start with a 100 pounds capacity and by late game you can lift 2 tons. I was hopping we would not go in that direction. Instead the player caring capacity could be increase by natural ways, like a hand cart and latter an animal pulled wagon finishing with the minecart and tracks. This would feel natural, a tiny increase in capacity with xp would be OK, but no more than 20% of the original. It could be translated as Steve getting stronger by exercising more.
  13. looking for a server with a number of mods

    We have the cellars in the Darkagecraft server, but not in the Stoneagecraft since we actually want that server to be harder.
  14. looking for a server with a number of mods

    We have more different mudpacks for the Darkagecraft and the Stoneagecraft but both servers do not advance much in modern technologies. I really would like to see simple mechanics in TFC, like wind mill and water wheel, but they would need to be balanced in the game. Adding modern machines to tfc without consideration to balance is something we don't want to do. Darkagecraft and Stoneagecraft both have a cap at the medieval times.
  15. Encumberance Inventory system

    I would prefer a system that try to stay away from decimals, so if we have items that weight as much as 1 tenth of a stone we should use that as the unit. I think it would go easy on the players. The fact that we can carry 100 units or 1000 units of something else should not matter. I might be convinced otherwise depending on the arguments.
  16. looking for a server with a number of mods

    We have 3 servers, they all connect to a hub/lobby server, so when connecting just use the address: From the lobby you can go to: TFC-Puritan, and open server that does not require whitelist. It has Towny for plot protection and we use prism for additional protection. This is a brand new server and in need of players, not many rules and it may need a few tweaks on the plugins. Darkagecraft - A Whitelisted server with a medieval theme and several addons and mods, Also with Towny and Prism. Stoneagecraft - A whitelisted server with a focus on extending stone age and the time it takes to climb the tech tree. The server is heavily modified and players are encouraged to play toguether. Players are not allowed to create their own towns everyone is part of the same town and is a community effort.
  17. Looking for server

    We have servers that could attend to some if not all your requirements. Please read our post and see if it interest you, although I get concerned when you say you haven't played tfc. I always recommend new players to at least give a try on single player so they can learn the basics of the mod. People are helpful, but if you go in a server and don't even know how to make fire, soon people will get annoyed with your constant asking for help. So please go into single player, learn the basics of the game, get at least to iron age, them you will be ready to play with others.
  18. WIP TFCTech Addon

    You should create a new tread in the regular Addons.
  19. looking for a server with a number of mods

    We have many of those mods in our Darkagecraft server.
  20. [0.79.29] DarkAgeCraft Off Line

    Welcome to the server. Please register in our forum.
  21. Anvil Newb

    Always have molds in the forge to catch the ingot in case you get distracted and it goes to liquid state, or better yet leave it in the mold. This way you can heat up to the maximum inside the weldable temperature. The more you do it the easier it gets. After a while you will learn how much each button moves the arrow.
  22. [0.79.29] DarkAgeCraft Off Line

    Edited main post. We now have 3 servers and a Hub.
  23. More Accurate Tastes to TFC2 Foods

    While I agree that taste is an individual experience. I also believe there is such a thing as general taste. There is such a thing as good food and bad food. Why do you think certain restaurants can charge so much for their food? Yes, if you take someone from china and another from USA they will have completely different eating experiences and we always love the food we got used to eat as children. For instance the first time I try a Taco I was 35 years old and even so 18 year have passed I still do not like Tacos, I put then in the same category as Hamburgers and Hot dogs, Junk Food. Not a professional cooker, but I love cooking for my family and extended family on special occasions. I dislike the taste system the way is currently because is discourages the Multiplayer experience in the sense of having a cooker for the town or tribe. All the individual components that we have now for taste could work better if when the cooker found the perfect taste food he could share with other players.
  24. Crafting Table 2.0

    Trying to wrap my mind on this concept and having a really hard time. I apologize in advance for going off topic. Like I said before I am not a Java coder, but I can read scripts. In my understanding Micro-blocs works like this: The first information is to set what kind of material and the position of the full block in the world, so: Smooth Andesite at x,y,z. Than we divide the block by 512 and have to localize each individual micro-block inside the main position. Again we can use a system of x,y,z that works inside the block. We could even go as far as just numbering the individual positions so position 1 would always be the bottom south east position. As a way to optimize the rendering, we only need to specify the smaller amount of micro-blocks: So if we have more than 50 percent of the micro-blocks are air we only need to position the solid micro-blocks and vice versa. Now for the rendering we only need to render the facets that are facing air. Each block has 6 facets, but if they are facing another micro-block they do not need to be rendered. That is still a lot of calculations, but am I really that wrong on how I imagine that micro-blocks work or should work? I should finish by saying that I am really just trying to understand the concept here and not insisting that micro-blocks be used. Thanks for the patience, and I appreciate any effort in explaining this.
  25. Boats/Rafts

    Isn't time already for us to at least give the player the option to pre-generate a finite world ? For server owners is easy to use some plugins and achieve that, but not so much for the single player. My point is that it would free up development of features that otherwise would cause too much lag. In my mind the player when creating a new world could choose the size of that world and that would determine how long it would take to generate the map. Want a quick map? Just choose a size 1000 x 1000 blocks. It will generate very fast. This way you can start to play, if latter you decide you need a bigger map, just set the game to increase the size while you are at school or work, when you back home it will be done. Pre-generating can take a very long time as I very well know. But it really helps with preventing LAG. If I understand the new system of Islands, is not like we actually need a infinite world anyways. My point is that it would free the Dev's to create coding that would be to taxing on the system.