Content: Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Background: Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Pattern: Blank Waves Notes Sharp Wood Rockface Leather Honey Vertical Triangles
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Everything posted by TonyLiberatto

  1. Keys and locks

    But why not use KCauldron? It allows to use forge mods and Bukkit pluggins. We have towny in our servers.
  2. [WIP] Leiti´s Terrafirmacraft Addition

    My idea was that the same way we need a metal ring or band to create a barrel we should need hinges to mount a door. If we could limit the use of some items by creating real metal dependencies then we could free up the crafting grid for players before they have access to a saw. There are some items that have recipes blocked by the small crafting grid, but that should be able in stone age. For example: bow and arrows and boats. I am not advocating to free up all recipes before metal, on the contrary the items that need to be behind metal would need something made of metal. Metal rings for barrels. Hinges for Doors and chests. As for the nails my idea was to have wood blocks need a carpenter hammer and use up nails as you place the blocks.
  3. Millénaire for Terrafirmcraft

    I have wished for this mod integration for a long time. With all the different rock types in TFC it would be really cool to see the different cultures buildings. When I saw the title : Millenaire for Terrafirmacraft finally!!! .I got so happy. Now I am not so sure. Reading the posts it gives me the impression that you did not realized how big the job was before posting. Please tell me you are serious about doing this addon.
  4. [0.79.29] DarkAgeCraft Off Line

    Welcome to the serverNisseA9 . Please register in our forum and have fun.
  5. [WIP] Leiti´s Terrafirmacraft Addition

    This is amazing, like a dream coming true. I love the barrels. The main concept is that now barrels are metal dependent, not because the player does not have access to the full crafting grid, but because it needs a metal ring/band to complete the recipe. I love the 3D crafting. Would it be possible to have door hinges? Question: I see we have nails, how do they get used?
  6. Meteoric iron & materials

    The point for me is to not have a real connection between the shooting stars ( Meteorite falling into earth ) and the location of the meteoric ore. For example: It would be nice to in some nights see these fantastic shooting stars in the night sky. That in no way shape or form, means that if you mark the direction you will find meteoric ore. In gameMeteors do not actually fall, all you will ever see is their craters and you need to pay attention to your surrounds to be able to notice the crater.
  7. Meteoric iron & materials

    I agree. Meteoric metal if added should be very rare and the best metal available. I particularly like the idea of finding craters scattered around the world, it would add believabllity at the same time adding a fantasy element.
  8. [0.79.29] DarkAgeCraft Off Line

    Welcome to the server Please register in our forum and have fun. StacyScene
  9. Waves and sea foam

    We have the streams mod installed in our server. I was paying attention to the way water behaves in rivers and streams and it gave me the idea to create this tread. ​With the new tfc2 centered around Islands I think having waves and specially sea foam would add to theatmosphere of a Island beach. Not suggesting waves in the sense of coming and going, I believe it would be hard to code and use too many resources as far as CPU and Memory. Was thinking more in terms of having water that moves towards land and surrounds the Island, always going in the direction of Land. Like the stream water blocks.
  10. Weapons, Melee range, Cooldown, etc.

    Yes, just one more thing to throw in the soup.
  11. Weapons, Melee range, Cooldown, etc.

    Agree, agree and agree. In real life there is no such a thing as a supreme weapon. In a game is a really bad idea. Not sure what the numbers are, so I will just throw some aleatory ones. Suppose a sword has a 200 points slashing damage. Suppose a club has a 200 points crushing damage. Now if you create a weapon that can do 100 points of slashing and 100 points of crushing it would still be superior, in the sense that you do not need to switch weapons depending on the mob. The only way to make this work would be to completely overhaul the combat system and do a lot of calculations so weapons are balanced. Some ofthe things that would need to be balanced are: The damage types; Piercing, crushing and slashing. Speed and durability. Another consideration that could be done is about range. Close combat or long range. An example, if you are fighting a bear a lance would be better, but once the bear gets close you are dead. With so many possibilities it would be a really hard and a monumental task to create all those weapons and properly balance them in the game.
  12. Weapons, Melee range, Cooldown, etc.

    In real life the atlatl allows you to throw the javelin farther, in some cases doubling the distance which in turn also changes the strength of the weapon on short distances. Game wise I honestly do not see much advantage to have so many weapons added to the game. Don't get me wrong, I think it would be cool to have a whole bunch of different weapons. I just can not justify all the work involved in coding those weapons. Since we only have 3 different kinds of damage. Piercing, Slashing and crushing. In the end one weapon would be superior and everyone would use that one in detriment to all others. I can see how useful things like the bolas would be for hunting, as they immobilize the animal allowing the hunter to get close. Not sure how it would worked against Monsters or animals that you want to domesticate. As far as Slings or slingshots, I understand how people want to have the ability to throw rocks for crushing damage, but that would make it too easy to kill skeletons. Monsters are already too easy to kill, we do not need to make it even easier. The only way I can see to justify adding more weapons is if the Dev's were willing to completely overhaul weapons to allow for mixed damage. For example weapons with crushing and slashing at the same time and in different degrees.
  13. [0.79.29] DarkAgeCraft Off Line

    Welcome to the server . Please register in our forum and have fun. Right now players are divided between Darkagecraft and TFCPuritan. Puritan is open and Darkagecraft is whitelisted. Stoneagecraft is very lonely now. I am thinking about restructuring it .
  14. [0.79.29] DarkAgeCraft Off Line

    Welcome to the server PhantomXiX. Please register in our forum and have fun.
  15. [0.79.29] DarkAgeCraft Off Line

    Welcome to the server Yoshiyahu . Please register in our forum and have fun.
  16. Granaries

    The most important thing for me would be if it completely removed the necessity to cut off decay. Yeah, Yeah, I know you can cut decay from a fruit or vegetable, but grain in a granary does not goes bad by percentage. For me it always was removing from the feeling of believable and just grinding. I cant imagine any other reward from building a granary, than knowing that I will not need to worry about the grain in it at least for a few years. If is made hard enough to build and requiring some advanced technology I believe it keeps the balance.
  17. That's the reason all TFC public servers use KCauldron. It enables you to use bukkit plugins and forge mods in the same server.
  18. [0.79.29] DarkAgeCraft Off Line

    The main server needed update. Sorry for the inconvenience. Server is Up again.
  19. Crafting Table 2.0

    I have suggested before the use of nails as a way to free up the crafting bench early for the player. This way the game could use the full grid for recipes, but the player would not be able to place wood blocks until he has nails. Part of that suggestion included hinges for doors and metal bands for barrels.
  20. Glass works

    Well historically glass was very expensive and time consuming, at least until modern times. This whole process makes the game more believable and immersive. It also makes the game richer where it adds another professionalization. As for the reward, as in real life decoration blocks would be enough of a reward. Maybe even enough to create one more trad-able block. People will want to have glass blocks for their buildings one way or another. It would be cool if we could somehow tie the evolution of glass making with the overall technology of the player. Not a glass history specialist and just do not feel like reading the whole wiki about it right now. One of the things I know is that mosaic was very popular in the middle ages because they were unable tomake transparent big panels, and no way to make glass blocks. It would be great if we could make mosaic in game, although I have no idea how this could be coded to allow different colors for parts of the mosaic panel.
  21. Tameable, 'milkable' giant spiders.

    Yeah I know. I was referring to the whole dynamic of building an enclosure with an overhang to keep the spiders from escaping during the night. Not counting the how to attract a spider into this enclosure, since even though they are not aggressive in day light they will attack if provoked. Don't think milking spiders for strings would actually be a profit. We already have Sheep and wool yarn. The only main advantage I can see from domesticating spiders would be to have a saddle and mount them. They would be useful to crawl up from ravines, but to be believable they would need to be slower than horses. So in the end I still not sure if it would be worth the effort. Maybe as a war mount?
  22. [TFC 0.79.17] Lanterns Addon for TFC

    Just try a "Guinness" , is a meal in a glass.
  23. [0.79.29] DarkAgeCraft Off Line

    Welcome to the server Romancandle64 . Please register in our forum and have fun.
  24. [0.79.29] DarkAgeCraft Off Line

    Welcome to the server ilikealotchi . Have fun and please register in our forum.
  25. Tameable, 'milkable' giant spiders.

    That's what I was thinking. Still not sure if it would be a good idea to domesticate spiders, but certainly would make some interesting designs for spider pens.