Content: Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Background: Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Pattern: Blank Waves Notes Sharp Wood Rockface Leather Honey Vertical Triangles
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Posts posted by TonyLiberatto

  1. I just add you to the whitelist  zenin . Now remember Stoneagecraft is a challenge server, so you are expected to survive in the wild by yourself until bronze age, that when you can move up north to join human society.

    If you just looking for a nice modded Terrafirmacraft server maybe you should try Darkagecraft.


  2. Technic is not supported by this forum.

    My advice is for you to try and install the game manually. Is not that hard and you would get all the supported needed.

    I use MultiMC because it makes easy to create multiple instances of the game and is very easy to install and update Forge and all mods.


  3. If I understand your logic is about how long does it take to break a block so you can set prices in the market dependent on that right?

    As a server owner I can tell you that this is not the way to go.

    In my server we do not allow teleport, so distance to the market plays a big role in the value of rocks and raw stone.

    If you have teleport, them it would be about rarity, but only untill people know where the rock types are.

    The bottom line is that the time it takes to break a rock block varies a lot depending on the type of tool used and the smith that made the tool.

    Even without such considerations, the time variations are so small that they are considered not important by most players. We do not value a rock time more or less because of how long does it take to break it.

    The value is more of a personal taste or aesthetic appearance. So if I am building something and want basalt and there is none around I will trade for it with another player or town. 


  4. I think I understand now.

    Let's see, so Bioxx decides to code in a new animal. After the code is written he needs a new texture and sound effects for that animal, that's where capt_slowpoke and Tricky come forward. In that sense yes I see how it would be not just uncalled but unreasonable to bring requests to those artists. 


  5. We have the streams mod installed in our server. I was paying attention to the way water behaves in rivers and streams and it gave me the idea to create this tread.

    ​With the new tfc2 centered around Islands I think having waves and specially sea foam would add to the atmosphere of a Island beach.

    Not suggesting waves in the sense of coming and going, I believe it would be hard to code and use too many resources as far as CPU and Memory.

    Was thinking more in terms of having water that moves towards land and surrounds the Island, always going in the direction of Land. Like the stream water blocks.


  6. The only way I see this to be believable would be if the player had to crush the ores to separate from the rocks, it makes sense from the point of what happens in real life when you mine for ores.

    The main problem I see with this is that even though it is realistic it would mean adding one more step in ore processing. Some players would like, but others would view as grinding.


  7. What if we had something like wear and tear? The way the game is set today, if you never go in combat your leather armor will last forever. 

    To make wool more meaningful like for example warm clothes for cold weather it would help if those clothes would need replacement after some time. Otherwise once you make a full set of wool clothes you would be done with wool.

    Since as I understand weather would be variable, the player would not be wearing the same outfit for the whole day, so maybe instead of making clothes tic or have an expiration time the best way to handle would be to apply damage every time you put the clothes on or take it out.

    Sorry to mix the animal procreation with clothing, but we need more uses for animal products if we want to have the player invest time procreating animals. 


  8. OK. So one day we come to the Forum and there is a post about a new guy that will be working on the sound for tfc2. As we are all excited and anxiously awaiting for the new mod, any news like that cause a stir in the community. The natural reaction of all of us is to give suggestions based on tfc1.

    I do not want to antagonize Tricky, but also do not think is fair to ask players not to give suggestions or make requests, if that was his intentions, maybe he should not have said anything.

    Just stayed hide in the background working on the sounds until it was all done.

    Everyone that works on the mod is subject to suggestions and requests. Everyday I have players suggesting changes to my servers. Does that mean I have to abide by their suggestions? No, but the discussion is healthy, and in the end contributes for the betterment of my servers.

    One more time, welcome to the community, any and all help towards making this wonderful mod is greatly appreciated.


  9. Will have to agree with Darmo, prolonged slow movement would be a really bad way to implement this idea.

    Whenever I see a suggestion to make TFC more realistic, my first instinct is to like it and look for ways that it could be successfully implemented. At first sight I liked the idea of having Injuries, also one other aspect of this suggestion is to have some kind of penalty for death, which in  itself should be something more careful consider. Not saying it should follow the way presented here, just that we need more penalties for death.

    What I am trying to say is that in theory I like the idea of Injuries and crutches and patches and bandages and medicine, but for now and until I see some better ideas on how to implement that it will be just in theory.


  10. Welcome to the server.

    Because this is a challenge server, at Spawn we have a Random Teleporter and players are suppose to survive alone or in small groups if they bring a friend. At least untill the are able to prove themselves by making a bronze ( any kind of Bronze ) Armor.


  11.    If there is a variety of island-controlling races, the player may want to make a detour to get around an island that is more resistant to his particular class powers.

    If I understood correctly the way Bioxx referred to the progression system, I don't think players will be able to bypass an Island, as they will need to progress in a linear way.


  12. Whenever I see this kind of destruction power described, ie "The Fire Staff" , the first thing that comes to my mind is players roasting bears and wild animals from far away in complete safety. 

    I really hope we do not get things like that.

    In games where players do have weapons that deal fire in this manner we also have giant monsters that would not succumb with one hit and actually need the combine effort of several players or a lot of strategy to be defeated. 

    Someone described Magic as science that we do not understand yet. In the real world the little technology we have has set the human kind so apart from the natural world that we were able to multiply to more than 7 Billion individuals and completely unbalance the environment, making several species extinct. If magic of this kind was a reality, there would not be anything else alive as we would have destroyed all species.

    Dev's have already a hard time balancing the game when based in real life animals and creatures.

    When giving the players some power it always has to be a need to use that power, and there lies the challenge.

    One idea would be to make the staff very destructive, but very slow to recharge, so players would only use in extreme situations, since they would not have a second shot.  
