Content: Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Background: Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Pattern: Blank Waves Notes Sharp Wood Rockface Leather Honey Vertical Triangles
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Everything posted by Miklosh

  1. An Aesthetic Use for Gems

    sratXephir, Oh, I didn't know that"liquid" includes "gas". Sorry then!
  2. Brick stacking like ingots

    Just wanted to suggest that, butnot for storage, but for building. Placing a single littlebrick in a world in order to make a wallis much more realistic and interesting than an invention of just a new recipe for ye olde stone bricks block, itwill really changegameplay.With anability tochoose a place for a brick in a block you are placing it inyou can make an interesting ornament on the wall,or you can make slabs, or stairs, or pillars, or little windows.I see it a bit like adetailed block option, but less labour- and operative memory-consuming.
  3. An Aesthetic Use for Gems

    Diamonds do not melt, they burn.
  4. Update Frequency Poll

    I'd prefer to seeTFC finished.
  5. Body temperature

    Also warm air insidebuildings with heating will be great. I mean burning a fireplace inside a house makes all house warm and stuff. And if there are holes in walls the whole house will become colder, you know.
  6. Construction

    Would you like to make places where chisel cut glass white andopaque or keep them transparent? I think opaque is an interesting option.Also, colored glass.
  7. Fancy cave shape.

    Well actuallyI was not playing vanilla Minecraft for a very long time, only TerraFirma,so I can't say.
  8. Fancy cave shape.

    Nowadays caves in Minecraft are extremely boring. They all lookthe same, they have almostthe same roundshape, one branch has almost the same width during all itslength, like if it wasaway that some giant worm have made through the crust. They are very comfortable for walkingand exploring, even when they are going straight up. Though in reallifecaves are not comfortable at all andalso thereare no such giant worms. So I wish thatmost parts of thecaves would have absolutely random incorrect uselessform. Its hard to give examples, just imagineall varieties ofconcept ofthe"incorrect form".I believe back in the days of Minecraft Beta 1.2 caves were muchmore natural.
  9. While detailing with chisel we remove 512 pieces of material and while casting we will fill 512 pieces of emptyness with liquid metal. It is very hard to make something little now, we have to do hundreds of clicks and then waste hundreds of chisels durability blueprinting it. It would be cool if we could start from the other end, so it would be hard to do something big. And instead of blueprints we can use some clay stuff for copying. It looks to me like a new way in sculpture. No one will cut a thin branch of a tree from a rock with a chisel, but pouring it with some metal is not a bad idea. Also metals have more interesting colors.
  10. More v59 Bugs.

    There are banana trees and olive trees among sequoias at -12500 coord.
  11. 57 to 59 crash in single

    Of cause I saw it, I just answered him.
  12. 57 to 59 crash in single

    I've destroyed all the crops but still it does not work. Also, I've made it like it was told in Instructions for crashes but then my save loads and looks like if I started a new world. Though date is like in my save - 6 July.
  13. 57 to 59 crash in single

    No, It's fine.
  14. It's nonsence and looks really bad. Also, people shall breathe underwater no longer. Also, let water flow through tall grass and saplings, but it should destroy planted seeds, because they are in the ploughed ground.
  15. I just thought of increasing a number of spawning hostile mobs in a places which had been lived in in a past and then have been abandoned. You know, like in Lord of the Rings, in Moria, where dwarves had a great kingdom of glory and after they had gone a great evil came to replace them or something like that. The more place were lived in the more monsters will spawn in it: two times more, three times more, four times more, etc. It would be very adventurely. Also If zombies, skeletons, creepers and others will not spawn normally on the surface so they can spawn in lost cities.I suggest this mostly for smp collective gameplay. Sorry for grammar.
  16. Well, you know... Lost cities... Ruined houses... Evil Hordes of monsters... Treasures Useless crap left in chests... It all looks like this to me.No, it's not just you.
  17. Make an option "REMOVE CREEPERS". /thread tatabadaba-da tapata-bada-tabada...
  18. Looks like no, in change log it is told only about the time of protection:"In order to increase this number, simply spend at least 1 hour(In game time) in a chunk and 6 hours(in game time) of spawn protection will be added to that chunk and each neighboring chunk. Every chunk starts at -24 hours of protection." There could be some sort of limit in game. For example, if you were in that place only once, nothing will happen. But if you were there for about 100 times or more then mobs spawn will increase. Also, if you were in one place for 100 times, it will accumulate a huge amount of spawn protection time, so you'll be able to come back. And yes, large abandoned mines will be extremely dangerous.Also, I accidently clicked on report button to your post, sorry. Also, I don't want creepers to be removed. Yes, it is very annoying when they blew up like in ten blocks far from you and leave terrible holes in dirt, but I like them, they looks like cats for me, I don't know why. Such a pussies. P.S. Spawn protection time itself could be such limit. For example, if a chunk has 36000 hours of protection then it will become more hostile after this 36000 hours will pass. It means you (or more people, if we talk about city) have to stay in it for 6000 hours which is about 250 minecraft days. Long enough, I guess.
  19. Caveins are not deadly enough.

    Hello, my name is Miklosh and I'm still digging 1x2 tonnels. I'm not proud of it. I just never DIED because of a cavein, though when you are in a cave IRL cavein means immediate death. I have no stimulus to make a proper mineshaft and use support beams, you know. So, mr. Bioxx, what I suggest. When two or more blocks fall onto you and you are INSIDE of them, make it as hard to destroy a block from the inside like as if you were underwater or probably harder. Then most of the players will be dead in such situation, how about that?
  20. It's not realistic when you can simply combine a stick with a stone and get a tool. I think, you need at least a string or two or a liana or maybe something more than that, maybe some glue (smashed spider eye, which is poisonous for you when you crafting it, eh?). You know, I just always have a workbench, a stack of sticks and a stack of cobblestone with me and that's ALL I need (well, except the sword maybe, but usually I'm using an axe for melee), I just CAN live in a world with it, so I WILL do it. What do you think about it? Sorry for possible mistakes in English.