Content: Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Background: Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Pattern: Blank Waves Notes Sharp Wood Rockface Leather Honey Vertical Triangles
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Everything posted by BabyJesusz

  1. Vanilla Smart Moving Mechanic

    One idea that I have roughly thought of today is a mechanic within vanilla TFC involving the intention of the smart moving mod. To elaborate : There could be some form of integration with the B78 nutrition system such as strength and speed decreasing for different categories of malnutrition, such as a Protein/Dairy low resulting in weaknesses affecting climbing and Mining, or fruit, vegetable and/or grain shortages causing slowness and increased fall damage. Of course, the main concept is a smart moving feature as part of the game, but to make it have more of a reason to use than just installing the SM mod itself, it needs to fit nicely into the TFC health systems.
  2. TConstruct-esque tools

    WHY HAS THIS NOT BEEN QUESTIONED BEFORE? One thing that I've always wanted with TFC, is the gameplay function of personal/strategically well designed tools. Different shaped sword bits, all parts of tools with different statistics, naming your tool and custom textures(Made easier with overlay type textures)! Tinker's Construct mod has done it, why not us? TFC would be much cooler with a tool-forging system like this!(Or at least similar to this) Even a new use for gems! If the devs deem this an unworthy idea, maybe an addon could be created. I For one think this is brilliant, and friends of mine agree. Just a simple request, sorry for the over-enthusiasm. Thanks!
  3. TConstruct-esque tools

    I know, that was what I wanted to change. Although this is the only way I thought adding different quality gems to the blade. The effect I was looking for was more of a PVE style 'chance' modifier. Like something to do with the improved combat systems being talked about, this could add a chance of something happening on occasion during battles. Maybe I am thinking to much about RPGs but I feel an AI redesign would benefit this idea and keep it away from 'magic'. But aside from all of that, I know how difficult AI coding is, and I agree with Kitty here.
  4. TConstruct-esque tools

    The original post was just something that I scribbled up while I was tired, but reading the replies, I realized I could elaborate a bit more. What I was originally aiming at was just the Tcon function of building your own tools. No modifiers(Although I like the idea of different materials making the tool have different properties) and the TCon forging system is also a big no. Maybe an upgrade on the anvil interface, since plans are basically being scrapped in B77 we could have multiple 'final 3' hits/etc for different blades and stuff, while still keeping the TFC forge system. I have thought about a system for the gems, which needs heavy work, but oh well. Embedding a gem into a weapon's hilt or something could give the player a type of 'buff', making enemy attacks have a chance of dealing "Negative critical hits", kind of like a superstition or 'fear' of the person wielding the sword, making their attacks weaker sometimes. The better quality the gem, the higher the level.