Content: Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Background: Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Pattern: Blank Waves Notes Sharp Wood Rockface Leather Honey Vertical Triangles
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Everything posted by subwayatrain

  1. How do you get more Crop Seeds?

    Now does that mean they will respawn between October and March in the Southern Hemisphere, since seasons are reversed there? (I'm playing on a server that starts you off in the Southern Hemisphere.)
  2. [Solved][B78.7] Worldgen/Biome rarity problem?

    On the servers I have played and the worlds I have generated, I have yet to see any Willow, Maple, White Cedar, or White Elm. Birch was hard to find, but I did find some on a server, but can't find those first four...
  3. Bourbon

    I was reading an old thread that looked like it was written before alcohol was implimented in the game. It mentioned Bourbon, which I noticed was not in the game, even though corn is. How about putting an ear of corn in a water barrel and getting Bourbon Whisky? Then Mr. Beam and Mr. Daniels will be proud!
  4. Bourbon

    It looks like right now, they disabled making alcohols in 78.4 so they could make the barrels work with the new food system. I hope when they get that done, they will look at the alcohols and add Bourbon Whisky. It also wouldn't hurt to be able to put a cactus block into a barrel and come out with Tequilla. I might make a topic for that as well if I need to.
  5. ( Solved, Feature ) Quern Wooden Peg Graphics not functioning

    From the 0.78 changelog: Disabled quern animation to help stop lag. I guess it was causing lag issues for some players and servers. I did like it, but I can live without it. Perhaps someone can make an animation that doesn't create as much lag.
  6. Ideas about food preservation.

    I like the idea of pickling as it fits into the TFC world well with the barrels and has been around for a long time. Icehouses requiring a complex multiblock system and access to ice and snow could be a good idea too since they have been around since ancient times as well. Canning however, wasn't developed until the very end of the 18th century, long after the time frame of TFC.
  7. [TFC 0.78.9] ExtraFirma Addon v1.0.4

    Any word on if this addon works with TFC 78? I know a couple of things this addon has were added to 78 like rope.
  8. Changes to food

    I like the idea of Dairy giving a Bonus rather than a penalty. I put out the idea becasue I've played in a world where I got screwed and had no cows. Sheep just made sense since goat milk has been used by people as long or longer than cow milk. Plus, I'm a little fond of the idea of having more than one kind of cheese. In this case you could have Feta Cheese.
  9. Changes to food

    Something else to consider: For multiplayer servers, there should be an option to adjust or disable food decay. On a server, you food will decay whether or not you're playing and so if you can't play for a few days, several in game months may pass and when you return your food may be all spoliled. This should not penalize players what can't play continuously. Also, if it hasn't already been mentioned, sheep should be able to be milked since you need dairy as part of a balanced diet now to not suffer penalties. This way if you don't have access to cows, sheep can be used for get dairy. It would also be cool to have different cheeses like Cheddar from cows and Feta Cheese from sheep.
  10. Just a thought

    Yes, most of them live in the Southeastern portion of the U.S. State of Pennsylvania, although there are some Amish Communities in other areas.
  11. Large tracts of nothing...

    In my single player game, I began on a good-sized island with a couple small ones around it. Like you did, I sailed on one direction (North in my case) and found nothing. Then I went south and found a rather large continent. However, I have been able to find a lot of good ore veins, plants, and animals just on the island, so I don't really need to explore the continent very much right now. I wouldn't stress too much, as long as you can find enough basic resources to get your homestead going and can start mining.
  12. I used this design to build my house in my single player game. It's a nice first house after your thatch hut.
  13. Life In The Woods?

    It's in the title: Life in the Woods. I downloaded it to see what mods it contained. Loks like it's mostly based on Pam's Harvestcraft and Growthcraft. Those two mods have a lot of features like TFC when it comes to crops and cooking. It also has Aquaculture and Oceancraft, which add some new fishing stuff. What is seems to be missing though is a sophisticated mining and metal processing system like TFC. The only mod that seems to come anywhere near that is Tinkers Construct, and that only has the large smeltery multiblock structure. Still though, wouldn't be a bad modpack to play with.
  14. A small project: useful buildings with a neat design

    I like the Granary Androyed made, the Blacksmith Cidd made, and the Castle Zarren's friend made that he posted here. I hope others will post nice buildings they have made. One thing I would like to see however is maybe some more detailed albums that show how to construct these Really Nice Buildings so people can build them in their own TFC games or servers. In another section of the forums, someone made a nice guilde to build an early game house of logs and sod. I used it to create a basic home for my single player game. Now that I have some decent tools, I need some good ideas for some more sophistcated buildings. I hope to see ones that incorporate the important TFC sturctures into them well (Pit Kiln, Forge, Charcoal Pit, Bloomery, and Blast Furnace).