Content: Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Background: Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Pattern: Blank Waves Notes Sharp Wood Rockface Leather Honey Vertical Triangles
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Everything posted by wintersfreund

  1. Maize Tortillas

    I'm Baker, and belief me: When you try to bake a bread from only maize, it will end as tortillas. You have to mix the maize-flour with wheat- or spelt-flour to get a bread that looks like THIS. So TFC-maizebread IS already tortillas
  2. Mud/Clay Adobe Block

    still exists in creativ as placeholder, adobe bricks for every stone type
  3. A Hard Lesson to Learn

    exactly this was my first start with b79 By the Way, I build myself a wooden house coffered with earth, something like a lifing-hilll. I filled the ground with sand and gathered some clay when night fall, so i get home, closed the entrance, did some pottery and get boring ... i didn't want to wait until next day, a dig a hole in the sand, build and fired a pit Kiln - and wondered why the house shines so bride... flamed and buried.
  4. Ranged weapons vs. Skeletons

    today i killed a skeleton in stone age without armor I used: 1 Spear 1 Hammer 1 tree i trow the spear to get his Aggro and then hide behind the tree. when it came around i gave the skel a taste of Hammer and hided again behind the Tree. When it came around ... Hammer didn't break, but whats left of, is not worth speaking of. Loot was 2 Bones and 3 arrows.
  5. Oetzl

    I found this Site and wanted to share with you. I buy the Comic for x-mas.
  6. Items with building (structure) requirements

    evenromans build bloomery this way.
  7. Future Animals, and hunting only animals.
  8. Alternative method to make limewater.

    when you rework the Barrels, cann you add them be placed both vertical and horizontical?
  9. 2160 oz Pig

    My first Pig i slaugthered in build 78, are these amount of flesh normal? i trade a Kingdom for some salt.
  10. 2160 oz Pig

    i just noticed - the hide from that pig is smal
  11. Not working with other mods [v.0.78.11]

    thats why the pig next to it was so smal - babys. thanks
  12. Not working with other mods [v.0.78.11]

    i know, but i'm using optifine since a week ago with build78, this pheasant apeared on my first new world after adding custom npc. i know traveled from z5000 to z6800 for better food storage and found a nice place to live. when i didn't find mobs around i travel further, so i will discover the appearance of mobs there. i can say, spiders, zombies, skeletts are normal.
  13. Ideas about food preservation.

    Drying realy seems the best preservation method. it works better the warmer the weather is, so in cold region we have to store the food in cellar and in warm region we could dry it. i chisseld a prototyp of a dry-stand. the third picture shows another idea - smoking with the tool-racks. both methods should decrease decay rate by 50% like salting. Salting and smoking creat Beacon(new food, slowest decay rate) One Idea from my Job - i'm Baker - Dough should decay from fresh to sour about a day. Normal bread 1* less satisfiyng than sour-dough-bread and higher decay-rate. additional: removing rice-bread, it's creatable, but really diffilcult to make bread from rice, better eat raw/cooked rice.
  14. Not working with other mods [v.0.78.11]

    I started a new world after adding "Custom NPC". this is the first pheasant i see. there is a normal pig near. i continue discovering. installed: Forge Terrafirmacraft build 78.11 Optifine 1.6.4 Hd C6 Custom NPC 1.6.4
  15. [solved]ranged wood cutting

    i'm cutting on the single wood block at the bottom of the picture. this block didn't vanishe, but the Tree next to it is harvested. the leaves from the single block are not connected to the tree. By the third stone axe used on the single block, the block is harvested and the tree too, only 4 bottom blocks of the tree remain. Is it a bug?
  16. A small project: useful buildings with a neat design

    Bakery inside
  17. Diary of Innistrad

    Short end Well, i didn't found time to play some days, and when i had time yesterday, it seems it wasn't my day. I continued diging and found a cave, but i also found a skeletton. i tried to flee, but i got shot down before i could open the entrance i closed carefully. This was the End of this hardcore world. I now take some creative stuff, Perhaps i will start a new diary with biuld 78 later.
  18. Diary of Innistrad

    I'm not experienced in making let's Plays, so i write this Blog here in Forum. Seed: Innistrad 1. Day: I started within a forest of willows. I gathered basalth and stick for some tools, crafting stone axe and stone knifes. Cut down grass till i had two full stacks and started discovering the landscape for crops and water. On my way through the forest i found some rye and Barley. When the Forest ended, I found this and decided to settle down. Finding some more rye and build a small round straw house. It's a primitive house inspired by african tribes and works well in TFC. It's build from 32 Thatch blocks which can be gathered easy without much time. It is Mob and rain safe and mobile because easy to break down. End day 1
  19. Diary of Innistrad

    5. JuneWith all that straw i could finish the Roof, and from the top a got a great view. When i finished it's getting dark and i'm thirsty, so i returned to my straw hut and spend the night bathing there. In the Morning i got i nice look to my great house.6. JuneGreat Harvest. Over the Half of the whole Garden is ready. I replanted only the rarer crops like garlic,soybeans and onion. Greenbean now fills 2 and a half vessel, tomatos the other half and carrots another one. I tried filling the walls with Kapok, it looks good, but i will need more when i go next time to the jungle.7. JuneNow i have a good Basis, the great House has enough place, food storage is great, fields are full. time for further discovery.Once again i took some tools, straw, greenbean, sticks and stone and a vessel. I discovered the south finding a Ravine, but without ore-vein.When i walked further i find a depression on the ground where there was tall gras, but not gras-covered earth - could that be a cavein? Time to investigate, i use my shovel as the earth did a smal cavein - there must be some air underground. Before continuing with the shovel a got some wood from a near willow to prevent earth from falling upon me, cause my Thatch was empty..
  20. Diary of Innistrad

    6. MayDuring the night i started the roof.I gathered some more straw near the clay pit, but not much. I need straw and some more basalth for toolmaking, so i take preparations for a little journey to my first settlement near the djungle.It was mid-day when i head south through the forest gathering straw and slate stones. In the evening i arrived where i first settled and build a little straw hut in the dark.7. May - 4. JuneIn spend the next days gathering straw, stones and little Kapok-trees. i found some relics of a earlier settlement ^^4. JuneMy Inventury is nearly full, time to go home. On my way north i explored the river gathering straw and stones, but after some time the river heads to the east and my settlement is somewhere west. Finding my first pig, i left the river walking through the forest to the direction i expected the settlement and i was right.Arriving just at the sunset, i hunted down a kalamari who waited for me. Then i go in the straw house and took a overview over my treasure.Seeds of rice, wheat, red bell pepper, carrots, garbage, onion, sqash and greenbean.12 full stacks of straw and 2 full stacks of thatch.3 full piles of Kapok.A full stack of slate for building and a full stack of basalth for toolmaking.Some ores for later bronze age.
  21. Diary of Innistrad

    1./2. May I spend two days finishing the scaffold, and in the evening it was almost done. After the night i got a nice view of the building so far. 3. May Great harvest time. This time i replanted only some of the crops, cause this harvest shown me i will get much more than enough for winter. I filled almost a whole vessel with crops i didn' replanted, so i did some pottery for storage. 4./5. May i harvested rye, which i replanted all. It is a good timing, cause next part of the building is the roof. And i need much straw. Now i have a british lawn on the hole headland, but not enough straw.
  22. Diary of Innistrad

    6. April Harvest-time! Some later sown carrots, the first tomatos and beans, lot of beans. A Kalamari has shown in the river again, so i got him and sow the hole harvest. i finished agriculture and build the two straw huts into one before sunset when a new white elm grown tall. 7. April Next day most of the saplings has grown, so i got more building-timber.
  23. Diary of Innistrad

    5. April i continued the scaffold until timber was empty. The wood in front of the construction site is willow. The elms still had to grow, i decided to start pottery, by the way to the clay next to the constuction site i found a new neighbor. I got some clay and returned to my straw hut, and digging a hole for a kiln. i did some vessels and a jug. i finished the kiln as it starts raining, so i build another sraw hut for the kiln.
  24. Diary of Innistrad

    I spend some days in forestry, cutting down all white elms and planting new saplings. By clearing of all the branches i got nearly 30 saplings and neraly 5 Stacks of sticks. Nice amount of building timber. When cutting the last trees and some tall gras, i found some more carrots, soybean and wheat seeds. 2. & 3. April i expanded the Garden and begann building scaffold. 4. April First Harvest of carrots and bell pepper, so the day was for agriculture.
  25. Diary of Innistrad

    Thanks ^^ 3. Day spending the second and last night near djungle. With the sunset i took the Straw house and gathered some more basalth rocks for toolmaking. Then i got to go north. On my way through the forest i found some beans and when reaching the headland the dinner was almost done - Kalamari swimming in the river. The Day ended in building the straw House next to the Stone, with water inside and i good warm meal. 4. Day Waiting for sunrise i searched google for some bronze age buildings and decided to biuld something like this on the headland. This day was for agriculture. i found carrots nearby and planted nearly all i have found so far, creating a nice Garden.