Content: Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Background: Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Pattern: Blank Waves Notes Sharp Wood Rockface Leather Honey Vertical Triangles
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Everything posted by TheMechEngGuy

  1. Seed: 3924568760162416149 I've been looking for hours for a really good seed with the following criteria: Awesome forested mountain terrain at spawnPlentiful rivers and lakes for taking a dipIgneous intrusive or extrusive rockHickory treesThis seed meets the first two criteria with an A+, and while the hickory trees and igneous rock are within walking distance (a few hundred metres) of the spawnpoint, I would say that the seed also meets those requirements. I've tried to avoid finding out all the ores and stuff in the area in case I spoil it, but sphalerite is available near spawn for the players using it as a beginners seed. Screenshot at spawn: Mountains and other cool stuff:
  2. TFC mountain seed

    Damn I literally thought of nearly everything else and then I forgot the seed!! Well I guess it was April Fools so we'll pass that one off as an unintentional joke.
  3. TFC mountain seed

    Hi guys I'm new to the forums here (not new to Minecraft....been around since 1.2.5) and thought I'd show you guys my Terrafirmacraft survival seed that I'm playing. It took a few hours to come across, but it's got mountains, andesite rocks which make the best stone tools and hickory trees are not too far away from the spawn location. The seed is: 9023367153756530114 From memory I think you spawn halfway up one of the mountains in the pics below, and so the house I made is pretty close by. The area is absolutely loaded with copper and tetrahedrite ore veins (I got three big chests full of the stuff so far) and there's small sphalerite and bismuthinite veins a few hundred metres away. There's a nice big-but-not-too-big lake with a good amount of room to build small houses at the edge, close by the base of the mountains. Plenty of Douglas Fir trees mean that making a charcoal pit is no problem and there's no shortage of wood to burn. Oh yeah and I also made sure that it's a huge continent with plenty of biomes to explore. I walked about 6000 blocks to find a female chicken (for eggs...that was a fail because they don't lay 'em anyway), so there's no need to worry about those problems. Also if you want COPIOUS amounts of wood, there's sequoia biomes a few hundred metres away from spawn. It's also a bonus that the spawn forest biome is nice and big, so there's no eye-sore biomes that poke up in the distance to ruin the views. I'm really particular with my survival maps, and it's been impossible to find a better seed than this one! Oh yeah and I thought I'd use this opportunity to show the house I've built, it takes inspiration from blacksmith houses I've seen in different games (such as in Skyrim and Banished) where there's a regular house as the living quarters and storage area, and a nice open forge area just outside with a roof overhead. I'm addicted to hickory so I went with a hickory wood structure, andeside cobblestone walls and a thatched roof. The forge area outside has glass in the overhead roof to allow a more open feel with the extra sunlight.
  4. What do you like about terrafirmacraft

    I first came across this modpack when Generikb was playing it. Trouble is, at the time I was already hooked on Feed The Beast (still am) and didn't take overly much notice. I ended up forgetting about TFC and rediscovered it a few months ago. The reason why I'm addicted to this now as well is because of a couple of reasons: Vanilla Minecraft is a game designed with 13 year old kids in mind, and while the game is fairly difficult when you first play it, surviving the first night becomes so damn easy. You can almost jump into caves and get diamonds on the first day in the game. Terrafirmacraft is Minecraft survival for adults and involves plenty of thinking and planning. First time I played TFC I expected a bit of a crappy, crashy modpack, and while it does crash every now and again it's pretty solid and well thought-out. It's so different to vanilla to the point where you can't even compare the two games. Finding ore veins is so much more realistic, I was surprised first time in the game how you look into a ravine and there's absolutely no ores in sight. It requires skill to find ore veins, but once you do, you're literally carrying multiple loads of ore back to the house. Surviving the first night used to be the most exciting part of vanilla Minecraft, after that it's easy to become immortal and lose interest in the map. Terrafirmacraft is all about having fun surviving with the bare essentials for days if not weeks of real-time gameplay. Some people whine about not having diamond armor or effective weapons, but where's the fun in being immortal and safe from all the threats? There's no enchanting which is a great thing in terms of realism. Real men wield swords, not wands! The realism of falling dirt and rocks presents a new challenge in terms of building. And strip mining becomes impossible as well. Even branch mining becomes a hazard, and it makes you stop and think about adding bracing support to hold up the roof. The added option for using many different types of wooden planks, doors made of many different types of wood and thatching for roofs all that gives that extra level of customisation in building.I could add more but those are the ones I know of just off the top of my head for now.