Content: Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Background: Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Pattern: Blank Waves Notes Sharp Wood Rockface Leather Honey Vertical Triangles
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Everything posted by noname_42

  1. [Solved][non-TFC] Access Violation (OpenAL32.dll)

    1. There are no minecraft crash logs for an access violation 2. I can allocate 1.5 gigs "The maximum theoretical heap limit for the 32-bit JVM is 4G. Due to various additional constraints such as available swap, kernel address space usage, memory fragmentation, and VM overhead, in practice the limit can be much lower. On most modern 32-bit Windows systems the maximum heap size will range from 1.4G to 1.6G" 3. That could be. I probably update to 7 (64bit) soon
  2. First off i want to make sure you understand this is not a pure TFC problem, however the effect is amplified when using it. I already posted this crash here but with no response. SSP/SMP (Single/MultiPlayer): crash on launchSuggested Name: Access Violation (OpenAL32.dll)Suggested Category: Annoying (Severe when using TFC)Description: After launching the game it sometimes randomly crashes. After restarting the game it normally works fine however. Although this happens rather rarely, it crashes much more often when using TFC (like 3-5 times in a row). The game NEVER crashes with this error if I run vanilla so this might be a Forge problem. Do you have any mods other than Forge and TFC installed?: link of the Crash Report: here
  3. [Solved][non-TFC] Access Violation (OpenAL32.dll)

    I updated to build 1217 and allocated 1.5G however it still crashes with the same error. I also wonder why somebody added [solved] to the title. Crash
  4. [Solved][0.79.0] 3x3 Crafting Grid disappears upon logout

    79.7 has been released already. You should use that. (This will require you to create a new world probably)
  5. Torch Poll

    It's the same like with food decay, crop growing and seasons: I like it in SSP, I don't like it in SMP. The problem is that torchs burn out while you are offline (if other people are near). I know you can configure that but the configuration can never know how long you were offline :-( However I like realy the idea of dark tunnels etc.
  6. Adult baby sheep

    Unfortunately i went ahead before checking that. I created a new world with no other mods than fastcraft and TFC installed and after I found some sheep they were normal
  7. Adult baby sheep

    Version #: 79.6 SSP/SMP (Single/MultiPlayer): SSP Suggested Name: Adult baby sheep Suggested Category: Annoying Description: The picture pretty much says it. The sheep behaved exactly like a baby sheep (noise, no drops, hitbox) however it had the model of a adult sheep. There were at least two of them. Have you deleted your config files and are still able to reproduce this bug?: Yes Do you have any mods other than Forge and TFC installed?: Yes If yes, which mods? Optifine, Fastcraft, NEI, DMG Indicators If you have Optifine or Cauldron installed, can you still reproduce the bug after uninstalling them? idk
  8. [Intended][b79.6] Sulfur for daaays

    this happened to me too. To be honest i never mined sulfur before so i wonder if you need a pickaxe for it? I tried to mine it with no tool and it broke quite fast, but no drops.
  9. [Intentional] Pink Sheep in TFC??

    It's a standard vanilla feature.
  10. [Solved] Some odd occurences

    ok thanks for the info
  11. [TFC 0.79.23+] TerraFirmaCraft NEI plugin

    502 - Bad gateway Server overloaded?
  12. Animals AI

    (Bad) translation: A small modification of the AI ​​animals add realism and role -play.As aggressive mobs trying to protect from the sun during the day.Liabilities animals could take shelter at night.Wild animals naturally go under trees and in caves.Animals in pens go shelter in barns were built for the players .When the sun rises the animals then attracted to bodies of water.Each species at a different time .So it would be a back - and - coming.This will create a passive accumulation of animals around water bodies , the quality is either a default, up to you
  13. Minecraft 2 early access
  14. [Offline] New Terrafirmacraft Team Event.

    1. IGN: noname_42 2. Age: XVI 3. Nationality: Germany 4. history with TFC: I love TFC for the simple reason it adds most things i wished in minecraft like seasons, realistic ore, and much more. I played it not that long (Currently building my first blast furnace in SP) but i know most of the stuff this mod adds. Also im familiar with extrafirma 5. will you be recording during the event? nope Greetings noname_42
  15. How do i make a TFC server?
  16. Localized weather integration

    What is "Localized weather"? Localized weather is a mod (which can be found here) that changes the way how weather works. Rain and thunder are no longer global which means player A can experience different weather than player B. Clouds (which look pretty cool) are generating through moisture of surronding biomes and their temperature. For example if there's a swamp biome near a desert it's very likely you'll see some intense storms. There are also new storms like high wind, hail and even tornados and cyclones with different strength and wind is affecting particles. Tornados do not completely destroy whole enviroments (they remove grass from dirt which will regrow, the destroy leaves and sometimes whole trees which can be replanted and tornados destroy your buildings if they are not fortified) The mod also adds some new blocks like an anemometer, a wind vane and even a weather machine and a weather forecast (and more). Why integrate it in TFC? 1. I think the current weather system is not very believable. 2. It would be possible to make a connection between weather, season, and coordinate. (e.g. tropical cyclones in tropical areas, more storms in fall) 3. It adds an incredible atmosphere as you always look up in the sky and get a little shock if you see dark (rotating) clouds. 4. Of course the weather machine or the weather deflector are not very TFC-like. These aren't realy necessary anyway and they destroy the atmosphere somewhat. I think recipes for theanemometer and the wind vane are enough. (Maybe enable weather deflector as OP item to protect server buildings from storms) 5. Tornados and cyclones should be a lot rarer and more effected by moisture and temperature (so TFC does not lose it's focus) Maybe storms would be disabled entirely in mild biomes but very intense in tropical areas. 6. Needless to say the whole thing could be disabled in the configuration Why not use both mods seperate / Why is integration necessary? 1. Recipes are required for anemometer and wind vane 2. Clouds are too low (because TFC terrain is higher) can be adjusted in config 3. hail is not displayed correctly 4. terrain is not always effected as it should be (grass doesn't disappear because of storms) What do you guys think?
  17. Localized weather integration

    -no danger -> no atmosphere, After some time it would be like in vanilla where rain is just annoying -tornados would only occur in certain climates (it's up to you if you want some danger or not) -stone is not affected by tornados so if you build an adequate house and barn for your animals there's no problem -making your own weather system is well and good but why creating a new one if there is already one? That's why I didn't say "hey owner of mod make better wether mor fast cauze now is borin". You could save your time for other things. If you think it's out of place in the theme of the mod that's ok becaue i love your mod and you know best how it should develop further
  18. Localized weather integration

    - adding recipes would need 5 minutes maximum - LW is highly configurable to grant compatibility as far as it can, however the option "Cloud0_layer_height" seems to be broken (or i'm using it wrong) - LW uses the ice texture for hail. Don't know why it doesn't work with TFC - adding the new grass ids for LW would be no problem Please not that fixing this would be only the first step of an integration. There's a huge difference between integration and compatibility. As I mentioned before the TFC values like temperature, N-S coordinate and biome information would open up a lot of new possibilities for LW. Of course this is mostly LW sided but seriously why should they add compatibility if there is no cooperation from TFC.
  19. Saw / wood blocks & breaking speed

    As far as I know saws do break player placed logs faster
  20. TFC Shaders and Zan's minimap

    zan's minimap tries to create a mob icon by itself but the shader's mod somehow breaks this mechanic. In ZansMinimap1.6.4.zipassetsminecrafttexturesicons i found some icons from modded mobs so it may be possible to create a resource pack which contains the icons of TFC mobs.
  21. Why stone block yields 0-3 rocks ?

    "TFC is actually not trying to achieve realism. The goal is believability, while keeping in mind that not only is this a game, but also a mod for Minecraft." however i agree random drop count doesn't make sense to me too
  22. Rose Gold Suggestion

    Tin is weaker than copper but bronze is not
  23. -username: noname_42 -history with TFC: I love TFC for the simple reason it adds most things i wished in minecraft like seasons, realistic ore, and much more. I played it not that long (Currently building my first blast furnace in SP) but i know most of the stuff this mod adds. Also im familiar with extrafirma -timezone: CET / GMT+1 (Germany) -How active can you be on the 14 days of the tetrafirma tournament: 3-5 hours / 14 days -Write down that you understand that for now there will be an event which will result in a faction/competitive gameplay that you know that if you will be informed of when the server will start if you are whitelisted. You also know that the server will need addons: Read and understood. <- lol that's copypasted
  24. All TFC-unique items disappeared

    if you load your tfc world with vanilla all tfc stuff nearby your position is deleted Edit: lol didn't see your post
  25. Cant plant pumpkins?