Content: Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Background: Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Pattern: Blank Waves Notes Sharp Wood Rockface Leather Honey Vertical Triangles
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Posts posted by noname_42

  1. Maybe i'm just a glutton for punishment, But I'd very much like to see crafting involve a progress bar. Not just click, BOOM!!! 1,000 arrows. I think the time it takes to craft something should differ based on the complexity of the item, the number being made, and the players skill/familiarity with crafting that particular recipe. 


    I'd also be very okay with skill/familiarity (as well as quality of tools/materials used) having an effect on the durability/quality and chance of successful crafting.


    I imagine a new player should take a long time to make an inferior arrow with poor durability, accuracy, and damage, and will probably fail at the recipe often.  That is compared to a highly skilled arrowsmith using ideal materials and tools who could quickly and reliably crank out a lot of durable, accurate, and very lethal arrows .


    I agree but I definitly don't want just a timer and a % chance that you have success. I would prefer something more interactive like knapping where you can get faster by learning the shape and sometimes it happens that you click the wrong field and the rock is wasted. So if the crafting process fails it is not due to bad luck but due to your derpyness


  2. go in the menu, click "Weather2 Config (unpauses game)", then click "Advanced", then go to page 3, then go to "Cloud_Layer0_Height" and set it to 300 and click "Save" (May require a reload of the world / restart of the game for it to update)


    tornados work well as far as I noticed. They destroy wood as usual (once a tornado destroyed one of my support beams and half my "house" caved in). Only issues I noticed that it destroys sand blocks and doesnt turn grass into dirt.


  3. I am currently working on a modpack with TFC and IC² and the prob I am having is that stuff cannot be smelted in the crucible/bloomery. So I suggest a config option where you can list all items that should be metal-bearing like so:


    <IC2:itemCrushedOre:1,copper,50>  would mean that crushed copper ore could be smelted for 50 copper units in a crucible.

    <minecraft:iron_bars,iron,35>   would mean that iron bars could be smelted for 35 iron in a crucible.

    <minecraft:iron_bars,iron,35,b>     would mean that iron bars could only be smelted for 35 iron in a bloomery.


  4. Offtopic: I wrote a server plugin where you can set your own custom death messages.

    Ontopic: I thought that the death message system is very buggy, for example it says that you fell do death when getting killed by a skeleton (or has that been fixed?)


  5. This is an idea for TFC2:

    You could put your tools into special slots around the workbench. Recipes requiring tools (making planks, bricks) but also basically all other recipes could use these tools.

    For example all wood recipes (chests, doors, etc.) would require a saw.

    This would grant more space for crafting recipes and would be visually attractive ;) .

    If you place tool racks around the workbench the tools remain inside the GUI even if you close it and they are displayed on the tool racks.

    I could imagine that this looks far more simple than it is to code (thus a suggestion for TFC2), but it's just an idea so pls don't rage :D
