Content: Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Background: Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Pattern: Blank Waves Notes Sharp Wood Rockface Leather Honey Vertical Triangles
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Everything posted by kaldskryke

  1. Give donkeys/mules "back" slots

    I'm not entirely sure. I haven't been able to find a donkey in my world yet, and while I can spawn them in creative I can't seem to find a way to force Familiarity enough to open their "inventory". I haven't had much luck feeding them, either, I'm not sure if their hunger is going down too slowly or what.That said, I suspect they are currently able to, without overburdening, which is probably a little unbalanced.
  2. Mobile back mounted log carrying aparatus.

    I think this is a great idea, so long as it comes with a nerf to how many logs you can carry without it. Perhaps reduce the default stack size? Edit: It would be nice if these could accept logs automatically, similar to how the quiver works, rather than needing to be inserted manually.
  3. [79.6] Recover Things after Dying

    They are typically brown... kinda small and derpy.
  4. Barrels that have been sealed with a proper recipe inside will tell you the output. If you're not seeing "Vinegar", you've probably got your ratios wrong. Check the changelog for the details. Support beams have a rather small "range" of functionality, centered on the horizontal beam. Maybe you're overestimating that range, particularly in the vertical direction.
  5. [Solved] Horizontal Support Beam recipe broken...

    During regular gameplay you should never actually pick up the Horizontal or Vertical versions, they exist only as a technicality, which is why they can only be obtained through NEI. If you find yourself picking one up, it is probably a bug.
  6. Spawning in boring terrain.

    I think you've just been unlucky. There's nothing that would make your preferred combination unlikely. From what I understand of the generation code, the terrain shape (plains/hills/mountains) is determined by the biome. The same kind of algorithms that generate the biome "map" is re-used to determine rock layers, rainfall, evt, and tree "coverage". But they're all independent "maps", they don't interact with each other. So there's no reason why mountainous terrain would be less likely to have high rainfall. Just keep trying new seeds.
  7. [79.3] Support beams are utterly useless

    You can always use the goldpan to get copper.
  8. Browse to your heart's content:
  9. Torch Discussion

    So would you say that spawn protection is not really working for you? Or are you just spending so much time traveling that you never manage to build up any protection?
  10. Everyone do you part to bug test the new build!

    Yeah, and I appreciate that. It definitely feels a lot different than playing in temperate plains.I think my biggest gripe about it is how broad and homogenous the forests are. Nothing but acacia trees from -6000z to +6000z is not exactly a diverse and interesting landscape. The tree spawning parameters have changed a bit, but I'm still seeing the same thing. I looked up these parameters for the trees, and without giving away any "spoilers", I really think I should be seeing some other tree types mixed in, but it's like the Acacias have crowded them out . Maybe I'm unlucky but I'm starting to wonder if there's a bug in the decorator. I looked at the source and tried to wrap my head around how TFC generates trees, but I'm a little out of my depth so I have no idea if it's intentional that acacia trees grow everywhere that they possibly can.
  11. Probably not healthy. Last I checked, silicates were not one of the minerals listed on my multivitamins.
  12. Is there any way to deactivate cooking debuff

    Debuff? What debuff? Maybe you can add a little more detail about why you don't like it, and the devs can take that into consideration. As for reverting it... that's probably not going to happen. You can always play b78 if you actually preferred Cooking with RNGesus. Also, this is not a bug, Support is not the right subforum for this.
  13. 1.7.10 mods with TFCb79

    I'm a big fan of Smart Moving with TFC. Scaling mountains in TFC can be a bit of a challenge because of falling blocks, and SM adds high-jumping and ledge-grabbing mechanics that help immensely without feeling unfair. SM also adds swimming, which makes early-game pre-boat movement a lot more tolerable without making boats obsolete. I usually play around with the configs to get something that "feels" right to me, but the defaults aren't bad. I just installed Smart Moving 15.2 for forge 1.7.10 and it seems to be working just fine with b79.
  14. [79.3] Support beams are utterly useless

    If a falling block smashes directly through a H-support block, the H-support will drop as an item, but it isn't the "generic" support item, lacks a localized name, and appears as Oak when placed.
  15. [79.3] Support beams are utterly useless

    I can build a support beam frame and place dirt on the side of the frame and it will stay up. If you do that on both sides of the frame, you can then build on top of the frame without anything falling off and it keeps the frame intact.
  16. [TFC 0.79.23+] TerraFirmaCraft NEI plugin

    This is only tangentially related to your plugin, but does anyone know how to adjust NEI so that TFC's inventory tabs have a little breathing room? I seem to remember Thermal Expansion's machine config tabs could magically move NEI icons out of the way, I wonder if that functionality can be easily replicated for TFC.
  17. Version #: (Single/MultiPlayer): SSPSuggested Name: Untextured block where lava meets seagrass.Suggested Category: MinorDescription: A lava fissure generated next to the ocean, generating obsidian where the lava touched the water. I noticed the purple & black "missing texture" pattern below some seaweed, so I installed WAILA so I could identify it. I tried breaking the seaweed so I could get my cursor over the mysterious block, but the block disappeared. I found some more, and tried breaking an adjacent block instead, and WAILA identified the block as Seagrass. Picture here. (Gave myself nightvision potion for visibility). I looked at some "normal" seaweed and noticed that WAILA identifies the block below the visible seaweed as Seagrass too, so I'm guessing there's some special rendering going on here and that Seagrass is technically two blocks tall, and doesn't like having it's bottom block replaced with obsidian.Have you deleted your config files and are still able to reproduce this bug?: YesDo you have any mods other than Forge and TFC installed?: Yes, NEI, WAILA, Journeymap, Fastcraft.
  18. Everyone do you part to bug test the new build!

    I'm trying out the new cave supports. When they work... it's great. However I keep having issues where digging or placing a block next to a H support will pop the support. I'd be okay if this was because I dug the V supports, or the blocks above the support, but this seems pretty excessive. It makes it pretty irritating to do any digging nearby supports which is... kinda the point. Edit: forgot to mention, digging out a V-support will pop the entire column, but digging underneath the V support only breaks the bottom support, the rest stay up. Edit 2: Bioxx's latest commits look like fixes for this, so I guess it was unintentional.
  19. Everyone do you part to bug test the new build!

    I agree, the equatorial "plains" are absolutely covered in Acacia trees, with the occasional jungle. The acacia forests look really nice because the leaves form a pretty solid canopy, and the jungles look much better now with vines and shrubs. It's just a shame there's practically zero places with open sky, there are mobs everywhere!
  20. Don't Cut the Rot

    That's really interesting. I guess I ought to start playing with longer year lengths.
  21. Don't Cut the Rot

    Yes, I realize multiplayer balance takes priority, but I still think food is too abundant. Bioxx has put tons of work into the new cooking mechanics, which sound awesome btw, but the reward for creating a perfect meal is Satisfaction. As far as I can tell, satisfaction effectively makes food filling and little else (no status effects etc). If food isn't scarce, that's not much of a reward. Now that starving results in faster nutrition drain, I feel like staying fed and keeping a decent health value are one-and-the-same. Furthermore, not having enough food to go around doesn't mean instant death. Players can starve a little bit now and then and still survive till the crops grow. A lack of food means that every player in the village (ie on the server) will have less health, which will drive players to do A) more exploration for crops, or B.) improving their cooking skills to improve how filling each meal is. I really think it's better to err on the side of scarcity. I don't mean to derail this thread so much. If anything, the message I want to convey is that decay should be "buffed" a lot so that starvation can be a frequent problem now that it's nonlethal.
  22. Don't Cut the Rot

    Brass has a good point.Food is pretty darn abundant in TFC, and will be even more abundant with the fixes to lillypad generation. The decay mechanic could help remove some of that abundance, but so long as you're willing to put in the "tedium" of trimming decay once a day or so, the decay takes a very long time to destroy the food. With the new trimming/stacking hotkeys, it's easier than ever to keep food "fresh". Staying fed in TFC is not at all difficult, even in the cold polar latitudes. Starving doesn't even kill you anymore, at least not very quickly. It's arguably less challenging than vanilla. Does that really fit with TFC's theme of "Survival mode the way it should have been?" Food yields could be given a balance pass, even if it means sacrificing some realism for the sake of gameplay. Yes, real life cows and pigs weigh a lot,.. but in TFC a single cow can feed a player for multiple years. Some crops (carrots, for example) yield significantly more food than others, maybe there could be some attention there. I don't want to suggest removing the decay mechanic entirely, because it is a good idea and creates gameplay decisions, but I think it needs to be reinforced. Perhaps cutting decay should always incur a 1oz or 2oz loss in addition to the decay. Or maybe the total age of the food can be tracked to increase decay rates as the food gets older and older, but that would be a nightmare to implement.
  23. Realistic Mining and Metal Extraction

    I think you mean fusion. Fission products tend to be asymmetrical fractions of the fissioning nucleus, most frequently with a mass number of ~95 or ~135. See here. The fusion reactions that occur in our sun combine lighter elements into heavier elements. This is called Stellar Nucleosynthesis. This process reaches a quasi-equilibrium point when nuclei are about as heavy as Iron, which is what I think you're referring to. However, this is not necessarily the most common product. Carbon, Nitrogen, and Oxygen are also created by nucleosynthesis, and are more abundant in our universe than Iron. Also, Iron is not the upper limit of what can be produced by fusion, if that fusion occurs at energies much higher than in stellar nucleosynthesis where the S-process is more dominant, or in explosive situations like supernovae. disclaimer: I'm not a physicist, I'm just interested in nuclear science.
  24. [x32][0.78][0.79.17 83%] SummerFields

    The pack looks pretty nice so far! As for feedback: I'm not a fan of the basic armors. The leather armor looks like fur, which doesn't really make sense in TFC. Copper and bronze armor looks a little too protective and vibrant, considering that they are early-game items. While I don't mind the look of wrought iron armor and better, I wish they were more distinct from one another, rather than just re-colors. Water is just a little too transparent for my tastes, and I think the gravel texture is very prone to moire-patterns without anisotropic filtering, which is a bit distracting.
  25. Let's See Some Builds

    Impressive! I like the detail in the front windows