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Posts posted by Jed1314

  1. -snip-

    I couldn't agree more. Ever since I let go of my "hoarding" tendencies, I have actually noticed the game has gotten easier and more fun :P

    Instead of tying myself to a base with huge storage and taking everything "just in case", I now use my minimap, keep only what I need, and mine only the ore I need from the veins I find. It's great :D I think the idea is Survive THEN Thrive. If you have to deal with limited storage resources, it stops you from stockpiling everything you will ever need, sometimes, you need to go get it ;)


  2. Ok, I was playing a new map last night. I will describe how I went about finding the sphalerite that I found. After gathering my sticks and rocks for my first tools, I set off in a random direction from the spawn.

    I walked for about 1200 blocks, checking the type of all of the upper rock layers as I went, marking them all with waypoints using rei's (I also marked other useful resources, such as hickory wood etc.)

    Every time I found a potential rock biome, I would basically run around, picking random blocks (I ususaly choose the bottom corner parts of mountains + hills as that allows the propick to scan quite a lot of earth.

    Eventually, (at the 1200 block mark) I got a "traces of saltpeter", I then checked around it and found "medium amounts of sphalerite".

    Using the block I checked as a centre point, I dug a 25x25 grid, and checked all four corners. I got a "large amounts of sphalerite" in the front left quarter. This tells me that the ore vein tends towards the front left quarter of the area I scanned. (all other directions showed "medium spahlerite" or less)

    With this information, I excavated an open area about 15x15, around the area of the front left quarter. I use a semi open cast mining system, where I excavate the whole floor plan of the area I have cleared, so I started doing that and soon enough found sphalerite.


  3. I've never actually seen Mount & Blade, but I just looked it up though, and it seems like a Dynasty Warriors kind of game. I'm not seeing how that works in a engine with a pace like Minecraft's. I guess allowing a mob to hold on to their attack after the startup until you're actually in-range for it would be alright. Logically that would make them harder to manage, even if it makes them more predictable. I don't know.

    I was actually thinking of King's Field and Eternal Ring, and why combat occasionally feels so slow when I play them. :U

    I wouldn't say M+B was dynasty warriors esque ? It's played on the pc and I would say the pace is slower than minecraft is right now when playing. Kings Field and Eternal ring actually look like they have similar combat styles, albeit slowed down. I like the idea for sure, but it would need to be a bit faster paced than that for PvP, otherwise it is too easy to dodge attacks and player combat may turn into some kind of twisted, violent square dance :P :P

  4. Yeah, I'm not keen on the numbers I used either. It feels to me like I'd need to see it in motion to get a better sense of just how long 'a couple of seconds' is when you're actually playing. I don't see how it would make combat feel turn based at all though. Please elaborate.

    When you make the decision to turn and face an enemy as opposed to sprinting away. You'll most likely want to hover close, baiting an attack while being mindful of the enemy's range. Once you're sure you're safe, you would initiate an attack yourself. You can also try making the first attack yourself if you notice the mob is initiating an attack with a longer startup. Repeatedly attacking would most likely result in being countered. (Being attacked during startup could result in critical damage?) Throw in multiple mobs and the whole thing becomes much more frantic as you try an micromanage spacing, watching for different attacks, and dealing damage.

    Pseudorandom timings are definitely a neat idea. They'd keep people on their toes. Just as long as certain attacks are consistently longer than others. Make things too random and actual combat experience will amount to nothing.

    I was mostly trying to fall on fighting game logic. Not so much RPG logic. :U

    Could I recommend a possible inspiration for the type of combat you *may* be talking about. I was thinking a Mount + Blade style of combat, where the opponent "winds up" the attack and can release it at will, thus giving some skill to blocking. I actually modelled a lot of my ideas loosely around M+B's combat system :)

  5. I'd love to ambush a donkey caravan going through a mountain valley accompanied by a few archers. +1

    I was thinking, if we added advanced range, could it be possible to add hitboxes. I'd like to shoot someone in the face with a crossbow and have it mean something.

    A man after my own heart I see ;)

    I'm all for hitboxes, I don't know if anyone who programs is though :P


  6. TFC isn't one of those mods where you pick a class, rather you wear armor and choose weapons and you become that without actually choosing it.

    That is what he is saying, they are the "unspoken" classes of equipment choice :P

  7. Enchating? What? Someone finally is talking about it again? My thoughts on XP, it is terrible because its XP and since you can only get it from combat however if we were to rename to energy or spirit or something that doesn't go against the entire name of the game that would be great. This system is great for forcing people to do stuff though, if you receive a reward for achievements everyone will do the achievements, this encourages people to do more things and gives people a push in the right direction rather than all this what should i do now talk. Its a decent system really they just executed it poorly.

    Haha :P I am too scared to even touch enchanting, the community is very demanding, in that any suggestion must be "believable" yet also still "magical". I think it's because half of the players on this mod (I think) were happy to see it go as they are in the "non-fantasy" camp :L

    I never really felt the need to go after the achievements :P But then, I play this game because it is ultra sandbox, so I don't have to do what anyone tells me in game, I can run around and build my castle and hunt monsters etc. :P


  8. the community favorites idea is a very good idea and we should really try to get Bioxx to add the suggestions directory to the stickied section

    I think that everyone agrees about the sticky situation :P

    Thats the problem with a community that is small enough to moderate itself largely,

    When we need the mods to do something, it takes them a while to see it :P


  9. Why is this? Is this an intentional design of the mod? If so, it honestly makes mining that much more tedious, almost more then it's worth. Take where I'm at right now, I've dug through this layer of granite, going in one direction for 12 blocks, then pinging the last block to no avail. Been doing this for 5 stone picks and about an hour, absolutely nothing... Now I gotta go back and check ALL the walls of ALL the tunnles that I've dug through to see if, in fact, I missed something, which will take more time and effort, all because each block registers as something different. That will be at LEAST twice the amount of propicks as I used picks, just to check each and every block, because who knos, maybe I'm just THAT unlucky (alright, I know I don't have to check EVERY block of EVERY wall, but the notion is still there).

    I believe it is intentional, and is a feature intended to prevent the pick from being too powerful. It's only meant to help guide you towards the general direction of ore, not hold your hand and lead you to it :P

    You don't have to check all the walls, just check a couple of blocks within the area you are checking and you should be fine. If it continuously turns up negative results, move elsewhere.

    Speaking OF depth of mining, at which depth is it BEST to start mining? I would like to say it's easiest at the top-most level (you can just tell what rock is right below you by the rocks that are on top), but if the net gain is exponentially higher at the second or third rock layer, then that just ADDS to the tedium (as much sense as it may make...). That means that one has to find a rock layer that ISN'T the one he wants, dig down a good portion until he hits the second rock layer, and HOPE that it's one of the rock layers he/she's looking for. THEN has to make shaft upon shaft upon shaft, looking for the ore he's looking for, checking all the walls, floors, and ceilings with the propick, just to find a good deposite of the ore he's looking for...This could take anywhere from a couple of hours, to almost eight, if not more (if you're unlucky enough), and if you DON'T feel like going through all that tedium, you're stuck in the stone age, and you don't even get into the good, savory, meaty bits of this mod.

    My understanding is that ore at higher levels is more likely to be smaller, more regular clumps of low level ore, while lower down there are large groups of more advanced ores, very spaced out.

    You must have patience :P Sometimes you don't manage to find ore on your first "session" of playing, it might take a couple of days of your usual "minecraft time" to leave the stone age.

    If it really isn't working for you, try a different world. Some of them are just better than others :)

    I am aware this may all seem tedious, but it is worth the feeling of achievement you get, knowing your tin chisel was well earned ;)


  10. There are plans to make feed bins and stuff so we don't have to sign in every two hours, right?


    .............. Right ?

    I didn't even think of that till you pointed that out :S


  11. This is my favourite of your three overhaul topics. :U

    Thanks :) It's mine too :P

    Also as much as I like composite bows, wouldn't it be a lot easier to carve a self bow from a log. ...This video isn't of the greatest quality,

    . It's actually part of a series of three videos if you're interested.
    I'll give those a watch later :D I have a passing interest in bowyery :P

    As far as the carving a self bow goes, I had very similar thoughts myself. Ultimately I opted for the compound bow to give the game a bit more of a sense of historic progression. I.e. You have to hunt with the javelin to get the sinew and horn, like the first prehistoric men did with spears, before the invention of amazing (at the time) devices like the atlatl and bow :) This funny notion is really the only reason I chose the composite bow as my weapon of choice (despite the humidity issues which do not face self bow users). Another reason is to make the bow as hard to get as the other ranged weapons in the same tier (aka the Pilum :))

    Also, with mobs being as...dumb as they currently are, there's not much of a reason to make combat very deep. Actually, no. That's not quite right. I'd go as far as saying most first-person melee combat is functionally limited to this mashing kind of gameplay. Adding different damage types, weaknesses, and resistances is just a way to dress things up. In order to add a more strategic element, you don't need to add a wall of math and damage calculation. You need to slow things down and add deeper mechanics.

    For example, all attacks, from players and mobs alike, could take a second or two to draw, cutting movement down to sneaking speed. After the draw the attacker would actually preform their attack. Different attacks would have different draw periods.

    Mobs and weapons should also have two or more attacks (or functions), and each attack should have a tell.

    Spiders could be given an easily-avoidable, debilitating, web-shot, indicated by some mouth-foaming during their draw. Zombies could be given a damage-dealing grab, indicated by having their arms up. (And a lunge, considering they don't really have an attack to begin with.) Swords can block, making them a balanced option, while maces could be given a forward step attack, and an in-place attack, or whatever. Adding options deepens things a lot more than math does.

    Sadly, what you have said is true :P My understanding of minecraft is that it is very difficult to introduce features such as that. If it wasn't/isn't you just earned the right to claim my firstborn son, because that just sounds great :D The aim with adding the two different weapon "types" (anti armor and bleed) was to at least introduce a twisted kind of "rock, paper, scissors" strategy, where you could actually lose in PvP if you didn't stop and think for a second :P

    Also, I'm happy you like the Pilum. I was going to put a sling in instead of it at first, but I'm glad I didn't :)


  12. The best place to look is the rock layer in which the ore you are looking for spawns. Check the wiki for that information. The propick can give you a "nothing of interest" even when there is something of interest, so try it a couple of times to be sure.

    The pick can be used on any block to detect ore in a 25 x 25 x 9 (I think) block radius, centred around the block you clicked on. It does not matter what direction you are facing. This translates to the radius extending 4 below and 4 above the block, 12 to every side. If you were to excavate around the block you would have a 25x25x9 cuboid with the block you clicked at the centre.

    I would still recommend looking for ores in caves, and using the propick there, as they are effectively "pre dug" mineshafts, saving you from wasting much stone and time digging your own mineshafts.

    I hope this answers some of your questions :)


  13. I'm seeing the Black Dahlia Murder next month :)

    They're a cracking live band :P

    I actually gave my Mastodon ticket away to my mate, as I couldn't go last time they came :( .. Apparently they were amazing too >.<


  14. I spent a lot of time today looking through the suggestions thread, right back from the beginning of the forum up until now. I noticed while looking through that many idea's have come up repeatedly, suggested by many people and well supported, but they slowly move down the thread as other suggestions are put forward (ironically, often suggestions which feature many of the aspects of old suggestions).

    Lumireaver has gone some way to alleviate the problem by creating the "Suggestion Thread Directory".

    I propose a second, slightly more involved step to help prevent needless repetition. Does anyone else think that there should be a kind of "community favourites" shortlist, in the directory, where the forum votes on the best suggestions to give them prominent placement at the top of the directory. This way, Bioxx can easily see what we are interested in and popular suggestions do not need to be bumped unneccessarily, so that people can still see them, or worse, not get bumped and disappear.

    I know this is technically a suggestion (ironically) but I posted it in discussion, as I feel it is a question to the community, more than an idea :)


  15. What about some Kreator for when you find a massive room crawling with creepers in that deep-ass cave you were exploring?

    It goes nicely with the adrenaline pumping. ;)

    I've never listened much to Kreator, and I actually missed them when they played at bloodstock last year :P

    If we're talking about pumping adrenal glands, I feel compelled to mention Dying Fetus :P

    I've seen them three times. It's crazed. Absolutely crazed.


  16. This is awesome man !

    Totally where I hoped that the suggestions would go, where players would find the optimum builds etc. :)

    I totally never thought of the "mage" concept :P

    I don't think I even mentioned potions in my overhaul because I never use them :P

    Well done man :) Linked in the OP of the overhauls now :)


  17. I would still like to see a full re-right of the fighting system. It was never well done in minecraft as it was made for MINING and CRAFTING and then it changed to be more like other games and the combat was never changed (I've been playing since BEFORE the nether).

    I too have been playing for a long time (I first played indev, but only started regularly in alpha), and share your sentiment. Many of the features in minecraft feel like they have been shoehorned in to a game that didn't want them, as a token gesture to fans who did. I hope to change that :)

    But sometimes we have to take baby steps :P

    My last draft of this overhaul was WAAAYYY to big a step, so I toned it down :)


  18. doesnt mean I can't like the idea :P

    That might be true, but this forum isn't called wishful thinking ;):P

    If Bioxx doesn't want any them, I respect him for sticking to his guns :P (God that wasn't even funny)

    But continuing discussion about them in the "Suggested Features" section of the mod makes no sense :P
